I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1961: Become stronger again

I may be repairing the fake fairy 1961 author Mingyue ground frost full text number 2437 words

"What's wrong, isn't the money enough?" The son-in-law found that Anlin was in silence and asked softly. "Well... can you be cheaper? Anlin blinked his eyes and wanted to bargain. The female sighed: "No, even if I come out, it can only be this price." But it doesn't matter, if you don't have much money, I can lend it to you. "No, no, money, I will find a solution, when will it be delivered?" "An Lin hurriedly refused the goodwill of the son-in-law. Originally, I bought an artifact to let the son-in-law come forward. It owes a person, and if I borrow money, I am too embarrassed. Moreover, he is not really short of money. "So, I Let the black snake directly send the artifact to the forty-nine sages, and then you will give the stone to her. Now I will borrow artifacts, and you will wait patiently for a few days. "The woman said. Anlin was grateful to the son-in-law. The problem of the artifact was finally solved. Just when Anlin patiently waited for the artifact, there was another good thing. Fanny lived up to expectations and succeeded in Dansheng." Three gods, successfully sent to his hands, plus eight gods in the ring, he has a total of eleven gods. Five of them are healing, three explosive, three Enhance one's own strength and improve the special utility of his own body. Anlin looks at the three gods that can enhance strength and improve physical fitness. A dragon **** body body Dan, mainly based on refining, can greatly increase the body strength A very secluded Shen Dan, able to greatly refine the spirit of God, has the possibility to understand the power of the gods. A nine-fold lotus yin and yang, let the body fit the yin and yang avenue, feel the life, perfectly coordinate all aspects of the body, enhance life The effect of the level. The results of the identification of the gods are very exaggerated. Anlin is somewhat puzzled. These gods can eat immediately. Why did the Suzaku female emperor not eat it directly, and stay in the treasure house to see a fun? An Lin When I was idle, I began to slowly think about my doubts. He looked at the gods inside the ring, and soon he found something that shocked him. He found that the gods inside were slowly growing, growing. The speed is very slow, probably only increases by one-hundredth of a million per second, but it is really stronger. "Strange, can God Dan naturally become stronger?" "An Lin is a little embarrassed," or "..." He took out a Shendan and isolated it from the Nayong space. As a result, the breath of Shendan no longer increased. Anlin’s heart was enlightened and he turned his attention to the Naduan. The third special treasure in the middle, and the last special special treasure, an irregular slap in the **** stone. The stone will shine, just like the stars on the ground, like shining stars. Most notably, it emits red light every time. It seems that it is brighter than the last time. Although the brightness increase is very weak, Anlin still finds out. Anlin will take the stone out of the ring and then find the ten gods in the ring, the growth of the breath begins to stop, but The outside of this god, the breath slowly increased. "Sure enough, the reason for this stone? "An Lin's pupil was slightly shrunk, picking up the red stone and carefully examining it. "Is the former Suzaku female emperor just to let Shen Dan increase the potency, and then put Shen Dan with this stone?" His eyes flashed over the white mans, and Shen Jianshu started again. A piece of information appeared in his mind: chaotic evolutionary stone. Then, there is no explanation, and Shen Jianshu can only identify the name. "Chaotic evolution stone?" It can make the gods evolve...but why the artifacts cannot evolve, why can't the elixir evolve? "An Lin looked awkward. This stone is the biggest stone of the mystery. He thinks this stone is also the most precious thing of Suzaku. The more the gods are not identified, the more terrible the treasures are. The Suzaku female emperor has become countless after all." The sacred Suzaku of the years is so powerful that even if he is seriously injured, he can join hands with An Lin and Xu Xiaolan. The existence of such a powerful, no treasure can not be said. Chaos evolutionary stone, the origin is definitely extraordinary Anlin nodded slightly, took out the root-class red rope, and hanged the stone like a pendant, carrying it personally. He felt that this stone could allow Shen Dan to evolve, and could not let him evolve and evolve. Although the idea is ridiculous, but what if it is possible? He uses various methods to explore the chaotic evolutionary stone, but in the end it has nothing to gain. In addition to making the fragrance of Shendan slowly become rich, there is no second use. "Forget it, hang it first, take the medicine first! "An Lin coldly snarls. After the war is over, Anlin does not lack the evolution time of Shen Dan in those days. He picked up the Dragon God, the body of Dan, the very secluded **** Dan, the nine-fold lotus yin and yang, three precious and extremely Shen Dan, a brain will be sent to his mouth. Bang!! The horrible drug blasted in the body. It is incomparably pure and incomparably strong. In a flash, the four ninth sects have dragons roaring, and power can be shocked. There is a windy wrath, such as the nine secluded hell, the world. There are heavy lotuses stretching out to the sun, the mystery is endless. All kinds of exaggerated visions have once again alarmed the whole sect~www.readwn.com~ When the disciple elders rushed in, see is After the drums have come out of this vision, they have the feeling of hurting the eggs, and they are actually made by Anlin! The lords are rare to return to the sect, can't they stop? The minds of the people are old and complicated, although some are speechless. Amazing life, but seeing the madness of absorbing the power of the gods, releasing the horror of the lord of the lord, they inexplicably added a little more peace of mind, the lord is getting more and more sturdy... full day. Anlin completely absorbed the power of the three Shendan. He was shocked. Looking at the changes in my body. I thought that the body of the **** of war that has reached the peak has been refined a lot. The inexplicable body has a terrible dragon that is naturally formed. As for the soul, I don’t know if he is particularly suitable for darkness. The strength of the aspect, the drug power was absorbed 100%, and successfully realized the power of the gods. The soul of the creation level was further consolidated, and the purity and volume were improved by a factor of about one-tenth. This is already very impressive. Jiuzhong Liansheng Yinyang Dan makes his body's strengths work more smoothly and smoothly, which is also very remarkable for the improvement of combat power. Anlin opened the clear and deep eyes, his mouth slightly raised, Confidently full of words: "I am no longer the former me. "I am not the same as me!" "A clear and sweet voice came from behind. Anlin turned and looked awkward. There was a one-meter-high Tsing Yi Loli in front of his eyes, but his teeth were white and crystal clear. It is also exquisite and extremely pleasing to the eye. "Small... Xiaolan? ! "An Lin was shocked. Xiaolan Lan's pink lips rose slightly, looking beautiful and natural, and heart-rending. She smiled: "Today, it is nine-year-old Lan to say hello to you, like it?" "An Lin looked at the beautiful face to make him an unforgettable smile, and nodded and nodded. "Like. ”

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