I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1943: Above one million people

An Lin felt a lot in his heart.

His most proud Suzaku family is also one of the 10,000 people.

Well, yes, he is under the little blue in his arms, above all the Suzaku.

"The beginning of the new Suzaku empire, the ministers, what has been said quickly." An Lin holding Xiaolan, some impatiently said.

Anlin never imagined that he did not become an emperor in the Terran, but he became an acting emperor in the Suzaku family, but he did not have the slightest excitement and sense of accomplishment.

Talking to a group of birds, what is fun?

And this **** meeting, still have to hold Xiaolan together. A little girl who only **** on her grandmother, she can't say anything. Isn't it strange to hold her painting style? As a result, officials of the Suzaku family said that the Suzaku female emperor must be present, otherwise the DPRK meeting would be incomplete.

Dad daddy listening to politics?

Anlin can still have any way, just listen to the little Lancome milk, while listening to the high-level Suzaku family's high-level there.

“The repair and reconstruction project of Xianquexing is expected to last for 100 years, and the cost will be as high as 3 billion Lingshi. I decided that the cabinet will make the first building of the Suzaku bulk, and Nanmu Quezon is mainly responsible for the implementation. How about?" asked a large-eyed Suzaku on the ground.

Xiaolan blinked and blinked: "Wow?"

An Lin said with no expression: "Accepted."

"Xie Suzaku female sire!!" The big-eyed Suzaku was grateful.

"The Suzaku female emperor is a wise man, but it is a family!"

When it retreated, it did not forget to roar.

One of them was wearing a dark armor, and the mighty Suzaku walked up. His face was respectful: "At the end of the Suzaku territory, the spies who captured the sneak sneak into our planets, a total of 3,629, were captured. How do these spies deal with them?"

Anlin waved his hand: "All sent to mine!"

"Suzaku female emperor's kindness is really a great fortune for me!!" General Suzaku screamed, and this reluctantly retreated.

There was a sudden and unanimous praise from the audience.

"The Suzaku female servant has no love for her, and Shenghui will last forever!"

"The Suzaku female servant has no love for her, and Shenghui will last forever!!"

An Lin: "..."

Your Suzaku female emperor is drinking milk, so shamelessly praised really good?

Soon, another Suzaku with a golden feather came out.

"The dear Suzaku, the prince, your treasure house and the national treasury, have been seriously damaged in the previous battle. Have you decided to relocate them or repair them in situ?" asked Golden Suzaku.

Anlin had to doze off, and when he heard this, his eyes shook brightly.

" Treasury? Suzaku also has a treasure house?"

"Of course, the Suzaku female emperor has a huge independent treasure house that needs to be powered by the power of the Holy Position. You are the new Suzaku female emperor and naturally qualified to inherit it!"

Golden Suzaku looks respectfully.

This is something that everyone knows, but they have no greed for it. A treasure that has absolute blood and is worthy of their infinite aspirations and respect for existence is a broken heart.

Besides, they also have no ability to open that treasure.

"I decided to relocate them. After the next time, I will go down with the Suzaku female emperor, and you will lead the way." An Lin is the color.

Yes, he decided to relocate the treasure of the Suzaku female emperor.

As for where to move, is this still used, of course, it is moved to his Nayong! !


“I am very honored to serve the Suzaku female emperor!”

Gold Suzaku respectfully performed a ceremony, and this was retired.

Then, the DPRK continued to have a report by Suzaku.

Mainly about after-the-fact processing after this battle.

In the same way, Anlin made a judgment based on his mood and issued a single order.

What surprised him was that every instruction he made had no official questioning or different opinions. The only thing they would say was, wow, this decision is great, wow, this command is wise, wow, it is me for you. Honored...

What is this special...

Anlin even thought that even if he called a group of Suzaku to go to eat, they would also shout: really incense!

This may be the power of the Holy Position.

In the face of such a transcendental race, Anlin can also have absolute rights.

After half an hour.

The meeting ends.

The gold Suzaku took Anlin to the treasure house of the Suzaku female emperor.

Mo Hai also followed the fart.

He has successfully washed the shore and no longer has to mine. The current position is the Terran Ambassador. It is the highest power executive of the Suzaku family who communicates with the Terran, cooperates with each other, and develops friendlyly.

Mo Hai has been unable to express his feelings at the moment with words.

Even if An Lin and Xu Xiaolan turned over the Suzaku female emperor, Xu Xiaolan actually succeeded in inheriting the holy position? If this incident is introduced into the mainland, it will not be known how it will cause waves.

The beautiful and lovely little sister, in the blink of an eye, became the only ancestor of Suzaku, and Mo Hai felt awkward whenever he thought of it. This cultivation of the world is really a dream, so exciting.

Next, he should continue to praise Xiaolan as a younger sister, or should she call her Suzaku female emperor?

Mo Hai is very guilty~www.readwn.com~ He looked at the little girl in An Lin’s arms, “Wow Wow,” and couldn’t help but pump it. This ancestor is really hard to call out...

This world is really magical!

"An Lin, brother, when will we return to the mainland?" Mo Hai asked with some anxiety.

"Wait for the wind." An Lin looked at the road.

Mo Hai’s eyes are red, and they are almost crying: “I’m not sure, Brother Anlin, can you lower the pressure and say something that I can understand?”

Anlin smiled and said: "When I hollow out the treasure house of the Suzaku female emperor, I think about how to use the power of the Suzaku family to trick the Suzaku family into the boat. Then I will join Yang Yuan and Shangguanyi, and finally return to the territory of the Qinglong family. Qinglong ancestor helped us reopen the passage. After all, it sent us here. If it didn't send us back, I would flatten it!"

Anlin said it all at once.

Mo Hai suddenly became cheerful.

This is indeed the best way.

Soon, a strange building began to appear in front of Anlin.

This is a building resembling a bird's nest, much like an oval egg, with a radiant appearance that shines in the sun. It is not big, but it is beautiful, like a pearl.

Golden Suzaku took Anlin to a circular gate and said: "This is the treasure house of the Suzaku female emperor. It has been strengthened by the former Suzaku female emperor and the prohibition of the whole planet, in addition to the use of the seat. There is no other way to open the power."

Anlin carefully sensed it.

Indeed, this protection is so strong that it is somewhat desperate.

He looked at the little doll with his milk in his arms and smiled: "Little Xiaolan, relying on you!"


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