I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1944: Get rich! !

I may be repairing the fake fairy 1944 author Mingyue ground frost full text number 2460 words

"Wow?" The little girl stared at the bright, big eyes of her black hair, and her mouth was still licking her pacifier, raising her head, and looking at Anlin with some stunned look. An Lin softly said: "Little Xiaolan, I need you to release the power of the Holy Position, to open this treasure house, come, press here..." He hugged Xu Xiaolan to the front of the circular door, and there was a Suzaku Totem in the center of the gate. "Put your palms at the center of the Suzaku Totem, and then motivate your Holy Power." Anlin held Xu Xiaolan in his hands and went forward to follow the path. Mo Hai always felt that it was unrealistic. He said: "Xu Xiaolan is only one year old, so a little baby, she can understand what you are talking about?" "She can call me Anlin, he can't understand." It is obvious that she turned into a little doll with memory. I said that she understands that it is difficult for her to speak." An Lindao. "Oh..." The little girl gently nodded. Mo Hai is believed to be a letter, but there is still something to worry about: "Is she so small, can she use the power of the Holy Position? I think it is difficult for her to crawl. I always let you hold it." "I don't want this." I know, let her try it, I don't believe she can't resist the temptation of Suzaku's protection." An Lin said. Xiaolan listened to Anlin’s words, sucking on the white jade fingers, and some looked at the totem in front of her eyes, not knowing what to do next. "Xiaolan, if you open this door, the treasure of the Suzaku female emperor, it is yours, and my heart is not heart-warming?" Anlin looked hot. Snapped! ! Xiaolan Lan slaps a shot at the Suzaku Totem Center. "Oh wow!!" A rage came. The red-red energy came from her white hand and was integrated into the door. The door suddenly shines. Rumble! The door slowly opens. "Hey! What a great and noble power! Suzaku female sire under the holy eternal life!!" Gold Suzaku saw this scene, excited to squat all over the feathers, squatting on the ground excited. "I can really use the power of the Holy Spirit..." Mo Haiyan's eyes widened, and his face looked incredulously in front of the scene. He looked at the little girl who was still attached to An Lin's arms. She couldn't understand it. Even the Suzaku's Holy Power could be used. Why couldn't Xu Xiaolan fly by himself, and still linger in An Lin's arms? "Little Lan is awesome!" An Lin hugged the little girl, licking her on the face of her pink jade. Little Lan Yang lifted his chin and was quite proud. In this way, Anlin held Xu Xiaolan into the treasure house of Suzaku. Gold Suzaku is kept outside the door. Mo Hai followed Anlin into the treasure house. He doesn't take things, he is just curious, what exactly does Suzaku's treasure trove look like. Mo Hai knows a lot about the top four hidden races. The Qinglong people like treasures and claim to be the richest race. The Suzaku family likes to wander around, likes to spend money, and there is not much money. Instead, they owe a lot of debts. Therefore, it is really hard to say whether Suzaku’s treasure house has money. Anlin’s mood is the same as Mo Hai’s. He was afraid to open Suzaku's treasure house with great pleasure, and found that there were all the debts accumulated in the mountains, as well as various debt evidence... Then his baby Xiaolan might immediately choose to abdicate... into the treasure house of the Suzaku family. Mo Hai found himself wrong. Anlin found himself wrong. The dazzling treasures shine brightly on their eyes. Extremely strong high-end treasures fluctuate, almost making them unable to breathe. As if every breath, it will consume countless local tyrants. A vision made up of treasures is stirred up in the void. The red long sword stood still and emptied into the void. A picture scroll hangs on the easel, and the rear is a magnificent landscape that is difficult to distinguish. Countless light spots like a firefly star, such as a tornado dancing, twisting a smart body, and a burst of dragons and dragons, it is just a vision of a clear pool. In addition, there are two sacred beasts that are turned into sacred beasts in the corners, causing the fighting volatility to be no less than the collision of the virtual power. They even released the breath of Shen Dan... In addition to this, there are countless Yuanshi stones that bloom in white light. In the meantime, there are roughly a few hundred thousand pieces, which are piled up together and inadvertently motivated. Like a wave, you must know that a Yuanshi is equivalent to 10,000 pieces of Lingshi... "Wow..." Xiaolan also stunned the alum and stared at the sight. Artifact, Shen Dan, billions of Lingshi... Her little heart can't help but scream through the ground. A lot of treasures, more than she has ever seen before! The treasures of the Suzaku Treasures are far beyond everyone's imagination! ! Mo Hai’s eyes could not be completely removed. He felt that he was suffocated by the breath of the treasures in front of him. His look was shocked: “This... these treasures, it seems that the lowest level is also God level? I am not mistaken~ www.readwn.com ~ This is too exaggerated!!" An Lin is thoughtful: "The former Suzaku female emperor is a very proud person, she may feel that the treasure below the **** level is an insult to her? You did not see it, She can't even see the Lingshi. All the places here are Lingshi." Mo Hai suddenly realized: "You are reasonable, really scary wealth... I thought Suzaku is the poorest race, no I think that the treasure house of Suzaku’s emperor is so good... The worst treasure here is a treasure in Suzaku!” Anlin Wen said with a smile: “Suzaku is also a creation **** who has lived countless years, and this is very good at home. Normal..." He said, looking at Xiaolan in his arms again. Anlin has made a blue dress silk dress for Xiaolan, which looks very cute. It seems that I feel the eyes of Anlin. Xiaolan also raises his big eyes and looks at Anlin. He **** his little finger and seems to be asking for anecdotes. "That, Xiaolan Lan..." Anlin holding Xu Xiaolan, softly, "You are still small, the treasures of these Suzaku female emperors, I will help you keep it, and when you grow up, give it to you." "The little girl sucked the little finger and felt a stiff, staring at An Lin. It seemed difficult to believe that the big eyes were covered with water mist." Mo Hai was also shocked. Is this goods bullying children? He wants to call the police! ! "Hey, oh..." Xiaolan said with a flat voice. "I knew you would agree, so I decided happily!" Anlin gratified. Xiao Lanlan: "???" Agree? What agree? When did the baby agree? At this time, Anlin has rushed to the treasure like a huskies. 5.2 billion Lingshi, get! Eight artifacts, get! Nine gods, get! Fifteen unstained god-level materials, get! Three don't know what to use, but the volatility is even more powerful than the god-level treasure, get! An Lin smiled and smiled. Get rich! !

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