I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1993: Seamless acting

The large array that has spread thousands of miles is flattened by the golden light, and then broken like a bubble.

The blue light curtain bursts into a sky blue light and disappears into the void.

The large array of maritime powers is indeed terrible, but it also has fatal flaws.

Obviously, Anlin found this fatal flaw, and with absolute force, broke this shocking array! !

The four gods looked at the bursting burst, the look was sluggish, and the face was full of incredible looks.

what's the situation?

An Lin really broke the big array of ocean gods? !

These gods all felt that their faces were hot. Before that, they still ridiculed that Anlin couldn't break the big line. It took only a long time for An Lin to slap her face.

"Hey...!" The black liquid of the ocean **** sprayed out, and the **** ring on the head was weakened at the speed visible to the naked eye. It turned out to be a counterattack of a large array.

"Ocean Goddess!"

"It's not good, the ocean gods have been backed by big bangs!"

"Fast! Protect the ocean gods!!"

The gods will surround the ocean gods.

The Bluetooth goddess has changed dramatically, and he is full of worries: "The ocean gods have been seriously injured, they should not be hands-on, and now they have been rebelled against the big battles. It is really impossible to continue fighting, too dangerous!"

The ocean gods looked at the Bluetooth gods with some approval, this is a good subordinate who can speak.

The gods and gods are also echoing.

"We can retreat to the West Gate!"

"Yes, there are strategic weapons in the West Sea, and the light of the sky, it is our home, the safest place!"

The gods want to retreat.

The sea gods clenched their teeth, their faces were stubborn and unyielding, and they shook their heads in a difficult and decisive manner: "No! I can't just go this way! There are also one billion human-born eggs here. This is the big power of our authority." Killer, big strategic weapon, I can't let them be destroyed in my hands!"

The rest of the gods are all in the heart, and some even have red eyes.

"But, Ocean God, you, your body..."

"No, ocean god, you can't fight anymore!!"

"Let's protect these eggs, we are willing to fight for life!"

Ocean God shook his head: "No, you are not an opponent of Anlin, let me come!"

Lan Xiaoni looked at the paintings and suddenly turned into a **** of death, and did not know what to say. It seems that no matter how they say it, how to destroy it, in fact, Anlin is a terrible enemy in their minds, but they are not willing to admit it before...

She looked up at the white dress in the sky, and there was heat and yearning in the clear and pure shackles. Her Anlin boss is really an all-powerful hero.

"Ocean god, I will take your dog's life!" The power of Anlin's five elements spurred, and the body of the **** of war ushered to the extreme, falling from the sky to the ocean god.

"An Lin, I am killing you!" Ocean God is also rising.

"Heavenly punch!" An Lin fist once again released a momentum of collapse.

"Yuhai Zhenwuquan!" The ocean gods this punch is dark blue and quiet, and there is no end.

Hey! ! !

Two punches collided.

The heavens and the earth have turned into golden and blue energy to stifle the impact.

This is the first time Anlin has shot the ocean god. He feels that the fist seems to have entered the deep sea. No matter how noisy, he can't break free or change the power in front of him.

Too deep, too arrogant.

It is everywhere, it can breed everything, and it can destroy everything.

Anlin felt that although his strength was strong and strong, it was enough to break the power of the sea, but he did not expect that most of it would be like a mud cow to the sea, to be completely absorbed and devour the rhythm.

Anlin’s heart was shocked. This wave was right, he also wanted to take the opportunity to hammer the ocean gods. I didn’t expect it to be slightly lower.

"噗!!!" Ocean God suddenly spit a face of An Lin's blood.

Anlin was shocked. Is this punch so powerful?

The ocean gods flew like a cannonball and fell to Ximing Island. Starting

"Ocean God!"

"Ocean Goddess!!"

All the gods are screaming and rushing to catch the ocean gods.

They were all resisted by the swearing of the gods of the sea, and they were touched by the act of protecting one billion people. However, in addition to moving, they still talked about it, carrying the ocean gods to the west gate.

In their hearts, it doesn't matter what the battle is. The one billion people don't care about the egg. Now the most important thing is to keep the ocean god!

The ocean **** is the future, and the rest is not important.

"Hugh to escape!" Anlin hurriedly chased him up. He held it with one hand and the world suddenly changed, forming a field dominated by him. "Heavenly!"


The gods felt that they were forced to divest from the original world because of a certain force.

Anlin rushed over and stared at the ocean **** with his eyes.

He really didn't want the ocean **** to escape like this, and saw the ocean gods who were hit hard. He suddenly came up with a bold idea...

It is unrealistic to kill the ocean gods.

However, if you bite a piece of meat from its body...

Anlin was excited.

The ocean gods saw this scene of Anlin's coming. They suddenly returned to the light and spit out a liquid. The liquid was like the sharpest sword, and instantly pierced Anlin's dominating world.

"Run!" The mirror **** shouted and erected a mirror.

The gods held the ocean **** and jumped into the mirror without hesitation.

Anlin has not yet arrived, and the mirror disappears into the world.

All the gods have escaped, leaving only an empty island, as well as the stunned Blue Xiao Ni, Lan Xianyang, Ling Gu Mo Zun and Zhen Yuan Wu Zun... starting https://https://

Shock! !

Anlin actually hit the ocean gods with one punch and scared off the four gods! ! !

Although they know that the ocean gods have been hit hard, they can beat the sea gods and the gods who are seriously injured. This record is still shocking.

The dream of Ling Gu Mozun is to fight alongside An Lin~www.readwn.com~ It is not easy to wait for this opportunity. As a result, it has not yet shot the gods, and Anlin has solved all the battles...

This makes it feel desperate.

"An Lin Zong main battle force really shocked the ghosts!!" Ling Gu devil sighed.

Can not fight side by side, he had to turn into the masses of people, shouting 666.

Anlin landed on the island and looked at the scarred blue little Ni, could not help but feel a heartache.

"Anlin boss..." Lan Xiaoni stared red at the man in front of him.

An Lin broke the **** of Lan Xiaoni.

Lan Xiaoni finally couldn't support it. When he was soft, he would fall to the ground.

At this time, Anlin immediately moved forward, clinging to the delicate and tender body, patted the smooth and smooth back, and softly comforted: "It's okay, it's really hard for you."

"Anlin boss, you have worked hard." Lan Xiaoni holding the man in front of him, gentle judo.

"In fact, the hardest thing is you, you are still hurt." An Lin sighed.

"Nothing, this is what I asked for, bitterness... Well, at least everything is worth it." Lan Xiaoni feels the body temperature in front of him, and some are attached.

"Uh-huh, we are all great!" Anlin laughed.

Lan Xianyang, Ling Gu Mo Zun, Zhen Yuan Wu Zun are all listening to the dialogue between the two in front of each other, always feel that some can not keep up with their channel.

"They hurt you, and they should pay a painful price!" Anlin looked at the billions of heavenly eggs in the distance, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

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