I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1972: Chasing after

Xu Xiaolan was in a state of crushing and ruining his heart.

This scene completely shocked hundreds of millions of enemy forces and friendly forces.

How strong the strength of the gods level, in fact, they have been deeply realized.

But it was such a **** that was actually hanged by Xu Xiaolan, and the other party even had no chance of hurting Xu Xiaolan.

What kind of sorrow is this?

What a strong visual impact this is.

People who don’t know, how do the gods become so weak?

In fact, the real change is the strength of Xu Xiaolan.

Anlin’s forced bombing days are all right, and everyone can barely accept it. After all, Anlin has always been a rhythm of the sky, and they have had psychological expectations.

But the strength of Xu Xiaolan before, even before Michael is far worse! How long has it been in the past? It’s less than a year since the last execution of the gods, how can it be so bad? !

Is this the rhythm of the couple hanging together? !

"Heart gods!!" Killing the gods to see the distant gods in the heart of the two, the pupils shrink, the war-torn doubles gradually recovered the Qingming, the heart has retired.

No, in this battle, they have to be planted here.

"Retreat! Heaven and Man Alliance Army retreat!!"

Killing the gods shouted at the army on the battlefield.

The majestic voice spreads to every corner of the world.

Let all the souls of the **** battles shake their hearts.

"How come..." The strong people in the field of creation are unbelievable.

Are they really defeated?

The Western Dragon, who is killing the **** Suzaku at high altitude, lightly quenched: "Mom, I have long wanted to leave, finally ordered?"

It fluttered in both wings, and even did not call, and fled directly to the distance.

The Terran is absolutely obeying the instructions of the gods. They have wings and escape faster and more decisively.

Just as the Tianren army retire, the Kyushu Alliance Army began a crazy counterattack!


"Don't let them run!"

"Kill one, earn one, everyone together!!"

"Revenge for the dead brother!!"

One by one, the white feathers threw light spears into the souls that fled in the distance.

The soldiers, release a golden technique to kill the nearby virtual spirits.

The strongest of the true demon, the most insane, tearing the heavens, tearing the virtual spirit, tearing the Western Dragon!

All enemies that are in front of them will tear! !

A real armor with a black armor and a burly body, holding a giant blood sword like a coffin board, stepping on the body of a western dragon, and bathing in the **** rain, haha ​​laughed: "Very good, the real demon has Siri Er, the Terran has An Lin and Xu Xiaolan. This battle is really a surprise for the deity. I really look forward to the history afterwards..."


Tiandi Avenue began to scream.

The fall of the dragon has triggered the vision of heaven and earth.

Yes, this true magic, just slaughtered a dragon.

The real demon super power did not have the slightest color, but instead turned his attention to the two battles in the distance. The more you look at it, the more incredible it is.

Whether it is Anlin or Xu Xiaolan, the power of exertion at this moment cannot be understood.

What power is this? Why are everyone all the way to the peak, the gap will be so big?

No, Anlin seems to be returning to the peak...

Thinking of this, the real magic super power instinctively took a deep breath.

Forget it, don't want this, too bad!

Bang! ! Suddenly there was a roar of earth-shattering in the distance.

With an invincible attitude, speed and strength, Anlin crushed the temperature **** again to the ground. The aftermath of the boxing force will crack the earth with a hammer, and countless mountains become dust.

The temperature of the gods on the head of the gods is more and more cracks.

It also finally felt what was desperate.

Anlin’s desperation for it is not only impossible to beat, but even escape is a luxury.

What kind of man is this? Can someone really make him?

The temperature **** looked at the white coat in the sky, and it was too bright in the sun.

No, it is too much! !

The same moment.

Tsing Yi Loli is also the audience.

She holds the dragon bird and stands up pretty. She is elegant and elegant in her clothes. She looks cute and harmless, but no one dares to marry her at the moment.

The heart of the god, which was split into two halves, turned into two milky white streams and fled in the distance.

Xiao Lanxiu's eyebrows are slightly stunned, and the double dragons are really dragons and golden dragonflies. They reach out to the empty space and hold them. Many Thunders spurt out from the void, and the mutual transfer of the parcels has become a heaven and earth cage, blocking the retreat of the gods.

"The heart is not dead, I will live forever!"

The two rays of light merged into one again and became the heart of the gods.

The **** seems to be full of resurrection, but the appearance of the **** ring on the head has been betrayed her state.

Xu Xiaolan knows that if he hacks the other side a few times, the other party will not survive.

Whatever the heart is, and my body is forever, it is scary.

As long as the strength is enough, she will be desperate, and her psychological shadow will be taken out, and her heart will be destroyed.

Both authority gods were forced to a dead end.

The Kyushu Boundary Alliance is in a powerful position, and it has already killed red eyes, but while rushing to the side, it still can't help but glance at the distant battle. They all know that as long as the two gods are killed, this battle will be a perfect victory.

Anlin didn't have any nonsense, clenched his fists, and the golden ring quickly turned behind him. There were five peaks of power, which were attached to the fist like water. He fell from the sky like a meteor and pointed his fist at the head of the temperature god.

He wants to use this blow to completely destroy the temperature god! !

The temperature **** also began to dying, bursting into a blue atmosphere, freezing everything.

“Super-dimensional low temperature!”

"Bounds are still!!"

The blue breath spreads, turning everything in the heavens and the earth into black and white, and everything is like a still ink painting.

But Anlin, like a unbelievable beast, even violently tore the black and white of the heavens and the earth, burned the super-dimensional low temperature, even if everything is quiet, can not stop his iron fist! !

"Taste me, love the iron fist!"

An Lin snorted and the fist went to the temperature god.

The temperature **** opened his mouth and his brain was blank.


A lightly floating word suddenly came.

The sound is not big ~www.readwn.com~ but all the creatures on the earth can hear it.

A light yellow translucent teenager appeared in front of the temperature god, reaching out his palm and blocking it in front of An Lin’s fist.

boom! ! !

The horrible energy of An Lin boxing broke.

The whole earth trembled fiercely, covering a few thousand miles.

But what is strange is that there is no further cracking depression in the earth.

Did you actually block the whole fist of Lao Tzu?

Anlin looked at the boy who suddenly appeared in front of him, and looked at the blue-eyed **** ring. The pupil was slightly shrunk, and he thought of a word without reason.

Tiandi Xuanhuang, I ranked second.

Wherever the land is, it is where the strength lies.

Take over one of the six highest powers, the Earth God! !

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