I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1981: Plotting in progress

The ocean **** is deep and faint: "You know, how did the Terran come?"

Anlin heard a word and then said: "A strange tree of gods is hung with eggs of different colors, and the Terran is hatched from the eggs."

The ocean **** was shocked and shouted: "Do you know?!"

An Lin smiled. He had been to that special place. He also saw the **** of life inside. How could he not know?

"I don't think you can still know something." Ocean God has some emotions.

"Don't imagine me as an idiot who knows nothing." Anlin didn't have a good air.

"Have you been to the Holy Land?" asked the Ocean God.

Anlin recalled: "If you say that there is a vacant space, a river of vitality, a mountain with invisible heights, and many tens of thousands of tall trees with pink leaves, then I think I have been to that place."

"It's that place! We cultivate the heavens!" Ocean God is excited.

"So, this has something to do with the news you want to tell me." Anlin asked.

"You know, how many troops are there today?" Ocean God asked.

Anlin thought for a moment and said, "If you only refer to the heavenly human beings, if the forces of the three Tianmen are combined, there should be one billion?"

The ocean **** nodded and said: "The number of eggs that have not yet hatched in the holy land of heaven is more than ten times the number of the Terran army today!"

An Lin heart and liver tremble.

So much? !

He seems to know what the Ocean God wants to say.

“The natural human growth cycle is very short. From hatching to perfection that can fight, it only takes a year. Imagine what happens if all the eggs hatch at the same time?” Ocean Tianshen.

Anlin took a deep breath.

One billion people of the Terran army?

To be honest, the 100 million-day Terran army is already very horrible. Under the conventional combat power, it has been able to marry several joint forces of the first-class forces in the mainland. If the Tianren army is ten times more... then it is completely Pressure! !

"This... Is it possible to hatch all?" An Lin trembled.

Ocean God smiled: "Of course, it is possible that you thought that the gods did not attack a lot. Avoiding the evil of heaven is one of them. The second is to not waste too much power, to live through the life of the primitive people through the living of the heavens. After all, manufacturing The Tianren people use the essence of life in the entire star field. Not only are the cycles short, but the quality is high, and the quantity is endless, more and more..."

"One billion is just the current number. After another hundred years, 10 billion is not a problem!"

An Lin swallowed a sigh of relief: "So, what did you say, is it related to the destruction of this heavenly sanctuary?"

"No, you still don't have the power to destroy the holy land of the people. In fact, time does not allow them to continue to build the Terran army. The son-in-law is going to the third step. It is not only difficult for me to enter the Taichu continent, but also the Tianren. in this way."

"So, the supreme authority of the gods, transferred the eggs of a billion Tianren people to the mainland of the early days, intends to hatch them all at once, and then quickly ripen them, and build a billion-day Terran army in a month to fight the battle! ”

"Bright and the earth just told me about this plan."

Anlin’s eyes lit up: “So, do you know where the eggs are? Do you want us to ruin those eggs? Where are the eggs, should there be heavy guards?”

Ocean Tianshen: "In fact, those eggs are placed on me..."

An Lin: "..."

"They want my West Sea West Gate to become a hotbed of secretly hatching a billion-day-old Terran army. After the success of the training, the one billion-day Terran army will sweep all the way east and wash the blood of the entire mainland!" Ocean Tianshen.

Anlin’s mouth has already been twitched.

These two supreme power gods are eye-catching, and even put such an important thing here in the ocean gods... The sheep into the tiger's mouth is not enough to describe the sad reminders of these eggs! !

"If this one billion people can completely listen to me, then it doesn't have to be this way, but I haven't been involved in cultivating the celestial family before, and the command intensity of their consciousness control is far less effective than life and light. In the event of a conflict, they I won't listen to me, so I have to get rid of it!"

The ocean **** is serious.

Anlin is also happy.

Seeing no, Ocean God just received the news, and plotted with Anlin how to deal with this one billion eggs! If the two highest gods know, they must not be too angry to die! !

This is the most secretive and terrible force of the Terran. It must be cleared and killed in the bud. Otherwise, once the Kyushu coalition forces battle with the Tianren national army, Anlin and the sea gods will be successful in sneak attack, and the casualties after the war will be extremely fierce.

"The only difficulty we have to do now is how to make coincidences, so that you can destroy the egg authority of the Tianren people here... The whole process must be reasonable and natural, and there must be no sense of violation, so as not to be bright. And the earth is skeptical." Ocean Tianshen Road.

Well, this is indeed a difficult point.

"Where is one billion eggs placed in the West Gate?" asked Anlin.

"On a giant island with a strong vitality of 20,000 miles northwest of Xitianmen, I also laid a large array of protections against the supreme law of the sea." Ocean Tianshen.

An Lin heard that he was about to vomit blood: "Is it so proud of the rules of your arrogance? Can you reduce the difficulty?"

"This one billion people are originally one of the most important strategies, how can I reduce the difficulty? How can I reduce the difficulty?" Ocean God is not exposed.

An Lin: "..."

On the one hand, I want to let him do the destruction.

On the one hand, the defense there is mentioned to the highest level...

Isn't this difficult for a strong man? ! !

Anlin frowned and wrinkled and fell into meditation.

After a moment, his eyes brightened: "I have a plan!"

"Thinking so quickly?" Ocean God was still racking his brains before ~www.readwn.com~ The result was no clue, now I heard Anlin's words could not help but glimpse.

"I don't want to be so fast, I don't want to expose the horses so quickly." Ocean God does not believe.

An Lin said: "You listen to me and talk about it!"

Ocean God nodded: "Good."

An Lindao: "So, like this!"

The ocean gods are sinking first, then their eyes are bright, and then it is difficult to decide: "This is not suitable..."

"I can't bear the children can't set wolves!" An Lin solemnly said.

"This is used here, it is more inappropriate, you are selling my children..." Ocean God is a little depressed.

"For our great cause, for your dreams, you can't even bear this loss?" An Lin hated iron.

The sea **** took a deep breath and said, "Oh, I have done this!!"

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