I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1959: Invincible Zhuque

I may be repairing the fake fairy 1959 author Mingyue ground frost full text number 2535 words

Gu Longdi felt an eye-opener. Sao, it’s too loud! Sure enough, what kind of master, what kind of weapon will there! The master will fuck, oh, control the thunder! This mirror will bounce the Thunder. Everyone is feeling the magic of the mirror, and inexplicably has a sense of pleasure. All the people on the scene were robbed, and the thunder and robbery were all reversed. When the Thunder was down, they all had to scream without a word, and there was a chance to fight back. But now. How many chaos gods thunder. How much is the Suzaku? What a sigh of relief, what a shocking heart! ! Xue Yutian has been so excited that he can't be himself: "Four-character idioms, four-character idioms..." Gu Longdi even realized a new kind of ruin from the performance of Zhuque. The rest of the Suzaku is also thoughtful. The chaotic gods on the robbery cloud are more and more exaggerated, but without exception, they are rebounded. In the end, a power horror snarled into the chaos of the almost disappearing chaos, and then was rebounded and shot into the sky, directly tearing apart the thousands of miles of robbery clouds, this earth-shattering robbery ceremony finally In the horror of the thunderous screams that were unwilling to roar, the curtain fell. Everyone looked at the Suzaku, which was suspended in the air, and the heart was shocked. Suzaku's red and beautiful frame is unharmed, and the mirror is still smooth and bright. And the scent that she exudes is becoming more and more detached, not like anything in the world. Anlin had a one-handed move, and Suzaku swayed gently, then flew down to Anlin’s palm. There is also a faint residual temperature, and there are faint thunders swimming in the frame, releasing the chaotic atmosphere. "Small bird, is it okay?" Anlin said. "It's okay, the robbery is successful. Thank you, Ann Dad... Brother." Zhu Quejing originally wanted to say that An Da was stupid. Later, he felt that An Lin had helped him so much, so it seemed a bit bad, immediately wit. Change your mouth to Ange. "What kind of ghost is Amanda?" An Lin's face was dark. "Cough, you got it wrong, it's Andrew." Her level is improved, her mood is very good, and her tone has become a lot lighter. Anlin no longer cares about this matter, and some people are curious: "Now you, the robbery should be upgraded? Probably what level of treasure?" Suzaku smashed the mirror, seriously thought about it, this: "I am not sure, but probably, should I be able to stop the creation of the world-class attack?" An Lin said with a sigh of relief: "Is this not nonsense? Do you not stop the chaos? Do you stop it for countless times? I asked, create World-level attack, how many times can you block?" He knows that Zhu Kejing can also rebound enemy methods before, but only one battle can rebound once, so he pays more attention to the number of times. Zhuque is proud to say: "After I was promoted, I was able to counterattack the enemy's power attributes for an infinite number of times. That is, I can bounce the power of an enemy's attributes, countless times!" Hey... Anlin took a deep breath. Breath, eyes bursting out. So arrogant? Doesn't that bounce back to the rhythm of death? He inexplicably sounded a poor thunder, isn't that so bounced back by the little bird to be unwilling and angry? In the end, he was beaten by his own Thunder to suspect Lei Sheng and ended in tragedy. The elders of the disciples came to congratulate. "Congratulations to Anlin's weapons for successful robbery!" "Congratulations to Anlin's lord!!" "Congratulations to the mirror of Anlin's lord!!" All the people congratulated. They swear, this is the strangest feeling of self-feeling. An Lin was still a stunned look with a faint smile on his face. "I really envy you, even the weapons can be robbed, how can I have no treatment for my dragon bird?" Xiao Xiaolan got in front of Anlin, bright eyes screaming, with fanatic exploration want. Suddenly she had a bold idea: "Or, I will feed my source and my own blood to my Dragon Spear Sword and see the effect?" She is Suzaku herself, she thinks she can follow the example of Suzaku. The female emperor made a wave. "Don't!!" Anlin heard the words immediately. "You are still a long-term moment. How can you do bloodletting, which is not conducive to physical and mental health?" "Moreover, Zhuque Mirror is a refining of the scorpion. The special artifacts that are very close to their own strength are not the same as the Dragonfinch swords. Don't chase!" Anlin stopped Xiaolan's bold thoughts. After an eager conversation. Everyone left with a stirring mood. They feel that what they have experienced today is enough to blow a lifetime. Have you seen the arms crossed the chaos? I have seen! ! Moreover, I also saw the weapons rebounding the chaos gods and thundering them directly! They felt that this scene was enough to be loaded into the annals of the early dynasty, and was stunned by the innumerable generations of admirers and horrified. Ziwei Emperor looked at Anlin and sent away a small partner, and his heart was full of emotions. He was the weapon that came to repair. As a result, did Ann Lin show him a big fight of arms and looting? This is also... is it too warm? ! "Anlin Taoyou, congratulations to you... weapons and robbery, I am afraid that there is no weapon in this world, and your Zhuque is very powerful..." Ziwei the Great smiled with a smile~www.readwn.com~ He created So many weapons, I have never seen a monster like Zhu Quejing. "No, my little evil, in my mind, is the most powerful!" An Lin heard the words immediately refuted the words of the Ziwei Emperor, but also touched the black sword behind him. Victory sword: "Roll!!" The Ziwei Emperor heard the words first, then the inexplicable bitterness rushed into my heart. Yes... Victory sword is also an unimaginable thing. It is destined to be an extraordinary thing, at least not as simple as the surface is an artifact, simply because it can cause special damage to the authority god, and the singular power that can annihilate the rules of the world. In other words, this victory sword is still taken from his secrets. He also said that he gave the victory sword to Anlin. Now I think about it, the intestines are remorse... "An Lin, My business is busy, let me quit!" Ziwei Emperor salute. "Hey, this is gone, don't you have a meal? I have to thank you very much." Anlin hurriedly kept his voice. "Oh, I will say later, leave." Ziwei Dajie smiled and hurriedly tore away from the space. Mom, stay here again, maybe you have to be Anlin to continue to show a headache. Anlin watched the Ziwei Emperor to leave, sighed a little, and continued to turn his eyes to his own ring, there are two special treasures. He used a special treasure before, so that Zhu Jujing entered a new realm, which surprised him, then what other surprises can the other two treasures bring to him? Anlin thought, took out one of the things, it is a dark gray disc with a width of one foot, covered with mysterious and complicated lines, linked to the whole, implied by the avenue, there are nine mysterious hollow holes , balanced distribution at the edge of the disc, releasing the power of nothingness. Just feel the volatility of the artifact. Anlin knows that this should be a good thing. So, what is it? His eyes flashed over the white mans. Shen Jianshu! !

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