I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1941: Anlin was shocked (uploaded wrong, from above

I may be repairing the fake fairy 1941 author Mingyue on the frost full text number 2,427 words

The light of Suzaku, the sky is dyed colorful. There are thousands of birds worshiping in the Nantian paintings. In addition to the Nantian paintings, hundreds of millions of bird people worship at the same time, and the sound of greetings resounded through the clouds. Suzaku dances on the top of the nine days, and the feathers are like the most beautiful treasures in the world. People can't open their eyes, slender and graceful body, and explain the beauty of the ultimate form to the world. The pair of blue eyes is like the eye of the sky mirror. The peace of mind is as if the mind is baptized. Not to mention the Suzaku family who has the blood of the Suzaku, even the North Star King, who has no blood, and the top of the Whales, are also obsessed and yearning. South of the sky, the beauty of Suzaku, shocking the stars! Whether it is a strong existence or a billions of ordinary creatures, they are inexplicably raised with respect and a longing for the beautiful figure far away from the sky. The entire universe, when only inheriting the Holy Position, will have a vision that affects the entire star field. After the vision, all the creatures may not forget the figure of Suzaku. Fairy star. The place where the vision broke out. Anlin looked at everything in front of him and could not express it in words. So beautiful, beautiful to describe! He looked at the original Suzaku creature who was proud of the land, and his heart was even more mixed. Xu Xiaolan is the second responsible person who killed the Suzaku female emperor. They are actually swearing Xu Xiaolan. Facts have proved that these proud Suzakus, allegiance, are actually the Suzaku Holy Order, not a specific one. They only believe in the instinct of the instinct in the blood, Xu Xiaolan sanctified, let their blood boil, let their blood convinced, then she is their emperor. Even the previous Suzaku sprays are the same. Anlin thinks this may be a good thing. In this way, it means that Xu Xiaolan has conquered the entire Suzaku family without a single stroke. The whole Suzaku family can be used for his Xiaolan! ! Just as the tens of thousands of souls immersed in the vision, the Suzaku, who was soaring in the sky, turned his eyes to the Stupid Whales of the Styx, the King of Heaven and the Holy Eagle of the Earth. For a time, the sacred sacred roads rushed like a tsunami. Let the three creation gods receive extremely terrible pressure. "Suzaku territory does not welcome outsiders, roll!" Suzaku voice clear, the tone is beyond doubt. The three creation gods are very angry. In the vast expanse of the universe, no one has the courage to talk to them. The sacred eagle looked at the Suzaku in the sky, and looked at Anlin, who stood in front of the sword. He gritted his teeth and said: "We have missed the opportunity to start, or retreat!" Then, its eight wings stretched out. Come, violently, the space surging, directly into the space, disappeared. The River Whales and Beichen Tianwang took a look at each other and chose to retreat. Dealing with an Anlin, they all feel very risky, and now there are many new Suzaku, how to fight this battle? Do you really want to bet on your life? This is not worth it at all! ! Two powerful figures also disappeared. The enemy of Anlin was so retired by Suzaku. I have to say that Xiaolan is getting more and more powerful now, and it is getting more and more forced. Before she changed, where did she dare to say "roll" to the creation god? Not long after, the vision on the sky began to dim. The Nantian scroll disappeared. Suzaku also turned into a burning flame, constantly condensing and gathering, condensing into a group of red streamer, releasing light and heat that is more exaggerated than the sun, flying quickly in the center of the broken eggshell. Anlin walked excitedly. Finally I have to change back to Xiaolan! ! He is also worried that Xu Xiaolan wants to keep the appearance of Suzaku. Although Suzaku is very beautiful, he prefers to hug Xiaolan as opposed to riding a Suzaku. Anlin walked to the eggshell and the glare of the light finally disappeared. "Xiaolan, congratulations on your success in inheriting the Holy Position!" Anlin stretched out his arms, smiled and waited for a hug. "Oh wow wow..." "Oh wow wow..." A sound like a silver bell echoed in the ear. Anlin saw the scene in the center of the eggshell, and the smile on his face solidified. "Oh wow wow..." A baby with a pink jade, crying in the center of the eggshell. It has white and tender pink skin, beautiful and some unrealistic facial features, with soft small hair, like white limbs dancing without rules. Like a very old baby girl. An Lin: "..." Little baby girl: "Hey wow..." "No... this is not true..." An Lin kept shaking his head. The little girl danced with both hands: "Hey..." Anlin’s pupil was a little scattered. Why did Xiaolan return to his arms, and the egg hatched, but it was a little doll? This Nima is not comprehending! ! But soon, he felt the breath of Xu Xiaolan from the body of the little girl. That unique atmosphere! ! Anlin twitched and picked up the white and tender female doll~www.readwn.com~ Lips shouted: "Small... Xiaolan? Is it you? Xiaolan?" "Doll wow!" Little baby girl is stunned God's big eyes, pink hands open, patted An Lin's face, and then smirked. An Lin: "..." Tell me, this is not Xiaolan! ! However, the power of the Suzaku in the little girl's body, and the power of the true dragon that is integrated with the body, as well as her faint scent of super-dislocation, the unique taste and the feelings in the dark, tells Ann. Lin, she is Xu Xiaolan! ! Just when Anlin was somewhat broken and confused. The Suzaku family's super powers, as well as the strong parties, do not know when, and gathered behind him, densely stunned, at first glance, there are hundreds of thousands, and each breath is not weak, obviously Suzaku The top of a family. Anlin held Xiaolan and turned around, and then he saw the large-scale Suzaku family in front of him, and they all crouched on the ground. This scene is so spectacular, as if the gorgeous feathers are surging in the ocean. "Congratulations to the Suzaku female emperor inherited the saint!" "Congratulations to the Suzaku female emperor to inherit the Holy Position!" "Suzaku female emperor Shenghui forever, God's life without borders!!" Suzaku high-level, while unanimously congratulated. Xiaolan Lan waved his hands: "Hey wow!!" "I will always be loyal to the Suzaku female emperor!" A long white beard with a long white beard on his back and a mysterious disc engraved on his back, Suzaku trembled and excited. Behind him, a group of suzuki Suzaku followed. "The red priest is right, the Suzaku female is our light!" "It is our only myth!" "We only owe allegiance to the Suzaku female emperor!" Then, there was another burst of excitement and catering. Xiaolan listened to the deafening shouts and was not afraid. Instead, he screamed at the hundreds of thousands of squatting Suzaku, waving his pink arms, and yelling in An Lin’s arms, unconsciously. There is a crystal of saliva flowing down the corners of the mouth.

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