I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1980: Green secluded is delicious

A familiar feeling suddenly came to my heart.

Anlin once again recalled the fear of being under the control of Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, you have to believe me, I love you." He opened his mouth with tears and swallowed a small orchid to the green soup in his mouth, swallowing his stomach.

Hey, this soup is quite delicious?

An Lin groaned and suddenly felt very good.

"Well?" The girl's beautiful face was unparalleled, raising a touching smile.

"Good to drink, my family Xiaolan's food, where is unpalatable." An Lin was very sincere.

"If you drink too much, drink a little more, be healthy and environmentally friendly..." The girl's hand is very skillful to raise the spoon and personally feed Anlin to drink soup.

For a time, the two were happy and they forgot the green of the table.

Anlin boldly tasted the dishes on the table and found that although these dishes were very green, they were surprisingly good, full of color and flavor, and really fragrant! !

Xu Xiaolan saw Anlin eating happily, satisfied with a smile, and followed Anlin to eat.

"Shu Erliu's blood has recovered very quickly, and in a few days, he can restore his peak strength." Xu Xiaolan began to eat while eating.

"This is very good, our core strength, can be mentioned." Anlin nodded.

Xu Xiaolan is also curious: "The sea **** of the West Sea is already in the world, will the defense there be weaker, don't you worry?"

"Everything is in control, rest assured, Yuetong Shencheng has a transmission array directly to the water fairyland, there is a situation, we can immediately transfer to that side." Anlin smiled indifferently.

Xu Xiaolan nodded: "Also, the current ocean gods are not strong offensive, and the gangster should also have a strategic target for it."

"Yeah, we don't have to worry about this."

"Is that blue Xiao Ni beautiful?"


Snapped! !

Girllan suddenly put down the chopsticks.

"But it's just plain and beautiful. It's far less than Xiaolan's looks make me dream." An Lin took a bite of green radish, his face calmed and he remedied it extremely naturally.

"Yes, Lan Xiao Ni is a beautiful woman in the West Sea. People who listen to the West Sea say that your relationship with her is super good." Girl Lan picked up the chopsticks and continued to pick up the dishes.

"Alright, good buddy." An Lin ate a green shadow.

Adolescent girl Lan, innocent, lively and lovely, is also very hot for An Lin's emotions, but in contrast, there is also an inevitable shortcoming, that is, it is very jealous.

Anlin knew this for a long time, and it was as stable as an old dog.

Every cultivator is a big stomach king. The dishes on one table can be completely eaten and then quickly digested. Both An Lin and Xu Xiaolan will solve the food on a table.

Although from the appearance point of view, a table of green dishes is very similar to dark dishes, but after eating, An Lin can pat the chest to ensure that this is an extremely delicious dish.

After the two have finished eating, they will go to the Yinyue River and slide on the boat to enjoy the colorful flowers on both sides.

In this way, another wonderful and fulfilling day passed.

Early the next morning.

Anlin meditated as usual.

The door was suddenly opened.

A burst of fragrant scent.

Then there was a soft and warm forehead.

An Lin opened his eyes and saw a Tsing Yi woman's eyebrows as a picture, smiling and stunned. The facial features were so perfect that it was unimaginable, and the mouth was raised and found to have a lot of mature charm.

He is a bit stunned.

The woman in front of me is not only beautiful, but also very good in appearance. The place is especially beautiful. The skin is white and tender, and it looks like a mature peach. It is at the most delicious moment and can be picked at any time.

"Forty-year-old Xiaolan, give you a good morning kiss." Xu Xiaolan was a little shy, and looked at Anlin with some anger. "You look at this, why are you staring at the place where people look?"

Anlin was a glimpse, then he came back and looked shocked. "Twenty years old? What forty?" You, you didn't say that you can restore the original appearance after a while? How do you become more than before? More mature, better developed?!"

Xu Xiaolan frowned and followed the pain: "I don't know.... Since the cultivation of the realm of immortality, my external age has been fixed at the age of twenty. In any case, the appearance will not continue to change. The result today. I woke up like this."

She patted her chest and got a lot of sighs and sighed: "Hey, I am also very upset..."

An Lin’s mouth was slightly undetectable and pumped. This is getting too big and it’s very distressing. Legal Loli knows this, can’t eat half dead?

He looked at the current Xu Xiaolan, and his body became a little bit fascinating. He was released with a mature and charming atmosphere. It should be said that she is more charming and more beautiful.

Xiaolan like this...

I also like it! !

Anlin feels very happy.

"Xiaolan, I am going back to you for a good morning kiss."

"An Lin, why are you doing this monkey..."


A wonderful morning begins with a good morning kiss between lovers.

Just like the birds drinking the morning dew, they tasted the sweet flower juice and made people forget to return.

The two had been intimate for a little while, so they went to have breakfast.

Xu Xiaolan is free to cook.

This can be said to be a hobby.

Seriously delving into it, in fact, it was still biased by Anlin.

When Anlin took her to heaven to cook and make money, Anlin was successful in getting out of it. Xu Xiaolan was fascinated with cooking. Even if she is not short of money, she doesn’t have to cook for the heavens. Live the drums and sip new dishes and eat for yourself and intimate people.

In the long run, her cooking skills are not only getting more and more popular, but the recipes are even more varied.

Nowadays, cooking has become an important part of her life.

Anlin found that this was the most correct decision he made at the beginning. www.readwn.com~ At home because of his mistakes, he was more beautiful, took the initiative to cook, and made it especially delicious. This is a happy wife, isn’t this a great event?

Anlin happily ate Xiaolan’s breakfast for a good day.

After the two had finished their breakfast, they went to inspect the defense of the city to see if the formation was flawed, and then continued to pull Xiaolan to eat, drink and play around the Yuetong City, to be the happiest fairy monk.

It’s been a happy day for a few days.

The ocean **** suddenly and actively contacted Anlin.

"An Lin, I have mastered an important news!!" Ocean God is a little excited.

Anlin’s eyes are bright: “Oh? What news?”

The message that can enter the eyes of the high authority gods, and what he calls important news, is definitely not trivial, it is likely to be the news that determines the direction of the war! !

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