I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1602: Sneak into the other side

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Anlin and Xu Xiaolan hit it off and decided to start with the nine ghost kings and the **** bats.

This time, the action is to be quick and accurate, not suitable for large-scale combat.

Xiao Tu and Xiao Ze are the main force of the Kyushu East Line. They must also guard the East Line and stand by at any time, so they cannot leave for the time being. As for Phoenix Xiaohuang, it has to replace Xu Xiaolan's position to guard the North Line.

The defense of the Northern Line is still too weak compared to other fronts. Even if the female emperor of the Snow Maiden and the high priest and other top fighters join, but there are fewer Xu Xiaolan and Phoenix, there are still some shortcomings, so in the meantime, let Xiao Huang first Keep the North Line.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan simply discussed, and decided to take a small force that is hard to compete with the United States, and the three people joined forces. Is it still not convinced of the super power of an early stage?

They have been recuperating for three days. After the injuries and physical strength have basically recovered, they will once again enter the other side!

The other side of the world is the world of the undead, the paradise of the dead.

It is located in the northwest of the Kyushu border, and its area is extremely large, comparable to Kyushu.

Because of the special law of heaven and earth, that place is an eternal night, and the yin is extremely rich, and it is the best place to cultivate ghosts. Because of this, there are many evils there.

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, Yan Na, all the way through the space.

"The road is super power, because the road and the world resonate, once they are close to each other, there will be some sense, so Xiaolan I have to teach you a special covert technique that will make your breath hidden!" An Lin laughed. .

Xu Xiaolan was shocked: "Is there such a technique?"

"Of course, when the detachment is in action, do you think that Chen Chen will not be discovered by the rest of the power? Even the authority **** can not find it, it is by that technique..." Anlin fingertips flashing white I nodded to Xu Xiaolan’s eyebrows. "Don’t refuse, I will teach you the truth. This technique is very good..."

Xu Xiaolan closed his eyes and felt the true meaning of the majesty. After a while, he opened his eyes and opened a bright color.

"Good and exquisite technique! It is a different way, and it has become a system!" Xu Xiaolan exclaimed, "The illusion of illusion, the hidden atmosphere, and even the ability to escape the exploration of heaven..."

Anlin smiled and nodded: "When I was looking for an exit in the river of time, Chen Chen relied on this technique to avoid the power of the gods of the time... so many problems that could not be solved by the super powers were broken. The gang helped solve it. I have to say that there are really two things in the sky."

"It’s just two things..." Xu Xiaolan rolled his eyes at An Lin. "And, don't talk to me in the old age."

An Linhaha smiled and felt that it was quite interesting to set up an old qualification in front of Xiaolan.

"Wow... can you isolate the power of the Tao? I have to learn, I have to learn!" Yannabi was bright and excited, and Anlin’s hair was excited.

An Lin is a little surprised. This kind of technique is the elf of the highest gods. It can create countless anti-day techniques, and is also interested in the technique of breaking the sky.

However, since it is the request of Dina, he naturally will not refuse, immediately with a thick finger, poked the head of the elf on the shoulder, and passed the true meaning of the law to Dina.

Dina feels the illusion of illusion, and she is different.

"Oh oh oh... It turned out to be such a thing. It’s really easy to hide. If it’s the consciousness of the sky, it’s not deliberate to perceive it, but it’s really impossible to find it...” The elf’s eyes are flashing, and suddenly there are countless The law appeared and disappeared, and it returned to its original state after a while.

"Well, the crack is finished. Now the creatures in the mirror world can't lie to me in a similar way!" Luna took a shot and smiled. "Get it!"

An Lin: "..."

Xu Xiaolan: "..."

Have you been so active in learning this technique to solve it? !

Dina’s arrogance once again refreshed Anlin’s perception of her.

"Xiao Na, your mirror world, how is it now?" An Lin couldn't help but ask again.

"It's still the same," Srina sighed softly. "Although there are more than twenty particularly powerful creatures who have already realized the power of Shinto, they want to get together, but they always feel something missing..."

Anlin suddenly realized that this proves that the world of mirrors is facing some kind of bottleneck as before.

Breaking through this bottleneck, I am afraid that it is not only the accumulation but also the opportunity and opportunity.

The last time it was the completion of the heart of the world, let the world of mirrors go to the next level. Now that the world of mirrors has evolved, what needs something?

At this point, Anlin couldn’t think of it, and she couldn’t think of it as a goddess of creation.

They also had to take a step by step.

It didn't take long for the three to come to the edge of the other side.

An Lin, Yan Na, Xu Xiaolan, all tearing the space, appeared in this world.

There are special rules in heaven and earth. Here, space cannot be crossed.

Anlin and others switched to the flight mode and went deep into the interior of the other shore.

Xu Xiaolan is a super-powerful comrade, and began to use the virtual illusionary technique ~www.readwn.com~ to conceal his own breath, this with Anlin, sit on the black brick, all the way forward.

The sky became dark and dark, and the wind blew in and out, making people chill.

The earth is not ridiculous, with a variety of glowing plants, mostly red and purple, colorful and colorful, with a deadly beauty.

Xu Xiaolan said: "The nine ghost kings in the northern part of the other side of the sky city, dominate the hundreds of thousands of undead ghosts in the northern part of the shore, is a well-deserved ghost king. It is famous, famous earthquake, the ordinary creatures are talking about The color changes, the child screams and cries..."

"Oh, don't set up a terrorist for the enemy, just a super power at the beginning of the road..." An Lin said.

Xu Xiaolan looked at Anlin with some speechlessly: "Don't underestimate the existence of each one that has already been combined. They are all talented and talented people recognized by Heaven and Earth Avenue. The potential is unlimited. The killer is not simple, at least for them. The leapfrog challenge is also possible."

Anlin naturally does not really despise any enemy. After all, many of the enemies who died in his hands died because he despised him. Such an example is here, and he naturally does not make the same mistake.

Then, Xu Xiaolan continued to brag for the nine ghost kings.

What is the first place in the world, even if the heavenly emperor faces it, he is jealous...

It is estimated that I want to let Anlin treat this uncompromisingly.

An Lin heard the care of the tone, could not help but smile, listen carefully.

The three kept going deep into the other side of the shore.

They are highly advanced and have nothing at all to block their footsteps.

In this way, they flew millions of miles.

In a very strange place, stopped.

There, the ground is full of colorful flowers, shaking the devilish body.

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