I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1942: I treat you as a Taoist, you actually

I may be repairing the fake fairy 1942 author Ming Yue floor frost full text number 2558 words

An Lin was expressionless, silently helping Xiaolan to wipe the saliva of his mouth. He didn't know why Xu Xiaolan would become like this, and she didn't know if she could change back in the future. What he can do is to accept Xiaolan and love Xiaolan no matter what Xiaolan is like. Thinking about it, Anlin looked at the baby girl in her arms with deep affection. "Wow!" The baby girl’s eyes slid and she stretched out her arms against Anlin. The little body frankly met and showed her chubby body to Anlin... Anlin’s eyes suddenly It is moist. Mommy! Is this forcing me to do metamorphosis? ! Such a small girl, he really can't love it! ! Although she is Xiaolan, she is a one-year-old Xiaolan! ! ! Is this forcing me to change from love to fatherhood? Anlin really wants to vomit blood. The **** fate of this egg hurts. Others are phoenix nirvana rebirth, how come to Xiaolan here, Nirvana rebirth has become Nirvana into a baby? What is this ghost operation? An Lin looked at the countless crouching in front of the ground, shouting the Suzaku who called the Suzaku female emperor, and there was a feeling of a dog in the heart. Do you really mind if the Suzaku female is a human? Moreover, it is not a normal human being, but a stupid baby girl who can't even speak out! ! However, the loyalty of the Suzaku family is more determined than that of Anlin’s imagination. Once they are identified, they will be unswervingly implemented. The most representative is the Suzaku six spray. The singer of the singer is still shouting: "Hey! What a beautiful baby! The pure and innocent body of the Suzaku female emperor, isn't that the embodiment of the pure soul?" The scorpion's yo-yo: "From the most ignorant state Doesn't it mean that it was born from Hongmeng and re-emerged from the beginning of all sources? This is the most noble phenomenon of returning to the ancestors. She is our most distinguished Suzaku female emperor!!” The ice-core finch is chilling and shouting. : "Suzaku female emperor, before you are born, we will certainly protect you, so that you will not be hurt by the slightest!" The South is away from the scream: "The Suzaku female emperor is very weak now, not only a person who cares, but also one The guardian is responsible for the care and endorsement of the Suzaku female adult before the growth. I recommend the Anlin adults, what do you mean?" The magical gold finch face praise and fanaticism: "An Lin adults are good! Anlin adults and Suzaku female emperors The relationship is intimate, and the blood is noble, the strength is extremely strong, and the intelligence is extraordinary, and the three creations are forced to retreat. The Suzaku family is saved in the fire. This kind of candidate is the most suitable, I will seconde!" Essence of the bird waving wings: "I concurred !!" Lam could not help but mouth twitching. Blood is noble? Save the Suzaku family in the water fire? Have you forgotten to keep yelling at me before, saying that my blood is despicable, treacherous, and sinful? Now, what are the antonyms that are very slippery? The red grazing priest shouted: "Follow the proposal of Suzaku's six sons!!" The hundreds of thousands of Suzakus in the back heard the same voice and resounded through the heavens and the earth. "Follow the proposal of Suzaku's six sons!" "Follow the proposal of Suzaku's six sons!" "Zun Anlin is the guardian of Suzaku!!" In this way, Anlin’s identity was successfully whitewashed and became the first guardian of Suzaku’s emperor. The general right of the Suzaku female emperor... This world is a good magic... This is the only thing that Anlin is thinking about at the moment. Anlin had wanted to insist on being a Taoist with Xu Xiaolan. Now, the whole Suzaku family's life has made Anlin the guardian of Xiaolan... "Wow wow..." A crisp, sweet voice came. Then, a pair of pink hands stroking An Lin's face. An Lin looked at the little baby girl in her arms and looked at the pure smile like an angel. The misunderstanding of her heart suddenly threw herself into the clouds. So cute... Xiaolan, one year old, is so cute... Anlin’s heart melted and he laughed. What are you doing? I love Xiaolan in the future and protect Xiaolan! The smiles of both of them are so warm and so warm. The picture of this scene seems to have been fixed. "An..." "An..." A crisp and milky voice came. Anlin was a glimpse, then excitedly looked at Xiaolan in his arms. "Little Xiaolan! I... I am Anlin!" Anlin was so excited that she was too excited. He knew that Xiaolan was trying to call his name. Xu Xiaolan has memories, but her current state is indeed a child. "An...An..." Xiaolan grabbed the collar of Anlin and was still trying to say that the little mouth of the tooth had some air leakage and it seemed milky. Anlin was moved by tears and patiently guided: "An... Lin..." "An..." Xiaolan Lan doubled up and seemed to think of a solution. Zhang Kaixiao tried hard, "An, Ann... Hey!" Bang! ! ! Anlin seems to have been strangled by a thunder and stayed in place. Xiaolan gave him a crit and made him completely doubtful about his life. Father loves the mountain... Anlin feels that he is being crushed by the mountains, and he is almost out of breath~www.readwn.com~ I will treat you as a Taoist. Did you even call me? ! ! Anlin began to doubt life. Xiao Lanlan was lying in Anlin's arms, his head clinging to An Lin's chest, and some stroking in attachment. "An...An..."...Anlin became the first guardian of the Suzaku female emperor, and spread all over the entire Suzaku family. The strong people of the Suzaku family went to the Suzaku Hall and bowed down to the Suzaku female emperor. Well, it’s actually a little girl who is sucking milk. The high priest red fog is a **** mother Suzaku, she recommended herself to the guardian An Lin Mao, said to feed Xiao Xiaolan. When Xu Xiaolan saw the milk on the display, he shouted, and the bright voice expressed the desire to "want to drink." An Lin was inexplicably a daddy, but there was no milk to feed Xiaolan. What can I do? I had to feed the milk of the red priest and the priest... He used the gods to identify the milk, it was safe, very healthy, no Other harmful substances, it is a very pure Suzaku power, which contributes to the development of small dolls. Anlin took the bottle and held Xiaolan. While walking, she stuffed the bottle into Xiaolan's mouth. She didn't know what to do. I still haven’t got Xiaolan, I’m a daddy. Where is this reasonable? ! But this Suzaku Hall is really big. The radius of the hall is the scope of the hall. The floor is the color of the red gold. During the period of the various statues, the purely inflammatory power is released. There are countless mysterious totems on the walls, and the pillars of various fires are entwined with the pillars of the sky. After an hour. Suzaku Hall. An Lin, holding Xu Xiaolan, who sucked his pacifier, sat in the high emperor. In front of him, dozens of suzakus, thousands of scorpions, and crouched on the ground. Ann Lin has no expression, Lang said: "I announced ... the new Suzaku Empire, established!!" "Suzaku female emperor Sheng Hui forever!" "Suzaku family, prosperous and eternal!!" Suzaku strong, all the same channel.

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