I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1988: Furious

The sea monsters have changed their faces.

Are their blue lords even surrounded? !

Such a delicate and watery girl is suddenly surrounded by four unscrupulous gods, and anyone must worry, even if the girl has powerful power.

"Do you dare to do it to me? Don't forget, there are people behind me!" Lan Xiaoni snorted, and the pure and delicate face showed a touch of ice to the extreme look.

"Ha ha ha... You want to say, your Anlin boss?" The mirror **** smiled and smiled very proudly, as if everything was under control. "Ocean God has already personally dispatched the West Sea canopy to the space array." Transmission is isolated, he can't support it through the transmission array, he can only fly directly. Do you think he can save you?"

"How could it be..." Lan Xiao Ni Zhan Lan's beauty has a moment of disappointment, Jiao Jiao gently swayed, some can't believe, Ocean God in order to deal with her, actually personally dispatched?

The outside world is not rumored, Ocean God can not play because of special reasons?

Bluetooth God God smiled and said: "Ocean God God personally deal with you, you are also proud of yourself, although the **** of the gods paid a great price, but in order to let the water authority to better development, everything is worth it!"

"Let's go!" The mirror **** shouted and rushed to Lan Xiao Ni.

Fluid God, Bluetooth God, the Styx God moved at the same time, rushed to the blue center that was surrounded by the center.

"Protect the Blue Alliance Master!"

"Swear to protect the Blue League Lord!!"

Gu Yu, fish non-fish, Lan Xianyang and other super powers immediately moved.

"You don't have to protect me, you can defeat the enemy in front of you!" Lan Xiao Ni directly plunged into the deep sea and swam away from the army in the distance.

She has already sent a message to Anlin. As long as she delays the time, Anlin can fly here, and she can fly here. She just has to delay the time!

The ocean is her home. She swings her tail and can sway for hundreds of miles with a glance. The speed is incredibly fast.

But the other four gods are not vegetarian.

On the head of the mirror god, the **** ring is bright: "true and false switch, fog mirror empty!"


Energy is rapidly spreading to the world.

Lan Xiao Ni was shocked by power. In an instant, he completely lost his way, as if he was in the world of infinite mirrors. Everything in front of him was reflected and repeated.

"Hey! District mirror illusion, also want to fascinate the Lord?" Lan Xiao Ni snorted, the sea of ​​the water contains the power of the high law, directly violently bursting around.

boom! !


The illusion is broken like a mirror landing.

Lan Xiaoni broke the attack of Jingtian, but it also delayed for a second or two. At this time, the attacks of the other three gods had already followed.

A strip of white gold fluid that is so hot that the ocean is boiling and evaporating, from the sky, is wrapped all the way to Lan Xiao Ni.

Lan Xiaoni twists the exquisite and delicate body, flexibly avoiding the white gold fluid from the lasing.

The two gods of Bluetooth and Styx have already opened six **** rings in the pursuit. The extremely powerful and powerful power is released, and the surrounding space seems to solidify.

Bluetooth poses like a butterfly falling into the sea, the dexterous toe is a little bit of sea water, the terrible high temperature madly erodes the ocean from the toes, and the sea that is hundreds of miles away is hot.

"It’s so hot..." Lan Xiao Ni, who was swimming in the sea, escaped the painful color.

At this time, a dark chain splits the sea and wraps around the slender waist of Lan Xiao Ni.

"Don't deceive too much! Really when I am blue Xiao Ni is bullying?!!" Lan Xiaoni was angry, and the **** ring on his head gave off a dazzling radiance, and his body slammed.

Bang! ! The sea suddenly appeared a giant whirlpool that swept thousands of miles, and then it rose into the sky and turned into a wrath of the sky!

Whether it's hot sea water, hot fluids, or dark chains that imply murderous machines, all of them are stunned by this horrible and unimaginable sea water dragon.

The Bluetooth that is too close is screaming, thrown directly into the sky by the tornado, and the body is strangled and cut hundreds of millions of times by the numerous water blades contained in the tornado.

The fluid gods and the river gods were also affected, and they evaded.

The mirror **** looked a little worried.

Is this blue Xiao Ni so fierce?

It just received the task of catching Lan Xiao Ni, and felt that the four gods were dispatched at the same time, which was absolutely stable, but did not expect to encounter such terrible resistance.

Gu Yu and others who were stationed in the army of the Xihai Union in the distance saw the Tongtian tornado that rolled up hundreds of millions of tons of high-energy sea water in the distance. It was also a horror, just like watching miracles.

If this tornado is going to the Tianren army, can you at least kill millions of troops?

Soon, the four gods around the tornado continued to attack the giant water tornado. The method of destroying the earth and destroying the earth contained the law of strong and powerful, and constantly bombarded it, and instantly turned the surrounding sea into a place of destruction.

The center of their battle has been separated from the two armies by thousands of miles, but the energy fluctuations have often collided with the formation of the two armies, and the tsunami that has been set off has engulfed many troops.

This is extremely unfavorable for the coalition forces of the West Sea Alliance.

The sea water suddenly became hot, and it was like setting a cold winter, which made the Krakens miserable.

The overwhelming tsunami will also take away some of the saints who have not been repaired.

Fortunately, the top-level combat power of the Tianren people is very insufficient. There are only ten marshals in the ranks of the Marshals. In the West Sea Union, there are five joints in the headquarters, plus one of the Saints and the true devils. A full seven-way road is enough to crush their top-level combat power, and then madly kill the Tianren army.

Just when the Earthquake broke out in the West Sea.

Yuetong Shencheng.

An Lin received a request from Lan Xiaoni for help, and suddenly became furious.

"Is this reasoned, even sent out four Tianshen Wai Lan Xiao Ni? Do you know that Lan Xiao Ni is my cover? If you dare to dispatch such combat power, don't blame me for being welcome!"

"I don't want to fight, but I am not afraid of a full-scale war!!"

Anlin stood up directly, his eyes containing anger that was difficult to contain.

"Xiaolan, I have to go to the West Sea to save Lan Xiaoni!" Anlin said.

Xu Xiaolan was very worried and heard to stand up: "I will go with you, in case of encountering the ocean god..."

"No, you stay here to guard the earth god!" An Lin immediately replied, "I am this strength, even if I meet the ocean gods, I can't beat it, it's okay to escape."

Xu Xiaolan was not a hesitant person. He immediately nodded: "Then you must pay attention to safety."

Anlin ran to the big array and wanted to send it directly to the water fairyland. As a result, he found that the space shuttle channel was isolated by a certain force.


Anlin immediately tore the space and rushed to the West Sea.


The West Sea of ​​the mainland.

The 20 million Tianren army has suffered heavy losses and soon dropped to 15 million. They are gradually unable to support them any more, and if they continue to fight like this, I am afraid that they will be wiped out by the whole army~www.readwn.com~Retreat! The whole army retreats! ! ”

The Terran Marshal shouted.

The Tianren army quickly fled to the west gate.

"Kill!! Don't let the Terran run away!"

"kill and kill!!"

The morale of the army of the West Sea Alliance is soaring, and they are chasing the enemy.

At this moment, the battle in the far distance also came to an end.

If Lan Xiao Ni is a squid, she is bruised and bruised. She is bound by a few indestructible fluid ropes. The black chain is entangled in a snow-white waist like a water snake, releasing countless charms to suppress her strength.

So the river is holding the other end of the chain, hanging blue Xiao Ni flying far away.

The other three gods were injured, and they flocked to the depths of the West Sea.

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