I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1960: 9-yuan disk

I may be repairing the fake fairy 1960 author Mingyue on the frost full text number 2654 words

Nine-Life Yuanpan: A method of recasting and consolidating a trajectory disk with a cosmic rupture avenue requires nine high-level artifacts to be integrated into the Yuandong, and nine lives can be triggered to trigger the supreme power. Anlin saw the information in his mind, his eyes were slightly open, and some accidents. Nine high-level artifacts? The eight artifacts of Suzaku Treasury are high-level artifacts. Coincidence? Or is it that the former Suzaku female emperor wanted to use the eight artifacts and put them into the nine-yuan yuan plate? This is just a good explanation. Why does Suzaku, a gene that likes to spend money, is completely inapplicable to the Suzaku female emperor. It turns out that this goods is to raise artifacts, trigger this nine-yuan yuan plate? As a result, just after raising eight pieces, the middle road collapsed... Anlin felt that he had discovered the truth. High-level artifacts are the treasures that can be met, even if they are creation gods, it is impossible to raise nine out of one at a time. It is definitely going to be a long-term search and refining. An Lin could not help but turn his eyes to his newly acquired eight artifacts, Wan Wanhua, Red Dance Excalibur, Dragon Prison Bone, Death Spirit Scepter, God Extreme Knife, Chaos Armor, Black Source Spear, Star Pole . The attributes of artifacts vary. The only thing that is the same is that they release strong fluctuations, even horror, and the level of artifacts is absolutely top-notch. "Into the nine top-level artifacts, you have the qualification to trigger the nine-yuan yuan plate? What is this nine-yuan yuan plate, so arrogant." Anlin was curious. Even the gods of the gods did not say what the nine-yuan yuan disk is used for, just to say, it can trigger the supreme power. The height of this evaluation is so high that it is not there... But... does he seem to have no spare high-level artifacts? The cause and effect star protector is the most peak of the artifact, but it is still on the earth, and it is very important to keep the earth together with the rabbit Ji. It is very important to take it out temporarily. After a period of nourishment, the victory evil sword has become a middle-level artifact, with unlimited potential and a lot of room for promotion, but after all, it is not a high-level artifact. So where is the right artifact? Anlin was in trouble for a while. He carefully looked through the ring and found that he did not really reach this level of treasure. High-level artifacts... Do you want to have something to do with others? Anyway, I have money. Anlin’s eyes gradually glowed. Yes, having money can solve all problems. An Lin first played a musical note with the Ziwei Emperor. "Hey, Anlin, it didn't take long before you separated. What are you doing?" Ziwei the Great asked with vigilance. He is facing Anlin at the moment, and some are afraid that the other party will sue in front of him. But he is in heaven now, even if the other party shows up, can't show him? "I want you a high-level artifact, do you have the goods?" asked Anlin. The Ziwei Emperor was shocked by the words of Anlin. "High-level artifacts? This level of weapons, where can I have goods..." "Well? You are not the first refinery in Kyushu? Are there even high-level artifacts?" Ziwei Emperor's chest is boring, not good Road: "An Lin, do you think that high-level artifacts are Chinese cabbage? Say there is? This level of artifacts, even if it is a large mainland, can not pick a few pieces, even if there are, also master the top power Hands..." "You are the first refinery in Kyushu..." Anlin repeatedly muttered. Ziwei Emperor: "I am the first refiner in Kyushu, but I am poor..." "I have money, you help me make a donkey, how about making it in a month?" Anlin asked, he thought The big decisive battle probably appeared one month later. The Ziwei Emperor feels that Anlin is getting stronger and stronger, and he feels that his heart is good. "An Lin, tell you the truth, making artifacts, especially high-level artifacts, can't be solved with money. Even if you have money, you have to find the right materials, the right place, and the forging of countless years, one month. It is unrealistic to build a high-level artifact inside, and it is not realistic for a hundred years." "If you give me 10,000 years, I can slowly ponder it, and trying to make it out will not necessarily succeed, it will cost countless resources, and Need a great chance..." The more Anlin listened, the less happy he was: "Can you make it for five billion?" The Ziwei Emperor heard this and shook his hand and almost lost the note. "This... so much money? How can you have so much money?" His voice trembled. "Oh, fighting for a game, a little gain." An Lin said lightly. The Ziwei Emperor grabbed his chest. He was the first refiner in Kyushu, and he was originally a lot of oil and water. In exchange for the former, Kyushu, in addition to the Emperor of Heaven, Ziwei Emperor dare to pack tickets, no one can have him rich. Until he met An Lin... Ziwei Emperor was stimulated, and under the glare of Anlin, he suddenly felt that he was a poor man! ! "How, can you make it?" Anlin looked forward to it. "You have a lot of spiritual stones... If you give me enough time, I can make it, but it is really difficult for a month. I am blunt, too many refiners at the beginning of the mainland can't make it, the only thing you can do. Just buy ready-made..." Ziwei Emperor sighed. Ziwei Dadi said sourly that there was nothing to do with it, and that ended the conversation with Anlin. Buying ready-made... An Lin has been indulging for a moment, turning his eyes to the creation of the world. At this moment, if you have the financial resources and have the ability to transfer high-level artifacts, I am afraid that only the creation of the world will be awkward. The first person he thought of was the gentle and beautiful son-in-law sister~www.readwn.com~Anlin immediately made a note to the son-in-law. The melody was answered very quickly, and there was a voice like Qingrun. "An Lin? It's really rare, you actually contacted me, what's the matter?" The voice of the son-in-law is very nice, fresh and natural, and it sounds extremely relaxing. "Well, this is actually the case. I am missing a high-end artifact. Do you have any spare high-level artifacts? I can buy it from Lingshi." Anlin was embarrassed. "This..." The girl stunned. Just then, a clear and excited voice came from the notes. "Anlin seniors, my yin and yang swords are high-level artifacts, I will give you!!" "Hey! Xiaobai, you give me a cool point! That is your life weapon! Take the life weapon to the bastard, you are lost Wise?!" A cold and angry voice interrupted the sudden drink. Anlin was excited first and then lost again. Bai Ling snake still loves him so much, but the black snake still hates him so much... "Is it important?" The voice of the son-in-law came again. "Well... it's a bit important, as long as I collect eight, one more thing that can summon things that can't be called, it should help the growth of strength..." Anlin thought for a moment, didn't hide, and spoke directly. The voice of the son-in-law trembled: "You already have eight high-level artifacts?!" "Yeah, there is one last thing that can kill me. I have no request, as long as the level is a high-level artifact, I am an artifact." Can receive." An Lin was annoyed. The voice of the son-in-law became solemn: "Well... if you really want it, I know that there is a high-level artifact that can be extracted, but it is my friend, I can only pay for it, and it is expensive. I am afraid that you can't get that much..." "How many Lingshi?" Anlin was nervous. His family's production combined, barely can only make up six billion, if it is really more expensive than six billion... The woman said: "To be two billion!" An Lin. so cheap?

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