I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1605: Unbearable love history

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The supreme **** of the ghosts on the other side of the bank, the old man of the candle yin, has fallen out of love? !

Pooh! This is not the point. The point is, is he actually falling out of love because of his love?

Whether it is Anlin, Xu Xiaolan, or Dina, they feel a sense of absurdity.

They looked at the purple robe man in a foolish way, not knowing what to say.

Ding Xiaoru did not seem to be surprised by their reaction. In fact, many of the big brothers heard this news, all of them were expressions, and some even shocked and shattered a mountain.

The purple robe man sighed softly, and he said helplessly: "I don't want to say anything about this shameful thing..."

An Lin’s face is puzzled: “You are a **** of creation, how can you say that you will fall into the world when you fall, and you will lose love? This is too much fun, it’s impossible...”

Ding Xiaoru shook his head and sighed like a deep sorrowful woman: "If you know my emotional journey, you won't think so."

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, and Yan Na, at the same time, gathered their eyes on Ding Xiaoru’s body, as if to say: "Da, please start the speech."

Ding Xiaoru's eyes are faint, and he whispers softly: "I am the master of the extremely dark land. It can be ever-changing, and there are countless variations, human face snakes, human face dragons, and smoldering ghosts... These are just the most I show to the world. Common form, but not my favorite form..."

An Lin looked at the ordinary face, but with a man of untold temperament, guessed: "What is your favorite form is human form? You fell in love with a human woman?"

Ding Xiaoru nodded and shook his head: "I like human figures, but I don't love human women, but a female ghost."

An Lin: "..."

Ghosts and high gods and female ghosts fall in love, nothing wrong!

"That is a dark night with a black wind..." Ding Xiaoru recalled the past, painful, and happy, and slowly told the story: "So, this is the way!"

An Lin and Xu Xiaolan heard red eyes.

Dina is even crying: "It’s so touching!"

"I thought I wouldn't fall in love with a ghost. I am the supreme **** of the ghost family. The horizon is completely different from the spirit of the common customs, but she is so special. I can't help myself because I can't help myself..."

"Li Yiyin has cultivated into a ghost fairy. Shouyuan has a million years and appears in front of me in the form of human form. I naturally become an adult and stand with her."

Ding Xiaoru continued: "You can't imagine how deep I love her. I am the creation of the world, the world of Huangquan glass is the world I created, and my world is all built for her!"

"A grass and a tree, mountains and rivers, thousands of creatures, all built with her thoughts and her hobbies, have her shadow. This is my world, but also her world..."

"I thought that I and she would continue to love it so much..."

The purple robe man said, his face began to appear painful.

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, and Luna are a little uplifting, and the heart finally says the point!

"That was still a black night of high winds..." Ding Xiaoru continued to complain.

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped, and there was no sun at all in the other side. It was always black and windy. Why should I use this adjective, is it romantic, ah?

Although he is awkward, he still listens to his patience.

"I and Yi Yin are wandering around in this sea of ​​flowers... Suddenly there is a woman wearing colorful clothes falling from the sky, scented and radiant."

"I have to admit that she is very beautiful. No matter what race or angle, she is beautiful like a kind of art that is not like the most common in heaven. The soul has a certain degree to appreciate this aspect. Common……"

"Perhaps because I have been humanized for too long, and I have a feeling of heart for her. Of course, this feeling is from the perspective of appreciation of beauty, just like seeing a very beautiful painting. Emotion has nothing to do." Ding Xiaoru explained.

"And then? It won't be your empathy, right?" Anlin asked.

Said, his heart has already filled the man's mind because of the peer's peerless appearance and moved to love, which broke the woman's heart, and finally found that the true love is the original woman, and then until the loss is regretted The plot.

Ding Xiaoru became even more embarrassed: "My heart is moving, but I did not expect that her heart is more thorough, and she is more indulged than me! If I am visually addicted, she is full of heart and is conquered by that woman. It!"

An Lin: "???"

Xu Xiaolan and Yan Na: "..."

What is this stuff? Is there something wrong with the plot?

Ding Xiaoru clasped his hands and seemed to have grievances and helplessness. He said: "The woman said that she came to the other side to experience the world, and came to the other side to understand the laws of heaven and earth. Then I didn't have much wariness. When the visitors were guests, they gave her a few. day."

"In order to avoid suspicion, I also try to avoid too much contact with her, so in the past few days, Yi Yin was getting along with her. The relationship between the two warmed up very quickly. It didn't take long before I became a good sister with nothing to talk about..."

"I didn't think much at the time. I just thought that Yi Yin found a good friend and was still happy for her."

"Until one day, until one day..."

The supreme **** of the ghost family, trembled, as if recalling what nightmare ~ www.readwn.com ~ An Lin, Xu Xiaolan and Yan Na, all raised their minds, apparently followed by tension.

"That is another night with a black wind..."

"I went out to hunt a rare soul beast, come back early, then see, then see... Yi Yin and her, kiss in the thousands of flowers..."

"I was stunned at the time, my brain was blank!"

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan and Dina also listened, and the brain followed a blank.

Green! The candle ancestors are green! Still being green by a woman! !

In the hearts of everyone, the waves of turmoil and waves were thought to have been heard. It was enough to hear the loss of love and the loss of the old ancestors of the candle yin. I didn’t expect to hear the story of the candle ancestor being green. It was so shocking!

Ding Xiaoru grabbed his face with both hands and showed the painful color: "I rushed to Yi Yin with madness and questioned what they were doing. I really couldn't accept it, and I couldn't believe it. Yi Yin would be such a ghost!"

"But Yi Yin told me very calmly that this is her choice. Every soul should face the true feeling of the heart. She said that she fell in love with the woman, and that love can't extricate herself, and then continue to deceive me. Is not respecting me, then I always apologize to me..."

"The other woman, on the other hand, said that the opposite **** is completely influenced by the genes of reproduction, and only the same **** is the purest love."

"Ah... the pure love of the devil, I really wanted to rush to tear her up!!"

Both Anlin and Xu Xiaolan were shocked. The woman was really fierce!

"Try to ask the seniors, who is that woman?" Anlin was very curious.

Ding Xiaoru said with anger: "She is the Lord of the Moon Palace, hehe!"

Xu Xiaolan and Yana looked shocked.

An Lin suddenly realized.

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