I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1995: Battle of the egg

Anlin felt the terrible energy lingering in the body, and a very special power of energy directly poured into his heart.

This energy does not really flow into his heart, but a black spot that flows into his heart.

That black spot is actually his dark Shinto.

Anlin feels that his darkness is growing stronger. This is a very special feeling, as if his darkness has become more pure and more full of phagocytosis.

Lan Xiao Ni saw the egg that An Lin touched, and turned into a powder at a speed visible to the naked eye. He could not help but exclaim: "God, is this a new way to eat eggs?"

Anlin retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't eat, how can I eat eggs, this is the energy of absorbing and absorbing eggs, understand?!"

Lan Xiao Ni愣愣 nodded. "Is it delicious?"

"True incense!" An Lin Shi Cheng said.

The energy and essence of the black egg all poured into the body of Anlin, and it was absorbed and dried. Only the residue on the egg without any nutrients was turned into powder.

Soon, a black egg was sucked out.

Anlin breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and his eyes burst into infinite light.

He knows that he has become stronger.

The authority of the authority has perfected his darkness, and the nutritional essence has strengthened his physical strength.

This is definitely a big creation for him! !

Anlin looked at the remaining fourteen black eggs and began to absorb them one by one.

Every time I absorb one, Anlin becomes a little stronger.

He knows that a black egg represents the essence of a god. He absorbs a black egg, which is equivalent to inhaling a **** into the body. Therefore, the strength increase is terrible.

Two, three, four, five...

The smell of Anlin became more and more horrible. Even this, even Zhen Yuan Wu Zun and Lan Xiao Ni were aware of it, and could not help but be surprised to see the man who kept sucking eggs.

Ling Gu Mo Zun ate a black egg, it hurts to look like a dying, but An Lin, madly eating, no fart, can quickly become stronger, this contrast, simply heaven and earth!

"Oh..." When Anlin finished the fourteenth, he was full.

He looked at the last black egg, and as long as he finished this one, his mission was to be completed.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the mission is not finished. His strength has been really enhanced. Now he is so eager to feel that he can lift the seriously injured Ocean Gods! !

Of course, this is just a feeling of self.


Anlin began to devour the last black egg.

His arms twitched and became stronger again! !

"Come on, system, give me rewards!" An Lin shouted in his heart.

However, everything is so quiet.

Anlin found that the system did not scream.

He stared blankly at the system and found that the system task prompt was not completed...

This……? !

Anlin suddenly widened his eyes, and the gods burst out. He scanned hundreds of millions of heavenly eggs on the island and found that there were no black eggs!

He has completed the task and absorbed all the black eggs! !

What happened, how the mission has not been completed?

Could it be that the system is mentally retarded and there is a problem?

An Lin suddenly panicked, and the task rewards nothing is actually not important. However, if the mission fails, it will be erased two eggs on the body! This is definitely what he can't bear! !

Lan Xiaoni looked at An Lin, who suddenly changed his face. He couldn’t help but wonder: "What happened, Anlin boss, what happened?"

"Eggs? My eggs?" Anlin's face was cold and sweaty, his voice was panicked, and the task time limit was an hour. There is not much time now, if the mission fails...

"Your egg?" Lan Xiao Ni licked the clear water of the clear alum, his eyes did not mind squatting under the Anlin, the delicate and delicate cheeks became red, and whispered, "Don't you say that you can eat it? This is not right, don't you eat your eggs?"

"What do you say?" An Lin looked at Lan Xiao Ni with a blank look, then suddenly realized the meaning of Lan Xiao Ni, almost spit out a blood, "I am not saying this, I am talking about black eggs!"

However, it seems that Lan Xiao Ni is right. If he goes on like this, he really has to eat his own eggs because of the egg eating! !

"Oh... it wasn't this..." Blue Xiao Ni's pink cheeks were redder, and he was so shy that he almost went to the bottom of the sea.

When I finished, when did she become so dirty, she was also known by Anlin boss, what can I do? She is the leader of the West Sea, and the people in front of Anlin’s boss are going to collapse. !

An Lin has no leisure to manage Lan Xiao Ni, he is still looking for eggs.

"Isn't black eggs all eaten by you?" Zhenyuan Wu Zun couldn't help but say, "If there are other eggs, is it secretly taken away by the ocean gods?"

An Lin is trembled. If it is really taken away by the sea god, isn’t the difficulty of **** difficult? Originally thought to be a graded task, the result is a **** level task?

Do not! wrong! Be calm! !

The sea **** said that he would destroy all the eggs. He did not like these disobedient celestial beings. The probability of leaving the eggs around them is extremely low. It must be something missing...

Anlin thought about it this way, and suddenly turned his eyes to the Lingu Mozun who was still struggling.

"So long, how is Ling Gu Mo Zun still rolling on the ground, still indigestion?" An Lin mouth twitched slightly, "Do you say..."

Ling Gu Mo Zun feels that he is going to die. The energy in his body seems to burst his body. The energy he absorbs is far less than the energy released by the eggs in the body. The income and expenditure of energy are seriously unbalanced. The result is that the body is bankrupt and died!

Just then, a white figure appeared in front of him.

"An Lin lord ..." Ling Gu Mozun saw the man flying, look a glimpse.

"Ling Gu Daoyou, I will help you!!" An Lin looked at it anxiously, and seemed to be in a hurry, and could not delay it for a moment.

Ling Gu Mozun’s heart was hot, and his revered Anlin lord was so worried about him at the moment, thinking for him, which made him red-eyed.

Hey! !

The magical body of Linggu's demon-minded giants was thrown into the sky by Anlin.

An Lin jumped to the back of Ling Gu Mo Zun, clenched his fist.

"Wait... Anlin's lord, do you want to..." Linggu Mozun's face changed greatly, and he remembered the horror fist used before Anlin.

It seems that in order to confirm his conjecture, An Lin’s fist began to shine.

"No... don't... wait... I, I come!" Linggu Mozun was completely scared and shouted. Anlin’s fist can vomit blood to the ocean gods. If he falls on him, he will be dead! !

Anlin did not seem to hear the general, a fist in the back of Ling Gu Mozun ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ling Gu Daoyou, I came to save you, Lushan fist! ! ”

Bang! ! !

If the fist is as heavy as hundreds of millions of people, the back of the Lingu Mozun will be sagged.

Ling Gu Mozun felt the horrible pain, the stomach fell into the sea, a feeling of dying flooded the whole body, so that his tears are about to fall...

"Wow... vomit..."

A lot of eggs that have not yet been digested, mixed with blue-green stomach acid, like a waterfall, it was spit out, and the big beads and beads fell into the jade plate.

This scene is too spectacular.

Lan Xiao Ni saw an eye-opener and silently held his nose.

"Found it!" An Lin's eyes lit up, one hand and one stroke, a black egg flew to him.

The egg has not been digested, and his egg has been preserved! !

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