I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1994: Baked egg

Looking at the endless heavenly eggs on the island, Anlin really couldn't imagine how terrible the army would be after the eggs were completely hatched.

However, all this must be ended by him!

He wants to kill this in the bud.

"Fire is coming!" An Lin has a single hand.


The hot sun is like a raging sun, as if it was a tsunami, and the billions of eggs on the island are swept away. Then it is like a carpet. It spreads all the way. Whenever you touch the eggs, you can instantly burn the eggs to red. Thoroughly burn it into coke.

A strange coke scent began to wander.

"Well? Good incense..." Lan Xiao Ni sucked his nose, and his eyes suddenly turned bright. "Anlin boss, these eggs are so sweet..."

Anlin naturally smells this fragrance, rich in high-energy fragrance.

Ling Gu Mozun speaks more directly: "These eggs are all cooked? So strong atmosphere, if we eat these eggs, will it become more powerful..."

An Lin was shocked: "They are gods!!"

"Isn't this better?" Ling Gu Mo Zun waved some thin arms, and the bright red eyes burst into the light. "We really swallow the Tianren warriors, the taste is really not good, the egg, the grill It smells good when cooked, and it should be delicious when you eat it!"

Anlin is speechless: "If you want to eat, go eat it, don't eat bad stomach."

Ling Gu Mou Wen Yan rushed to the eggs that were cooked like a hungry wolf. The body suddenly turned into a real demon body, releasing countless tentacles to roll up the eggs in the flame, and then chewing in the big mouth. Thousands at a time, extremely rude.

"Hey... Anlin's lord, can you lower the temperature, so hot..." Ling Gu Mo Zun mourned, it found that some of the tentacles that stretched out, had not been rolled up and was burnt by the horrible flame.

Anlin shook his head and smiled. "No, I am afraid that the temperature is low. I am afraid that the egg is not cooked."

Ling Gu Mo Zun thought about it, and it was indeed like this. He forcibly endured the burning of the fire, and quickly took the egg of the heavens into the mouth: "Well... delicious, delicious... oh... hot, hot I am..."

This true demon super power can be embarrassed in pleasure and pain.

It feels like playing games with Anlin. The fire is terrible, but the chestnuts are really delicious... The new 81 Chinese website is the fastest mobile phone: https:/

Lan Xiao Ni couldn't help but swallow.

She glanced carefully at Anlin and saw that Anlin had no desire to eat eggs. She hesitated, and finally decided not to eat.

Zhen Yuan Wu Zun was indifferent at all, and looked calmly at this scene.

Only the big food linguistics, and soon ate millions of Tianren's eggs, eating themselves all over the body, but the energy fluctuations in the body are also skyrocketing at an alarming rate.

Anlin’s Dasheng Holy Fire quickly spread throughout Ximing Island, melting the land and thoroughly roasting one billion human eggs.

Cooked eggs, there will never be a Tianren?

This is the process from childish to mature.

Anlin looked at the eggs that were all cooked in front of him. He smiled and nodded. The plan of the highest authority of the gods was finally destroyed by him! !

"Ah, ah, ah...!!"

An Lin’s face changed slightly: “What is going on here, eating indigestion?”

"It is possible that Ling Gu Mozun eats faster and faster, just ate 100 million eggs..." Lan Xiao Ni stroking the white and delicate chin nodded.

An Lin: "..."

What is the belly of this product?

“I think the point is that it just ate an egg with a black case.” Zhen Yuan Wu Zun said.

"The egg in the black case?" Anlin looked at the egg, and looked at the egg that was still burned in the holy fire. The 900 million human eggs, there are only fifteen black eggs left, which can be said to be one hundred miles. The presence.

Anlin recalled the scene that was first seen in the Holy Land, and his face changed again: "These black eggs, if I guessed it well, should be the egg that hatches the gods and gods..."

As soon as this statement came out, the face of Lan Xiao Ni and Zhen Yuan Wu Zun was changed.

This is not to say that if the eggs in front of them hatch, there must be 16 levels of the gods. I think the scalp is numb...

No wonder that the high-powered gods will regard these groups of heavenly people as big killers, not only by the number of crushing, but also the quality of terror!

"That said, Linggu Mozun is because of swallowing a god, this is indigestion?" Lan Xiao Ni exclaimed. Starting

"Is this **** egg not going to be alive?" Zhen Yuan Wu Zun frowned.

An Lin heard the words but shook his head: "I have perceived the life of these eggs, they are dead. It should be really indigestion, how a **** is so powerful, even after death, the energy density is not Imagine that Ling Gu Mo Zun may not be able to withstand the energy density inside the egg..."

Anlin said that with one hand and one wave, the remaining fifteen black eggs on the field were rolled in front of the holy fire and carefully examined.

The black egg is one foot in size, oval in shape, and clearly pointed, but maintains a strange balance and stands upright on the ground.

Anlin didn't have a special feeling for the rest of the eggs. He only had a special feeling for the black eggs. He couldn't tell what the feeling was. He instinctively felt attractive...

"Do you want to eat these eggs?" said Lan Xiaoni.

Anlin shook his head and reached for one of the black eggs.


Bizarre fluctuations rush throughout the body.

Anlin felt comfortable.


An Lin stunned ~www.readwn.com~ lying, what sound?

After thinking for a moment, he finally returned to God, he had a system.

He immediately opened the system in his mind and found that the words kept flashing.

The host is detected to be touched by the authority. The following special tasks are released:

Absorb the authority of all heavenly black eggs!

Mission success: Improve the darkness of the Shinto and reward the cause and effect of the double-robbing weapon.

Mission failure: erase the two eggs of the host.

Mission time limit: one hour.

Note: This task cannot be rejected, and the time limit is considered as the task failure.

When Anlin saw this task, he suddenly felt that it was cold, and the punishment for the failure of this system’s mission was really full of malice...

The truth is finally white.

The black egg in front of you is really different, it contains the authority of the inside! !

No wonder... No wonder the Heavenly Terran can use the power of the **** ring, but also use nine. It turns out that they have the authority in their bodies!

Anlin didn't know what these authority sources meant to him, but it was definitely a big pill!

Take a deep breath.

He began to press his hand on the black egg of heaven and he ran the phagocytosis.

There is no need at all, no tricks, the purest energy in the black egg, and the power of the supreme power of the supreme power, flowing into his heart along his arm! !

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