I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1971: Invincible Goddess

Michael couldn't believe his eyes.

I have been crushing all the hearts and gods in an invincible position. Now I have been cut off by a sword. Who is this little girl?

Yes, this strong move that cuts off the heart of the gods, is actually a little girl wearing a blue dress, with a double pony tail, looks cute! !

When was the mainland in the early days, how many more powerful people were there?

Wait... It’s a kind of thunder-fired sword that seems a bit familiar...

As shocked as the beings, there are also gods.

The **** of the heart knows the horror of that sword. Although it is a sneak attack, neither the speed nor the power contained in the sword is far beyond the level of the candidate.

"who are you?"

The heart of the gods looked at the petite and delicate girl, could not help but ask.

The little girl shook the blood on the sword, and the sharp chin was slightly raised. The tone was tender and cold: "Four Jiu Xianzong, Yange Pavilion, Xu Xiaolan!"

The battlefield suddenly calmed down.

Everyone has widened their eyes.

Xu Xiaolan?

This little girl turned out to be the goddess of the gods? !

The heart is stunned.

Michael is even more embarrassed.

All the creatures on the field felt incredible.

Xu Xiaolan has become so fierce? And how did she become a cute and lonely loli, can it be said that the more Meng, the more fierce?

Xu Xiaolan is no longer nonsense, holding the dragon and the sword to the heart of the gods.

Before going to the star field, she can barely rival the power of the gods, go to the star field, raise the realm to the peak of the road, and take the real dragon to the limit, and also get the Suzaku holy position, the strength can be described as even her I don't know how much it is.

Anyway, she is not worried about the ordinary power of God.

Xu Xiaolan holds the Dragon Spider Sword and combines the real dragon with the Suzaku. He fearlessly rushes to the heart of the gods, and sings out a mysterious sword light. Every time the swordsman strikes, there is a real dragon wandering. Give the heart of the gods unlimited pressure.

The movements of the gods and gods were all broken by Xu Xiaolan, and the body was blinded by more than a dozen blood marks.

His body suddenly popped up with countless strange pupils.

"Heart control, fear!!"

The dense eyes began to release invisible fluctuations, and they immediately hit the body of Xu Xiaolan.

Xu Xiaolan’s movement of the sword suddenly slowed down, and there was a fear in the bottom of his eyes, as if the enemy in front of him was extremely terrifying. If he did not run away, he would be hacked to death by the other side.

The heart of God is cruel and smiles, and rushes to Xu Xiaolan at a very fast speed. With one hand covering the milky white light, it is necessary to insert the other's chest.

Xu Xiaolan's heart slammed, and the fearful eyes suddenly recovered.

Zhuque’s heart is clear and clear.

Between the electric and the Flint, Xu Xiaolan's body shape moved, and the danger was dangerously avoiding the hand thorn of the **** of heaven. At the same moment, the white wrist was flipped, and the dragon screamed, and the thunder screamed, and the heart was twitched in an instant. Arm.

"Ah...!!" The heart screamed and the figure exploded.

Another broken arm, her arms were cut by Xu Xiaolan, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

The good face of the gods, the sudden pear flower with rain, is extremely pitiful, not only the Tianren national army, even the life of the Kyushu border coalition forces, I feel that this **** is so pitiful, so sympathize with her.

Xu Xiaolan did not suffer any influence, sneer and continue to rush to the heart of the gods.

The heart is terrified, how can her emotions affect Xu Xiaolan?

We must know that she is best at all kinds of emotional influences, unpredictable, and ignorant. Even if the heart is the most determined, and the innocent and compelling insights such as Michael, such as the candidate, can not escape her interference. How can this petite Loli be completely unmoved?

Is this Loli's heart a stone?

It's not a stone, but it's harder to influence than a stone!

Because Xiaolan Lan now has the heart of the Suzaku in his heart, it is not dead, the only existence of eternal, and faintly detached from the heavens and the earth.

There is a source of Suzaku's heart, and the **** of the gods wants to influence Xiao Lan's heart through the power of authority. In this square, it is simply delusional!

"No..." Looking at Xu Xiaolan who was rushing, the heart of God suddenly fell down.

The ultimate grief, echoing in the heavens and the earth.

The thousands of miles of creatures suddenly burst into tears, grief, endless griefs rushing through their hearts, and some even couldn’t help but raise their swords and commit suicide on the spot.

But Xu Xiaolan, who is in the emotional center, is indifferent!

The **** of the heart suffered a huge blow, but she did not believe in evil and continued to use emotional attacks.


"Love! Do you like me?"


Xu Xiaolan is a sword and he is splitting his heart.

She smiled: "I like to cut you."

There is a crack in the ring of God on the head of the god.

"No..." The heart of God wants to collapse, crying and laughing, "Joy!"

Xu Xiaolan finally smiled.

The heart of God also thought that the other party was finally affected.

As a result, the dragon's sword in the hands of Xu Xiaolan did not stop, laughing and cutting.

Tsing Yi Loli showed an innocent smile and said: "I am really happy to see you look like a desperate crash."

Heart God: "..."

At this time, Xu Xiaolan once again fell down unceremoniously, tearing a deep visible bone wound in the chest of the god.

The heart is really desperate, and she dragged her bruised body and madly quit, giving up the idea of ​​using emotions to attack Xu Xiaolan.

"I changed my mind..." The heart of God looked at Xu Xiaolan, who was chasing after him. He showed the color of madness. "I can't escape, I want to kill you!!"

She has never been defeated like this. If she is to escape, she must first learn about Xu Xiaolan, and willing to pay the price!

"Kill you!"

"Kill you!!"

The heart suddenly turned around, the light on the head of the gods broke out, and the crack began to spread like a turtle pattern, but the supreme **** of the sky was even more terrifying.

She threw a lotus flower to Xu Xiaolan.

"Come out, you have the most fearful existence!"

The heart of the gods smiled coldly, and they took a shot and put their strength into the lotus.

"The perfect heart of the lotus, can summon the existence that you fear most fear and hate! You are very strong, but the objects of your fear and hatred are stronger, let them deal with you!!"

The heart is winning the heavens.

Then, a hand-held sickle, a red-headed cockroach, and a hand-held scepter, looked thin and weak, and appeared in the field of vision.

It’s a godsend and awkward! !

Not only is the breath much like ~www.readwn.com~ even the strength is almost the same.

Xu Xiaolan: "..."

"Suzaku source surgery, Tianxiang destroys!!!"

The red-red source roars and engulfs the gods and cockroaches.

"Oh, ah..." The two former enemies screamed and were burned to death on the spot.

The **** of the gods scares the urine, saying that the enemy that once feared the most hated? It’s been seconds, is your enemy of fear so weak? !

Hey! !

Zhuqueyuan's strength has gone to the end, and it has turned into a dazzling sword light, and the body of the **** of heaven has been smashed into two halves.

It’s all too fast, and it’s almost impossible for the gods to escape.

Xu Xiaolan held the Dragon Spider Sword and calmly watched the heart god, which was split into two halves. The tone was plain and proud: "Now, I am fearless."

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