I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1979: I want to take responsibility

Anlin was once again shocked by the operation of the sea god.

Hey, is this going to be an infernal?

The ocean **** is on the bright side with the light and the earth. The result is now hooked up with life and the sky. However, it is also a fake. The ocean **** actually formed a union with me.

Three party forces confrontation?

The flying of the ocean gods?

Anlin didn't know what to say at the moment.

"So, do you have any detailed plans?" Anlin asked again.

Ocean Tianshen said: "The sky-breaking gang will be fully prepared. At that time, the battle situation will definitely change, and it is difficult to predict. What we can do is to act on the plane!"

An Lin: "..."

A good one to act.

Is this a plan that has no brains?

"Since the Tiantian gang has been carried out to the third stage of the Tiantian, why don't you stop her?" Anlin is incomprehensible.

"Take the sky is to conform to the heavens. We will be shot by the goddess, and it will be countered by the heavens." Ocean God is silent without words. "How do you not know, live like a little white?"

"Oh..." An Lin looked awkward. "I am not pursuing this. I am pursuing freedom and freedom. After all, knowing more, it means having greater causality."

"So how do you take the initiative to ask me these questions now, isn't it contradictory?" Ocean God asked with a smile.

"Because I want to take responsibility." An Lindao.

The ocean gods were in a stagnation and silenced.

"Right, Ocean Brother, are you convenient now?" An Lin asked again.

"What is convenient and inconvenient, if there is anything to say directly, I can help as much as possible." Ocean God does not like to bend the road, directly open the road.

Ann Lin heard great joy: "Can you let me have a bite?"

The ocean gods have a heart and a tremor: "Hey? What do you mean?"

"It's literally, let me take a bite of your meat. I will become stronger when I eat your meat. Just a small mouth, you can get a stronger partner!" Anlin followed the path.

Yes, the condition for his promotion to join the road is to eat a high-powered **** of the gods. This request seems super difficult to achieve, but don't forget, he has a marine brother! !

The ocean **** is also the highest authority god!

The ocean gods have been forced for ten seconds.

"It’s a brother, let me take a bite!" Anlin said with a burning voice.

The ocean **** coughed twice: "I probably know the principle of strength, is it to absorb the power of darkness in your body by absorbing the source of high authority as a fuse?"

An Lin blinked his eyes, and his heart suddenly suddenly became more and more cheerful.

"But, my injury is true. If it hurts the source again, it will be an irreversible blow to me, even affecting me to become a complete heaven, so... I am really sorry." Ocean Tenjin voice low .

"So... okay." Anlin was disappointed, but he couldn't do anything.

This kind of thing, it is what you want, if the ocean **** can't do it, then there is no way.

"Nothing, when fighting, I will help you cut the rest of the meat to the high authority of the gods!" Ocean God assured seriously.

Anlin was a little worried.

How can you be so familiar with this?

"Well... I have further plans, then contact you."

"I can't take the excuse of being rehabilitated in the healing stage, but my subordinates are fighting. You let Lan Xiaoni send some unimportant troops to fight against the army of Xitianmen, don't be too harmonious, then Too fake." Ocean Tianshen Road.

When you decide to act, you have to play the game.

This point, An Lin naturally understands, and nodded.

The two sides hang up the contact.

Anlin looked at the sky with some complex feelings.

He was originally a small person, and he wanted to be an ordinary person who had been safe for a lifetime.

But unconsciously, even if I tried to avoid the whirlpool of the battle, I was still at the center of the whirlpool. Some things didn't have to be chosen.

He has been jealous of too many people, and too many people have entered his heart, and he wants to protect them. Does the **** want to destroy the human race and want to kill his brothers and friends, does he care? I can't sit still and ignore it! !

That being the case...

It is better to step into the core of the vortex.

With the most powerful enemy, the battle is turned upside down! !

Anlin understood what he really thought in his heart, and his eyes became more and more clear and firm.

"An Lin, eat, I made you delicious today."

Outside the door, the girl’s crisp and sweet voice came.

"Come on!" An Lin smiled softly and walked out the door.

Although Xu Xiaolan is a girl, she has an advantage. She still hasn't changed. She likes to study food and likes to eat good food for Anlin.

In the past few days, they have eaten the food of Yuetong Shencheng. Xu Xiaolan has added a little more inspiration for cooking. Now he can't wait to pull Anlin to do the experiment.

Anlin is also happy to do this. After all, Xu Xiaolan has the foundation of the kitchen god. No matter what way the dish is made and what it is made, it is very delicious.

With the expectation, Anlin came to the table and looked at the delicious dishes at the table. His expression gradually became sluggish.

"This... what is this?!" An Lin squinted.

"This is the inspiration for the cooking I got, and the food made." Xu Xiaolan smiled and said.

Rich green, stirring on the table.

A variety of green vegetables and spiritual materials, releasing green light, glare, according to his vision and green, into the eyes are all green mountains and green water, incomparably environmentally friendly.

The heart of green radish, Baohai Zhang demon, Jiuzhongtian green grass, green hair hippo, Baoling green fungus...

The dishes that looked delicious and the results were all green. When they gathered together, they formed a very strange scene, which made Anlin's legs soft.

Imagine ~www.readwn.com~ a table is all green and still green...

"This... is this too green?" Anlin trembled.

Xu Xiaolan glared at the Ming dynasty, the fingertips of the shallots tapped his chin and said: "It doesn't matter, green represents environmental protection and health. Green dots don't matter, it is also a feature."

An Lin was very panicked: "Xiao Lan, are you irritated?"

The girl Lan Xiaoxiao said: "Where there is, it is the last time I was green myself. Suddenly I realized that I can make a green one that I can taste." This is the crystallization of inspiration."

An Lin mouth twitching, this is the crystallization of inspiration, this is the mudslide of inspiration! !

"Come, Anlin, it's time to take the medicine."

"This is a green dance grass soup that can eliminate the fatigue of the day, reduce the fire and raise the stomach..."

The girl Lan took a bowl of green faint soup and thoughtfully leaned into the mouth of An Lin, said with a smile.

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