I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1945: Talking to Daxie

"Wow..." Xiaolan in his arms suddenly reached out and pointed to one of the gods. Wow, he woke up, and there was a bit of enthusiasm and anticipation in his eyes.

"Do you want this?" An Lin curiously smashed a golden flame, and the Shen Dan, who appeared on the surface of the flower, got in front of him, and his eyes flashed through a white awn.

Shen Jianshu!

Tianyan Huanhua Dan: The sun flower that blooms in the most vigorous place in the sky is used as raw material, and the Sanpin Shendan, which is made up of nine thousand years of Yanjing refining, has the ability to refine the body and accelerate the bloodline practitioners. Grow, and greatly fill the power of inflammation.

When Anlin saw this effect, his eyes brightened up: "Accelerate growth?"

"Xiaolan, do you want to rely on this god, grow up quickly?"


Xiao Lan gently nodded, and his eyes were full of expectations.

"Come on, open your mouth." An Lin very happy to hand Tianyan Hua Dan to the face of Xiaolan.

Xiaolan opened his mouth and swallowed Shen Dan. He found that Shen Dan hovered over his mouth and was not placed in his mouth.

Her probe wanted to bite Shen Dan, and as a result, An Lin moved the gods away.

Xiaolan looked at Anlin with a blank look.

An Lin smiled and said: "First call me a husband, I will give you food."

Xiaolan looked at Anlin with a dull look, tears in his eyes.

Mo Hai was shocked. An adult forced a one-year-old baby girl to call her husband, and the little girl was crying. Is this a distortion of human nature or a moral loss? !

"Brain... brain Gong..." Xiao Lanlan said with a flat mouth.

"Hey!" An Lin smiled and opened the mouth and stuffed Shen Dan into Xiao Lan's mouth.

Such a small orchid, inexplicably very fun.

Xiaolan Lan glanced at An Lin with a grudge, which swallowed Shen Dan.


Strong and purely potent, stirring in her small body.

Her white and delicate body, because of Shen Dan's sake, actually reveals a touch of gold, the power of terror tumbling in the body, as if it is possible to explode at any time.

However, Anlin did not worry that Xiaolan would explode or be smothered by drugs. Xiaolan’s body is small, but the level is absolutely sacred, and there are no problems with a few gods.

Anlin happily collected all the remaining treasures.

Shen Dan has one less, but eight more belong to him!

Oh, no, he just helped Xu Xiaolan to keep it.

When Xu Xiaolan grows up, he still has to go back. He will not lie.

As everyone knows, for anyone to lie, only Xu Xiaolan, An Lin is definitely an honest person.

The three men walked out of the treasure house of Suzaku.

"Suzaku female emperor, Anlin adults." Gold Suzaku sees the spring breeze coming out of Anlin, suddenly bowed his head and bowed, looked forward and asked, "I wonder if you intend to relocate the Suzaku female treasures to where?"

"I will say it later, close the door!" An Lin Liang smiled.

The door rumbling closed.

Without the power of the Holy Spirit, the door could not be opened, and where the treasures went, these Suzaku knew a hammer.

Anlin also proposed to visit the treasury of the Suzaku family.

There are more things in the treasury, and there are so many different materials.

A variety of ores, spiritual resources are countless, but they are all level of the spirit level, there is no **** level, it seems that the **** level has been taken away by the female Emperor.

The treasury's things, there are special Suzaku strong watchers, and Anlin is not good to take them away, walk around, check things, and leave the place where the evil smells.

"Next, we can start bringing Yang Yuan and Shang Guanyi back." An Lin smiled.

They returned to the Suzaku Hall and came to a red crystal ball.

This is the quantum entangled communication ball of the Tao. Even if the distance is tens of thousands of light years, it can achieve the effect of instant communication, and the communication effect is extremely stable and fidelity.

Anlin has seen several missed calls on it.

One is the white tiger, the other is Xuanwu, one is Qinglong, and the other is a psychic saint.

It’s not surprising that the calls are all big.

The proud predecessor, the Suzaku female emperor, should think that the other party is not a super-big brother, and even the eligibility to call her is not worthy.

Anlin thought about it and first dialed the communication of Baihu.

"Xiao Xiaolan, I will tell you a few words with the white tiger, okay?" Anlin held Xu Xiaolan, and asked happily.

"Wow!" Xiao Xiaolan gently waved his arms and turned his eyes. He didn't know whether he agreed or disagreed. Anyway, she agreed.


Soon, the opposite is connected.

"Ha ha ha... Dear new Suzaku, I am a white tiger, congratulations on your successful inheritance!" A very majestic voice came from the notes, which sounded like countless thunders roaring.

"Oh wow." Xiao Xiaolan sounded crisp.

There was a sudden silence across the communication ball.

"Well... are you Suzaku?" The opposite voice hesitated.

"Hey!" Xiaolan nodded.

White Tiger: "..."

Under what circumstances, do you see that the cosmic vision of the Suzaku has not become a mature and charming sacred beast? How to hear the sound is a human doll?

However, this communication ball is not impossible for Suzaku to open.

The other party must be Suzaku.

"Respected Suzaku, our white tiger family is to recognize your identity, and support all your decisions, the previous trade and the cooperation of various affairs, now also run as usual, there will be no change, you do not have to worry about this ......" White tiger hard to explain the scalp.

Xiaolan is very happy: "Wow!"

The white tiger head is about to blow up, Mom, what are you talking about?

Is it very happy, or do you have any opinions?

What changes do you need?

"Ha ha ha... I know that the distinguished Suzaku will definitely agree ~www.readwn.com~ I am very happy to continue to cooperate with you." White Tiger is happy.

Whatever she said, she couldn’t understand it when she agreed.

"Hello! I am the guardian of the Suzaku female emperor, I am Anlin!" Suddenly, the communication ball sent a gentle voice.

The white tiger heard a tremor, and heaven, finally, someone who can make it understandable.

It knows that the fairy bird has a very strong human being, and with the new Suzaku together to kill the former Suzaku, I want to come to this man.

"Hello, hello, respected Lord Tang Ba Zang." Bai Hu knows that An Lin's Taoist name is Tang Ba Zang, calling the other's Taoist number, feeling more comfortable.

"..." An Lin, "Hello, I believe that you have had a very pleasant conversation with the new Suzaku. In fact, I have a small request below..."

Have a pleasant conversation?

Are you funny?

White Tiger presses the desire to squat, saying: "Tang Ba Zangdao friends please say that I can meet your request within the scope of what I can do."

"This is the case. I have a friend, Yang Yuan. He should have come to your White Tiger Territory. If the White Tiger Taoist friend discovers him, please ask him to let him pass the big array and come to our Zhuque Territory to meet us... ..." Anlin said.

The white tiger was shocked again: "Yang Yuan is your friend?!"

Anlin’s eyes brightened: “Oh? He is indeed my friend. Listen to the tone of the white tiger friend. You seem to know where he is? Can you...”

"No." White Tiger Road.

(Thousands of calls, Xiaolan's character reference map, and various information, has uploaded the WeChat public number! Search attention: Maverick big snail, click on the history message, you can view!)


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