I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1973: Battle to the high authority

When Anlin suddenly became very dignified.

He knew very well that the highest authority, the god, represents what.

They are not only the most powerful state that “Heaven” can show, but also the supreme rule of all levels of power.

Anlin never really handed over the power of the highest authority.

But I have seen the supreme authority of the gods.

Chen Chen was able to shoot the gods and the gods of the gods, and crush them like crushing ants. But in the face of the earth gods, they can only take advantage of a little.

Even in the face of the raging light of tomorrow, Chen Chen was also hit hard.

Anlin couldn't forget the scene that he saw in the eternal light some time ago. The earth turned into endless magma, and the magma dragons roared in the sky and shook the earth. A bright body of the stalwart sky, releasing the appearance of the law without the law...

Yes, Anlin knows how strong the power of the highest **** is, and also sees the appearance of the highest authority. Therefore, he is now dignified as never before.

At the same time, it is also unprecedented...

Excited! ! !

"Take me another punch!" An Lin's other fist clenched, the five-color power entangled, and the brilliance that was more dazzling than the big day. The five elements of the battle body limit urging, the power of the five elements all broke out, and at the same time breaking the innocent madness, "Heavenly punch!!"

The fist is infinitely enlarged, as if the star is broken, the Supreme God of the Heavens is destroyed, and the delicate face of the earth **** is falling!

The eyes of the earth gods are indifferent, and there is a wave of volatility. Obviously, they did not expect to recognize their identity, but they dared to shoot.

He once again extended another palm and greeted him.

boom! !

Unspeakable power bursts.

Anlin dare to guarantee that if this fist falls on the ordinary planet, it will definitely be able to collapse.

But he was slamming on the hands of the gods of the earth at the moment, but he felt like he was on a continent that was desperately desperate. The continent is extremely great, indescribable, unmeasurable, and does not see any end, endless. His power is also limited, and he can't break the infinite land.

The punch is like a tide, and it is sucked clean by the palm of the earth god.

The earth trembled again and again, and the core range of this tremor was tens of thousands of miles.

Anlin suddenly had a little more insight, and the earth gods perfectly transferred all his powers to the ground of the early mainland.

At this time, a broken force suddenly broke this perfect transfer.

Hey... Bang! !

The land of several kilometers in a circle suddenly bursts into a depression.

The feet of the Earth God also slide a few meters toward the back.

This scene, even An Lin has some accidents.

He couldn't help but grin. "What, I thought you would never move."

Earth God: "..."

The young and handsome boy is indeed a bit strange.

He did not expect Anlin's combat effectiveness to increase so much in a short period of time. The strength of the Five Elements and the power of the sky have broken the balance of his land.

"Do you want to fight?" asked the earth **** faintly.

Anlin had some surprises: "Do you seem to have little hostility towards me?"

"Now is not the time for a decisive battle. If you fight with you, you will be taken advantage of the enemies with your heart." The earth is not concealed and faint.

Anlin grinned: "Things that are not good for you are good for me... I like to do things that you hate!!"

"Look at the punch!!"

"Heavenly punch!!"

The five rows of rings behind Anlin turned, and the truth fell with the fists.

Earth God: "..."

"You can't stop me." The Earth God no longer defends, but a punch.

A faint blue-yellow light shrouded in fists.

When the punch fell.

Anlin saw the boundless land and headed for it.

Can't describe what it feels like a horror.

Power, suffocation, small feelings... countless negative emotions come to mind at this moment.

This is not the kind of emotional interference.

It is a kind of tremor and terror that the body instinct produces.

"Dry you!!" Anlin was originally a cowardly character. Although there is horror, there are also infinite warfare, and Tiandao’s punch is more determined.

boom! ! !

The world suddenly vibrates at the same time.

The five-color ray collides with the blue-yellow light, just like the collision of two planets, destroying the earth.

The area of ​​hundreds of miles has directly turned into a hollow.

Anlin’s arm cracked, and the blood splattered. The bones in the flesh and blood were instantly shattered, and the body was hit by mega-forces and directly tens of thousands of meters.

Heaven and Earth God can not remove all the strength of Anlin, was shocked back a few steps, crystal like a topaz-like fist, braving a touch of white smoke, a hint of cracks.

The temperature **** was behind the earth god, widened his eyes, and for a moment he forgot to breathe.

Anlin, he actually...

Did you hurt the earth god? !

At this time, the earth gods have turned their heads, the tone is dull: "What are you still doing here? Not fast?"

The temperature **** has only returned to God, the earth **** is to save them, only to come here!


The temperature **** respected and nodded, turned into a blazing light, flew away.

But he has not escaped a hundred miles, and suddenly he feels that there is a horrible breath on his side.

"Fellow, don't go!!" The white monk's monk rushed to the face.

The temperature **** was shocked.

Is Anlin crazy? Don’t know if the earth **** is on the battlefield? Even dare to kneel down to the earth to kill him? This is a naked face! !

Sure enough, the next moment, the earth **** appeared on the side of Anlin, the fist contains a blue-yellow light, it will be passed.

Anlin can resist the earth gods and hit the temperature god, so that he may kill the temperature god, but he may also be killed by alive.

does it worth?

Just then, there was a scream in the distance.

The heart **** is once again broken by Xu Xiaolan!

The face of the earth **** changed, and finally knew the intention of Anlin.

Anlin chased the temperature god, not only wants to kill the temperature god, but tempted him to open the distance with Xu Xiaolan, so Xu Xiaolan has the opportunity to kill the gods in the undisturbed situation! !

The earth **** is unceremonious, and it is a punch against Anlin.

Anlin gave a punch and greeted him.

Hey! ! !

The horrible force collided, the purest, the most vast force of the earth, slamming into Anlin, letting Anlin’s arm crack again because it could not withstand the power of the stalwart, and the body was like a cannonball. inverted flight.

However, ~www.readwn.com~ relied on the resilience of the sky, his arm re-healed when it was flying backwards, then suddenly stopped in midair, and then continued to pounce on the earth god.

An Lin actually took the initiative to punch the earth gods.

The earth gods backhanded back.

Hey! !

The two men slammed a few punches again.

Every time, Anlin is in an absolute downwind, but the earth **** does not know what is being tabooed, and does not kill Anlin, but does not use all his strength.

Anlin knows that the current conventional strength is not the opponent of the earth god.

He thinks this way, but the spectators do not think so! They watched the two sides of the fiercely rushing, and the speed was so fast that they could not see. They could only see the horror of the emptiness of the emptiness of the void, and they all stunned, as if everything in front of them had exceeded their imagination.


It is possible to open with the earth gods five or five! !

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