I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1983: 1 morning kiss

Wang Xuan war was shocked. How did his head grow on his head?

However, he knows that he has already faced the crisis of nine deaths at the moment, and he has no time to think about anything. He is trying to kill the enemies in front of him.

suddenly! The little red flower on his head burst into a dazzling golden light.

The golden light is pure, and purely to the Wang Xuan battle, there is no energy fluctuation.

Finished... the golden light on the head...

Wang Xuanzhan felt that he was in a tragedy. Most of the enemy’s magical techniques were used. He did not expect that the last moment of his cultivation of immortals was not a fierce battle, but that he died inexplicably.

When he was thinking this way, the golden light on his head suddenly sprayed a golden light, running through the head of the Terran Marshal at a very fast speed.

The speed is too fast, and the marshal is almost too late to react.

The marshal's palms have not yet fallen, and suddenly they have a stature, and then they are scattered, and their faces gradually appear to be full of realization.

噗通! !

The Terran Marshal squatted down and burst into tears: "I am wrong, I am full of filth, my heart is turbid, I beg you, kill me!!"

Wang Xuan’s hand grasped the dragon rifle and was about to fight back. He could not help but be shocked when he saw this scene.

what's going on? !

The marshal of the heavenly Terran, even kneel to him, still want to kill?

He remembers not giving money to the other party. Why did he suddenly give it to the head? !

At this time, his head was filled with a delicate voice: "What are you doing here, and quickly purify the enemy you are repenting in front of you, praise the sun!"

The Terran Marshal raised his hands: "The heart shines, praise the sun!"


The long gun fell, and Wang Xuan’s battle shot the marshal in front of him in two halves and added a sentence: "praise the sun."

He never imagined that the most powerful enemy he killed was actually defeated in this way...

"Thank you for the help of Xiaohong elders." Wang Xuanzhan said with respect.

Before, he didn't know what the little red flower on his head was, but when Xiaohong said the phrase "praise the sun," he suddenly realized.

Kyushu, who does not know that the little red elder is a salted fish that is sunning every day?

No, not salted fish, koi! !

"It’s just a matter of raising your hand. Well, Wang Xuan’s battle is friendly and good. I am going to save other people.” Xiao Hong Jiao dripped back, and then the body suddenly disappeared.

Wang Xuanzhan didn't know how Xiaohong came, and he didn't know how Xiaohong went, but he didn't know how Xiaohong let the marshal of the Tianren tribe.

That is the heavenly apocalypse! ! God is not out, they are the strongest!

Their belief in Heaven and the use of the power of heaven are absolutely supernatural. These are, there is pride, and the heart is firm, how can you be here to let him kill? This can not even be done by the Five Emperors of Heaven!

The meaning of his back is simply making him think hard.

"The forty-nine sects of the strong, are some enchanting ah..." Wang Xuanzhan faintly sighed.

Think about it, this little red flower seems to be the beast of Anlin.

Are the pets so powerful?

Wang Xuanzhan took another look at the big white dog that kept biting in the distance.

Um... his current combat power is probably equal to a big white...

Painful realization! !

Wang Xuanzhan would never dream of dreaming. After hundreds of years, his first arrogant son of the celestial list, the combat power was only comparable to that of a dog that Anlin rode at the beginning. This is really too dreamy.

Dabai must have gotten a lot of fairy tales?

I want to mix with Anlin, what should I do?

Wang Xuanzhan shook his head hard and threw his mind away, and continued to rush to the heavenly people not far away.

The war is still going on.

I don't know if it is because of the midline eating.

In this battle, there are no opponents of the gods level. It is only the hundreds of millions of people who have been rushing to kill, but from the battlefield loss, the Kyushu coalition forces are extraordinarily brave and kill more enemies. When they are three or four million casualties, the Tianren Almost 10 million have been killed or injured.

The morale is one of the reasons, and the strength of the forty-nine sects is the second reason.

Everyone's heart is very happy, so that after the war, the Tianren people will be consumed by them sooner or later!

The east line is fighting.

The center line is still peaceful.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan are still preparing for the battle, and live a leisurely and unrelenting day.

Yuetong Shencheng is a giant city, and there are so many things to experience, eat, drink, and have everything, and it is also a combination of eating, drinking, and drinking. Bai Yu, the true devil, the Buddha family, even the Xihai Yaozu, as well as the saints have the characteristics of play.

Anlin took Xiaolan’s hand and shuttled through the streets, very happy.

Early the next morning.

The morning light is slightly exposed, and the sun appears in the east.

Suzaku’s tweet echoed in Yuetong Shencheng.

A new day has begun.

Anlin is meditating on the bed.

However, the familiar door sound has not sounded for a long time.

He had some doubts. It used to be Xiaolan who called him to get up.

After finishing it, Anlin walked toward Xu Xiaolan's room.

Only when I walked to the door, there was a voice inside the door.

"Don't come in!"

The sound is a bit familiar, and there is a hoarseness.

An Lin’s heart jumped, and a bad premonition came to my heart.

He immediately pushed the door, only to find a strong prohibition that isolated the space around him.

"Don't come in... OK... I beg you..."

There was a hoarse voice in the door.

Anlin’s eyes flashed over the white mans, and Shen Jianshu!

Just kidding, don’t you come in if you don’t let me in?

This room, I am settled!

Anlin gave a shot to the obvious flaw of the ban, and the ban was shattered.

He immediately pushed in and the woman screamed inside.

A figure in Tsing Yi, facing his back, close to his face, a little crying: "I am not asking you not to come in? Why... Why not listen to me... I really don't want you to see me this. Look like..."

An Lin stunned.

He looked at the slim back of his eyes, and the blue dress was still the look of yesterday, except that the body under the dress was so thin, his hair was gray, his neck was wrinkled, his hands were exposed, there was no luster, but he was somewhat loose. collapse.

Before Anlin walked forward, she went to the bedside and sat down with the Tsing Yi woman. She looked at her face and turned her head to the Tsing Yi woman. There was no pain in her heart.

He stretched his hand and some forcefully opened the woman's hands close to her face.

Anlin saw the appearance of Xu Xiaolan.

Face contour or goose egg face ~ www.readwn.com ~ but the face is full of wrinkles, there are old spots.

The white and pink cheeks are gone, the charming lips are gone, the small white snow is gone, and the bright, clear water is gone. Instead, the wrinkled face, the dry lips, the shrinking nose, And bleak, some sagless gods...

Xu Xiaolan was red-eyed and finally had the courage to look straight into Anlin. The voice shook: "See my face? I am satisfied! Go out, you will get out of me!! Just a few days, just In a few days, I should not be like this, you can't wait, why do you want to..."

Suddenly, a warm and soft touch came from the forehead.

Xu Xiaolan stopped the words, opened his mouth, and looked at the man who was leaning forward, feeling the warmth and softness of his forehead...

After ten seconds.

Anlin stepped back and looked at the crumpled Xu Xiaolan in front of him, showing a warm smile: "Give you a good morning kiss."

"Xiao Lan, 80 years old, good morning."

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