I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

: The 1606 restoration method

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The Lord of the Palace of the Moon, the first beauty of the Kyushu world, actually gave the ghost to the high god!

This news really made Anlin and others fall into deep shock.

Anlin’s shock was a lot less. After all, she was psychologically prepared.

I used to have that tendency. The value and charm are invincible. Plus, she has a special favor for girls. It is easy to bend some innocent girls who are not in the world.

This is what Anlin knows, but Xu Xiaolan and Dina don't know. They feel that the image of the fairy has been subverted. Zhang has a big mouth and doesn't know what to say.

At this time, Ding Xiaoru was exposed to the color of collapse: "I wanted to kill on the spot, but I Yin was desperate to fight, I have no way..."

"At that time, I suddenly realized that Yi Yin really moved to love, she fell in love with her, and she really fell in love with her. Once thought that the love of the sea and the stone, collapsed like this, broken into The **** of a place..."

The supreme **** of the ghost family looked up in pain in such a painful way, and there was tears in his eyes: "You must know that I loved her very much at the beginning, and even the world created by the power of the world created her. Everything is depicted, everything in that world has her shadow..."

"So, when I lost her, the world I created also collapsed. It was the end of the world, the end that I could not stop... The material became nothing, the heart of the world turned into pieces, everything Everything is beginning to pass..."

"The destruction of the world, as the **** of creation, I also suffered the most devastating reversal in history. Coupled with the unstable state of mind at that time, I naturally fell into the country, from the world of creation to the peak of the road..."

The old man of the candle yelled, not only shed tears again.

Anlin didn't think of this almost invincible existence, but he still had such troubles and frustrations.

Should this be the most earth-shattering love that he has ever heard? Because of the lovelessness of the candle, it is terrible that a whole world is destroyed and buried.

Dina fiber pointed to the pointed chin and muttered: "Although it is ridiculous, but after listening to it, it feels very reasonable. It was originally in the world created by the creation god. Li Yiyin It is a day of candle yin. In the world of yellow spring glaze, everything created by the candle yin is related to Li Yiyin. So Li Yiyin didn’t want him, and his heaven and earth collapsed..."

“This is a chain reaction caused by a correlation break in the dark, and this chain reaction is likely to have devastating consequences.”

The elves are bright and bright.

She obviously took the candlestick as a negative textbook to learn the lesson.

Ding Xiaoru obviously noticed this, and could not help but be more heart-wrenching.

His candle ancestors traversed the mainland, proud of the world, why have encountered this situation, even as a negative textbook for a younger generation!

However, he was deeply involved in the loss of love, and he did not want to care about such things, but continued: "I thought that when I got out of this lovelorn, I would be able to re-enter the realm and return to the world."

"But after that incident, hundreds of years have passed, I still can't come out, I am already stuck in. Yes, I can't forget her."

"Since I can't give up, maybe it's the opportunity to return to the world with her, and this is my real wish..."

"But I tried a lot of ways, I can't let Yi Yin fall in love with me again. She found the inner thoughts and orientation. She loves women!"

Ding Xiaoru turned his eyes to Anlin and others. His face was full of pain and struggle. His eyes were pleading and expecting: "You said, what should I do?"

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, and Yan Na probably understand.

Ding Xiaoru, this is to ask Anlin to re-enter Li Yiyin! !

No wonder it is possible to use a sacred flower that is going to be a good way to trade as a trading condition. As long as it can help him return to the world of creation, it is indeed worthwhile to pay this price.

"Of course, under the premise of not forcing her, not hurting her, how can she let her fall in love with me again, or say, re-interest in men." Ding Xiaoru has confidence, as long as Yi Yin is interested in men, then love It must be him.

The mistake was that Li Yiyin was bent by the invincible Yan, and now she is still looking at the moon in the sky, quietly cheering for the battle of the road.

It can be said that it is very thorough.

"Yes, I picked up this task!" An Lin swears his chest and swears.

Xu Xiaolan and Dina are also fighting spirits and eager to try.

When Ding Xiaoru saw that Anlin had promised to be refreshed, he could not help but reveal a sense of expectation: "So, Yi Yin would like to ask you. If you encounter any problems in the process of implementing the plan, I will try my best to help."

He still has trust and expectation for Anlin.

Anlin can often turn the impossible into a possible ~www.readwn.com~ also understand the operation of various anti-routing, then he may really be able to straighten the woman who is very thorough.

Anlin said: "I need you to take us to her, as a friend."

Ding Xiaoru nodded: "You come with me."

A large piece of flower that releases white light.

The heavens and the earth are dark and dark, and only the flowers are like stars, swaying in the wind.

A girl in a colorful dress, sitting on a rock, swaying her white, well-proportioned legs, and looking up at the dark sky, I don't know what to think.

"Yi Yin." Ding Xiaoru snorted.

"I didn't say it? Don't bother me." The girl turned and frowned, looking at Ding Xiaoru, the pupils were as crystal-clear as the glass, and the clouds were shining.

"I am afraid that you are alone here waiting for you to be too boring, bring you a few friends to chat, I believe you will be interested." Ding Xiaoru even smiles softly, facing the black face.

"Ding Xiaoru! Don't always bother me with some messy people! You are like this, I will hide in a place you don't even know!" Li Yiyin looked very annoyed and angered.

Obviously, Ding Xiaoru did not find an emotional teacher to guide the woman.

But the next moment, An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, and Yan Na, have come out from behind Ding Xiaoru, with a friendly and friendly smile on his face.

What Anlin is trying to say.

However, Li Yiyin’s eyes are so big and dazzling that he seems to have seen something that he loves so much.

She rushed to the front of An Lin with a stagger, and grabbed the white and tender hands and grabbed Anlin's hand. She leaned up and excited: "It's you! You are Anlin! You are really Anlin!!"

Excited and happy, don't mention how happy you are.

Ding Xiaoru: "!!!"

Xu Xiaolan: "???"

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