I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1989: Anlin Dalai came

The Xihai Union army defeated the Tianren army, chasing thousands of miles and killing millions of enemy troops. This began to return.

However, when they returned with great victory, they were desperately discovering that their ally, Lan Xiao Ni, was captured by the four gods! !

This matter, like a blue sky, has kept more than 20 million troops in a hurry and forgot to think for a while. Soon, the Kraken will scream in anger and anger, to rescue the Blue Alliance Lord.

However, these indignations have been suppressed by Lan Xianyang.

As for these strong people, go deep into the West Sea to save the blue Xiao Ni? Isn't this going to give the other person a dish?

"Everyone calm down first! Don't be nervous! Our blue ally has not fallen, but it has been taken away. The opponent is the existence of four gods, and we will not help if we rushed over..."

Lan Xianyang stood in the middle of the army battle and shouted loudly.

Its words did not calm the sentiments of the powerful, and immediately there was a power to interrupt.

"Don't it be because of this, we will do nothing?!"

"The Blue League Lord is the symbol of the existence of our alliance. If she is gone, what is the significance of our alliance? I am willing to give everything to get the chance to save the Blue League Lord!!"

"Yes! Swear to death to protect the Blue League master!!"

"Kill the past! Not a big death!!"

Immediately, there were countless strong men on the ocean who sang together.

The great prestige that Lan Xiaoni has built over the past 100 years is not only the spiritual fish family, but even the Tiangui family, or other sea people, she also occupies a very important position in their minds, with a group of extremely loyal Followers.

Lan Xianyang is not annoyed, but extremely gratified. His daughter is more powerful than him. He is more popular than him. His achievements are so great. As a father, of course he is very pleased.

He immediately said: "I am not saying that the Blue Alliance Master will not be saved. The Blue League Master must be someone to save. Have you forgotten who is her backing?"

When the words came out, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"It is the lord of Anlin!!"

"Fighting God!!"


"Sun Lei Zun!!"

The strongmen of the West Sea Alliance shouted excitedly, only to feel suddenly.

"The Blue League Lord has so many backers?" A sea monster exclaimed.

The air is quiet.

All the sea monsters stared blankly at the Kraken, and the Haifa suddenly felt the scalp numb, and the darkness in the heart was not good. At this time, a huge number of Kraken strongs had already rushed toward it...

The shivering Kraken was taken away by a group of Krakens who were suspected of being spies.

Lan Xianyang continued to laugh: "Yes, the back of the Blue League Lord is Anlin. Anlin believes that he is already on the way. This battle belongs to him. Please believe him!!"

As soon as this statement came out, the army of the Xihai Alliance was silent.

If they are told to believe in others, they may be scornful, and this level of big things can be believed by anyone. But Lan Xianyang told them to believe in Anlin, but they have nothing to say against it. Does Anlin create fewer miracles?

An Lin’s aura is too dazzling, plus his strength, looking at the vast expanse of the mainland, how many people can rival his strength?

I have to say that having Anlin as their backing is very safe.

The army of the West Sea Union began to retreat.

They have not returned to the water fairyland, and they saw that the void suddenly split, and a white-skinned man appeared in the sky above the army.

"Lan Xiao Ni, who is her?" the man asked.

"Ah! It is the lord of Anlin!"

"The Anlin lord is finally here!!"

"The Emperor Anlin, please go to the Blue League Lord!!"

The soldiers of the West Sea Alliance, after seeing the visitors, screamed and screamed, and some even cried, as if they had caught the last straw.

Anlin really came to the rescue, and it came so fast!

"Don't worry, slowly, I need the shortest and most effective intelligence." Anlin said.

Lan Xianyang and several other super-powerful people have said what they will know.

The more Anlin heard the more angry: "Well... it’s so daring! Even the ocean gods are shooting? I said why I can’t use the transmission array. I can’t think of a big **** in order to deal with a weak woman. Big and high gods, good means, really a good means!!"

Lan Xianyang wants to stop and say, Xindao, Lan Xiao Ni is not a weak woman, but she almost killed four gods...

"I have already said that the blue brother is my cover. Is it true that my words are to play?" Anlin's momentum is more and more horrible, like the raging anger, to pour the world.

The more than 20 million Xihai coalition forces on the field felt that this stock seemed to be a substantial pressure. The pressure was many times more terrible than the ordinary power god.

"Anlin lord, I would like to go with you to rescue the Blue League Lord!" A true demon super power can be dispatched out of the way, looking at Anlin feverishly.

It actually admires the man who rises like a bright sun, and dreams that one day he can fight alongside the man in front of him.ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文网ωωω.χ~8.~1zщ.còм

An Lin glanced at the real demon who was a little thin and full of golden mysterious lines. He smiled and said: "You are Ling Gu Mo Zun?"

The man was flattered and hurriedly said: "It is down!"

A whole body is milky white~www.readwn.com~Smooth and very streamlined, the super power of the holy Wu people without a trace of hair is also standing out, the face rarely appears to be respectful, and said: "I am willing to work with Anlin. The lord smashed a dragon pond!"

Anlin saw this super power, and some surprises: "You are... one of the three oldest martial arts temples, Zhenyuan Wuzun?"

"Yes." The holy martial arts super nodded.

An Lin remembered that he had fought side by side with the martial arts Wu Zun, one of the three priests of the martial arts temple. The mixed Wu Zun is the super power of the peak of the road. The true Yuan Wu Zun is only the middle of the road.

Guyu, fish and fish, and Lan Xianyang also stood up and asked to go together.

Anlin thought for a moment, as long as Ling Gu Mozun, Zhen Yuan Wu Zun, Lan Xianyang, the three super-powers go together, the rest of the guards of the water fairyland, to avoid the enemy to counterattack just fine. Starting

In fact, he does not really need the strength of these three super powers, but he is a super Thunder God, do not want to order? Naturally, I need some younger brothers to shout at six or six!

This is the platoon! !

Anlin felt that Linggu Mozun, Zhenyuan Wuzun, and Lanxianyang were just right for this younger brother. He looked at the three people behind him and found that Lanxianyang was smiling at him.

Well, Lan Xianyang is not a younger brother. He does not dare to let Lan Xianyang be a younger brother.

Anlin looked at the far side of the Western Haitian line and said: "When it is not too late, we will rescue Lan Xiao Ni and let the Tianren know that my younger brother of Anlin is not bullying!!"

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