I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1990: Return my younger brother

The figure of Ling Gu Mozun swept through the sky at a high speed, and he was very excited to see the white back in front of him. He finally had the opportunity to fight alongside An Lin. I really didn't expect this dream to be so smooth.

Zhenyuan Wuzun is also in the same mood as Linggu Mozun, and is actually an admirer of Anlin. Not only that, but it also thought about learning from Anlin, but this thought was in "Anlin and the Earth God Five." After the news of the "five open" came out, it disappeared without a trace.

He didn't want to be killed by Anlin accidentally mistakenly during the discussion.

Lan Xianyang is also very excited, but his excitement is different from the two next.

Anlin really did not care to save the blue Xiao Ni, the relationship between the two of them must be very unusual? Otherwise, how can you know that there are many gods and the highest gods in the West Gate, still willing to go to the rescue? What is the relationship between Anlin and Lan Xiao Ni?

Lan Xianyang feels that in this world, no one deserves his excellent daughter.

In addition to An Lin.

So at the moment, in the excitement, seeing Anlin’s gaze is getting softer and softer, and the more he looks, the more pleasing.

Their progress was very fast, and it didn't take long for them to feel that the world was upside down.

Originally, they were below the ocean, but now they have become the clear and clear sky of the mirror. They can also see the white clouds floating under their feet, and the sky becomes a surging ocean.

"We came to the end of the West Sea, the sky is in the sky..." Lan Xianyang condensed.

"This is the realm of the sky?" An Lin curiously looked at the surrounding environment.

He is here for the first time. The world is upside down, but he always feels that this is not a violation of common sense. Instead, it contains the world and the truth.

At the end of the sky, there are extremely spectacular heavens.

In front of Tianmen, there are densely packed Tianren people stationed on a super white mobile ship with a pure white crystal appearance. It seems to be something like a mobile defense fortress, and it is a bit like the legendary Ark carrying hope and future.

Anlin’s knowledge wiped out and found that there were 60 million giants in the front of the heavenly people. The total number of people in this day was unexpectedly much more than that of the army that had been dispatched before...

"There is an enemy attack! The enemy is coming!!"

"Ready to meet the enemy!!"

"The most dangerous, it is Anlin!!"

On the ultra-large mobile ships in the distance, the alarm sounds, and every day the Terran is on the battlefield. The millions of people are flying out of the ship, releasing the Holy Light and connecting each other to form a A huge and unparalleled alliance to meet the enemy.

"I am looking for Lan Xiao Ni. You'd better hand over the whole, but don't blame me for anger, stepping through the entire West Gate!!" An Lin opened his mouth, as if it was a **** of anger, shocked Heaven and earth are a tremor.

All the people of the world are shocked by this sentence.

But they are all a look of death.

"Blue Xiao Ni is the thing of the ocean god, you want to save her, it is simply delusional!" ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文网ωωω.χ~8.~1zщ.còм

"You never know where she is, and she will never save her!"

"If we die, we won't tell you!!"

"We don't know anyway..."

The strong people of the Tianren people shouted, and their faces looked like they were going out.

Lan Xianyang took out a blood-sensing jade, frowning: "I don't know where Lan Xiaoni is, and is isolated by an unimaginable force..."

The Tianren Marshals continued to mock and laugh.

"Ha ha ha ... Ocean God God adults, but personally, you also know where Lan Xiao Ni is hidden?"

"Don't dream, now you can't get back, or the ocean gods will return, you can't run one!"

"Blue Xiao Ni is dead!!"

An Lin heard a sneer: "I really thought that I couldn't find out where you left the blue brother? It's too small to see me."

"The gods and the supreme gods are not there. I want to come to them to hold evil rituals somewhere. Since I have come to Xitianmen, there is a way to find that place..."

His eyes suddenly became colorless and invisible, and began to reflect all things in the heavens and the earth. The invisible fluctuations expanded by thousands of miles and perceive everything around them.

Shen Yan is launched! !

Others may not be able to find it, but Anlin has a deductive method!

All the clues of the heavens and the earth began to flood into his mind. The new 81 Chinese network updates the fastest computer: https://

The trajectory of each piece of atmospheric free energy, the trajectory of each water molecule in the ocean, the trajectory of the interaction between heaven and earth, backtracking cause and effect, deriving the past reality, and mining all available clues.

"The place where the blue brother is located..."

Anlin suddenly looked to the northeast, and his eyes changed from colorless and invisible to black and white pupils: "In that direction!"

Anlin and the three people behind him are super-powerful and fly directly to the northeast. They are not all in front of this group of Tianren army.

The heavenly people on the giant ships face each other.

"Is it... An Lin really found out where Lan Xiao Ni is hiding?"

This face is too fast, right?

"Do we want to chase after it?"

"What are you doing? Going to the head?"

"Relying on the West Sea Tianzhou, we have a battle with Anlin, but now it is the guardian of the West Gate, even if Anlin finds the Ocean God, you don't have to panic, he is definitely not the opponent of the Ocean God."

A powerful Tianren marshal spoke, and the Heavenly Terrans had to listen to the order and continue to be stationed in the West Gate. The Heavenly Terrans are also thinking, the Ocean God is so invincible, are they afraid of it?

At this time, the eastern part of the mainland is too early.

Since the last victory of the Kyushu Coalition Forces, there have been three consecutive earth-shattering battles with the Tianren Terracotta Army. It is basically a day of playing, and it has made the eastern region a super-large flesh-and-blood mill~www.mtlnovel. Com ~ hundreds of thousands of miles are scorched earth.

However, it is gratifying to see that every time the Kyushu coalition has won a total victory.

The change in the strength of the Kyushu coalition forces is like this. More than 90 million have become more than 80 million, more than 80 million have become more than 70 million, and more than 70 million have become more than 60 million.

The change in the strength of the Tianren army is like this. More than 80 million people have become about 60 million, 60 million have become 40 million, and 40 million have become 10 million...

As the number of people has decreased, their war damage has increased dramatically, and now the force is not enough.

The Kyushu coalition forces are strange and inexplicable.

Is this a celestial being, so that you can fight with them, you don’t need a big battle, and it takes another day, and the East Heavenly Terran army will be destroyed by them! !

East Tianmen.

In the sea of ​​light, the bright woman smiled and said with a smile: "The plan is going very smoothly. We have consumed 40 million troops from the enemy. Let the remaining 10 million Tianren army carry out suicide attacks tomorrow and then consume. The enemy’s 10 million troops, so the strength of the Kyushu coalition forces will be halved."

The words of the earth gods came: "Hehehe... The 1 billion-day Terran army in the West Sea has begun to hatch. Within a month, the complete Tianren army will appear in the West Sea. At that time, what army? Can you stop the one billion-day Terran army? Really look forward to the arrival of that day, those people will be very desperate?"

The bright woman gently nodded: "Desperate or painful, this is not my concern. However, the days of the entire genocide are finally coming, I am looking forward to it."

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