I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1974: Great victory

The level of engagement between Anlin and the Earth God is too high.

There is no strength at the level of the joint, and even the specific scenes of the collision between the two sides are not clear.

Even if it is a super power, you can see the specific scene, seeing Anlin being hammered by the hammer again and again, but after a second, he quickly recovers and continues to fight against the earth gods without fear. This crazy and powerful is still the same. Extraordinary shock.

Red bucket is even more dumbfounded.

Anlin actually opened with the earth gods five or five?

The earth **** is the top force of the Tianren forces. It is not comparable to ordinary gods, but Anlin actually has a battle with him.

Is this world so magical? !

Fighting against Buddha, Yunmeng Ying, Michael, the three candidates, is even more stunned.

They thought that Anlin was just the strength of the ordinary emperor, similar to the Gulong Emperor, and at most stronger than the Gulong Emperor, but now it seems... this Anlin is not a level and dimension with them!

The smashing style of Anlin's exhibition is more skillful and powerful than what they have seen. Not only that, but the power of the explosion is even more earth-shattering after the combination of the tactics and the special forces. No wonder Chen Chen and Cyril are insisting on leaving the third day's position to Anlin, which is absolutely worthy of the name!

at the same time.

Xu Xiaolan battle land.

"The heart is not destroyed, my body will last forever!" The voice of the **** of the heart is reverberating, and the heart of the gods, which has been split into two halves, once again gathers the intact body.

"Yuanli, breaking the sky!" Xiaolan Lan stretched the beautiful Suzaku wings that made the world eclipsed, and the wings fluttered at an incredible speed.

Almost instantaneously, she once again rushed to the front of the **** of the heart, once again into the mind of the **** of the dragon.

boom! !

The scarlet sword is swaying through the sky, as if the red river is dividing the sky.

Despair in the face of the gods.

When a resurrection is killed, what is going on?

Can you still fight normally?

This is her sixth time being killed.

The ring of God on her head is already full of cracks and is hard to support.

"The heart is not dead, I will live forever..."

The hearts of the gods, some weak voices came.

"Source, breaking the sky!"

Bang! ! !

The heart is once again blown up...

Xiao Lan Lan holds the dragon-sword sword that is screaming and screaming, and he is very gasping, but the alum is cold.

Hurry up, hurry up...

Anlin has fought for her so much time, she can't waste it!

She must give her heart to God today! !

"The heart is not dead, my body..."

"Source, breaking the sky..."

Xiaolan Lan held the dragon's sword and waited for the resurrection of the gods.

The heart of God collapsed, Mom, the aging mother has not resurrected, your big move began to read? !

Do you want to eat your big move? !

The **** of the heart is very unconvinced, very wrong, very humiliating! !

"My body will last forever!"

"Breaking the gods!!"

Bang! ! !

The heart **** has just condensed body, the Dragon Spider Sword runs through her body, and the burning Suzaku source forces her body to burn out.

Enemies and friendly forces on the battlefield saw that the gods were alive and dead, and they lived and lived for no more than a second. They felt shocked and could not bear sympathy.

This is too bad!

It’s not enough to be killed once.

I have to be killed countless times!

The oss was so slain that it was killed by Xiao Lan.

They saw this scene and couldn't help but want to report the little blue brush.

"The heart is not dead, my body..."

Xiao Lan Lan raised the dragon's sword, the tender and crisp voice: "Source, breaking the sky..."

"My body... my body... oh..."

The choked voice echoed above the void.

Xiao Lanlan: "???"

Eat melon comrades: "..."

Is this special, is it killed and crying?

Suddenly, countless horrible laws emerged in the void.

There are evil spirits purgatory, bloodthirsty Shura, demon gods ruined the world... The dense phase of the law, wrapped in a circular shape of Xu Xiaolan, a strong horrible breath enveloped her.

"Hey!! Kill you!!!"

"If you pay for everything, you have to kill you!!"

One by one, the law was solid, and then madly rushed to Xu Xiaolan.

Xiao Lan’s little body was still in the storm, but his mouth was slightly uplifted: “Will you be desperate and fight back? This means that you have reached the limit...”

Her eyes suddenly turned into a gorgeous red.

There is a fascination in the holiness, and there is a singular arrogance in the detachment.

"诛神." Xiao Xiaolan faintly opened, the blade of the rotation, the bright red Suzaku source expansion, actually formed the appearance of Suzaku, and then opened the wings and a shot, all the law is under the impact of the source of the smoke.

The shocked and stunned expression of the heart is still on the face, and I saw that Xu Xiaolan had already rushed to her, and the dragon-squeaked sword pierced her chest and passed through.

"You are dead." Xiaolan Lan's bright red eyes, calmly watching the gods.

"Oh..." The **** of heaven opened his mouth and found that he could not speak, and the burning flame of the Suzaku source flame engulfed her tall and delicate body.


The crisp sound is accompanied by the complete smashing of the **** ring.

"Heart gods!!"

"Do not……!!"

The Tianren people saw this scene, grief and screaming.

Every **** is extremely far-reaching to them, their pursuit, their belief, and now there is a **** who has fallen on the battlefield, and witnessed by the millions of troops, tragic and degraded, for them It is a big blow.

The **** of the heart was burned and burned.

Only an invisible force returns to heaven.

The Kyushu United Army has a strong morale, and it is even more fearless and fearless.

What is Niubi?

Niubi is in the presence of the highest authority, when the highest authority Tianshen threatened to save the gods, our friendly army can also kill the gods in the face of the supreme authority of the gods!

This is the face of naked to the high authority of the gods!

What a hearty, so exciting! !

At this time, is the Kyushu coalition still afraid?

The earth gods can't help Anlin and Xu Xiaolan~www.readwn.com~ They are still afraid of a hair!

As a result, hundreds of millions of Kyushu coalition forces have become extremely brave, and the Tianren National Coalition has retreated more sorrowfully. Every minute and every second, a large number of enemy troops have been killed.

The **** of the earth sees the heart of the gods being killed, and his face sinks inexplicably.

He no longer slams with Anlin, but instead resists Anlin’s punch, and then is a boxing in the heart of Anlin!

The speed of this punch is too fast, and Anlin has no time to defend, and then the endless force will smash Anlin’s chest into a hollow, then the back will bulge, rupture, and blow through a blood hole...

"Oh..." An Lin vomited blood and fell.

The body of the earth **** also violently shakes, can not see the injury, but faintly glanced at An Lin, the body into the earth, no breath.

Anlin lay on the ground, watching the fleeing gods, listening to the exhilarating shouting around him, he smiled and laughed very happily, this battle, they won!

Great victory! !

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