I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1984: God level comfort

a kiss.

A smile.

It seems to pierce the morning sun in the dark.

Dispel the pain and darkness in the woman's heart.

Xu Xiaolan stared blankly at the man in front of him, and the tears couldn’t help it anymore. He jumped out of the arms of An Lin and cried aloud.

"How did I become like this, how did I become like this..."

"I, I am so ugly, how can I see people in the future?"


Xu Xiaolan grabbed the clothes of An Lin with both hands and cried.

When she became a baby, she didn't feel sad. When she became Loli, she was not sad. When she became a girl or middle-aged, she was not sad, because she was still very beautiful at that time.

But now, she became an 80-year-old man. When she looked in the mirror, she almost collapsed.

Although for the people who cultivate the immortals, the appearance is only the skin. But can you really let go? After all, this is a world of looking faces. Beautiful things are still things that millions of people want to live. How can they be ignored?

Xu Xiaolan said that she doesn't care about her appearance. It is because her appearance is very beautiful. No matter how it changes, it only has more and more beautiful parts. Of course, it doesn't matter.

After all, the name of the saint, the goddess is not white.

However, when she found herself into a white-haired old man, her beautiful face turned into a bark-like appearance, she had been accustomed to the fairy, and the impact she suffered was so great!

Anlin was holding a woman who was shaking and crying in her arms, and her heart was distressed. He didn't want to make the woman in her arms sad, but she didn't know what to do. All she could do was hug her tightly and let her know that she would never leave her.

The setting sun sets, the setting sun melts gold.

The changes in the years are always accompanied by aging and separation.

Anlin can't decide who will go old, but he can decide to accompany Xiaolan forever in this time. He did not say it, but he knew that Xiaolan must know that he had made a choice.

"Do not worry, Xiaolan, this should be temporary. Although your reality is aging, but the vitality has not become weak, it may be the aftereffect of inheriting the Holy Position, and will soon be able to recover..." Ann Lin finally thought With comfort, open the door.

"But...but what?" It was so old and so ugly... I really didn't have a face to see anyone..." Xu Xiaolan's dry body lingered in An Lin's arms, still whispering in pain.

Anlin’s eyes lit up and said: “Who do you think the clown is ugly compared to you?”

Xu Xiaolan's body trembled, red eyes and anger said: "I am old, 80 years old, but how can you insult me?"

An Lin smiled and said: "This is right, the clown is so ugly, he has a face to see people, why can't you see people? The clown is so ugly, even the top beauty of Bai Yao has a face, but also so frank Swinging to the people, are you panicking again?"

Xu Xiaolan opened his mouth and was speechless.

The ugly, horrifying face of the clown emerged in her mind.

Think about it like this...

The sadness and pain in my heart seem to have eased a lot.

Even, comfortable...


"Haqiu!!" On the battlefield in the east, the clown who was fighting fiercely, suddenly sneezed, and some looked around inexplicably.

Is someone yelling at him?

"Go to hell, ugly monkey!!" In the distance, a few cave gods of the Tianren general, angrily rushed to the middle of the monkey wearing a black crystal armor.

The clown stared at the caves of the gods, and the light bulbs of the big eyes directly gave the dazzling endless light. The cave gods only felt that they were rushing to the two suns...

It’s too dazzling! !


The clown is facing a scorpio general who is looked at by his own light bulb. It is a mammoth to pick up the iron rod, and the generals will be screamed and screamed.

"Dead! Smelly monkey!!" Behind the clown, suddenly there was a mortal general who was covered in a shadow, slamming the neck of the clown.

The general had a shadow covering his eyes, and this was not illuminated, nor did he call the clown to be an ugly monkey. At this time, when he seized the opportunity, he would kill the clown.

The dark black spear, tearing open the air, is like a lightning bolt.

The clown noticed that the offensive behind him was actually too late.

The Tianren generals showed a sultry expression. At this time, suddenly there were countless tails covering the daylight, and six white foxes and big tails, like a huge slap, and the generals smashed.

"Dare to move my little monkey, look for death!" Qing drink came from the sky.

boom! !

The tail is as heavy as a thousand.

The Tianren general screamed and was thrown off the ground and pulled out a big pit.

The clown turned around at this time, and the ugly smile: "Don't see, are we two people?"

The woman of the celestial family looked at the beautiful face, and she clung to the clown's side with her intimate attachment, her face full of unwillingness and anger.

What he was trying to say, a black stick had been mercilessly slammed into his head.

Hey! ! !

The Tianren general has fallen.

The clown and Bai Yao went hand in hand.

Not far away, I was trying to help the clown's white, silently swallowing a big white ration and continuing to rush to the rest of the world.

The battle is very large and both sides are spared no effort in the battle.

The Terran was destroyed by 20 million, and this began to shout and retreat.

At this time, their number has been reduced to 90 million, and the number is equal to the Kyushu East Line coalition. However, the Kyushu East Line coalition was one billion before.

In other words, the number of casualties of the Tianren people is twice that of the Kyushu East Line.

We must know that the individual combat power of these Heavenly Terrans can be very powerful. The fighting power of the mainland's living beings is generally higher than that of the early Taishou. As a result, the results after the battle are different.

This is incredible.

Long Aotian looked at the Kyushu coalition forces who were arrogant and continued to chase the Tianren. They suddenly understood where the gap between the two sides was.

The army that has experienced despair and then has unlimited hopes is actually very different from the ordinary army.

The Kyushu Allied Forces chased three thousand miles all the way~www.readwn.com~ until the three gods of the gods in the top of the head appeared in the camp of the Tianren army, releasing the supreme atmosphere, the Kyushu coalition forces stopped the pursuit.

The Emperor and the Emperor Gulong stood at the forefront of the Kyushu Allied Forces and squatted with the gods without fear.

They are the strongest on the bright side of the Kyushu coalition in the Eastern Front, and they are deeply in-depth in their understanding of the law of breaking the sky. They have the power to compete with the gods.

The Emperor and the Gulong Emperor can continue to fight, but now the Kyushu coalition forces have achieved such great results. In fact, they have not continued to fight.


"Ha ha ha, kill them!!"

At this time, the roar of the earth shook.

The two black dragons that cover the sky have not rushed to the three gods not far away.

The Tianren National Coalition and the officers of the Kyushu Boundary Army changed their faces at the same time.

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