I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1996: Causal double robbery

Anlin got the black egg and screamed at the Linggu Mozun, who was screaming at the ground, and said with a smile: "Ling Gudaoyou, I have successfully cleared the roots of your pain, no thanks!"

Ling Gu Mozun squatted on the back and squatted on the ground, and his tears flowed into his face. The root cause of the pain caused by the black egg was clear, but your fist became my new source of pain! !

Anlin no longer pays attention to Ling Gu Mo Zun, this time the egg is the most worthy of his guardian.

He washed the black eggs with water, and even used the method of making the gods liquid, and washed the eggs one by one, and then touched the egg's case with his hands and absorbed them.

It didn't take long for a black egg to be completely absorbed by Anlin.

His strength has grown again.

Hey! !

The system finally cried.

"Congratulations to the host to complete the mission!"

“Now gift and mission completion rewards.”

Anlin was excited.

Produced by the system, it must be a boutique.

This can be seen from the pan and the **** brick.

Now I am giving another cause and effect double-robbery weapon. This thing is very powerful when I look at the name. Is it absolutely something to hang the sky?

The dazzling brilliance began to flash.

Anlin’s hands began to appear as a weapon of dreams.

His pupils began to shrink slowly, and finally his eyes widened, his face was shocked and unbelievable, and even the hand holding the weapon trembled.

There is only one thought in my heart that echoes.

Hold the grass! What is this stuff? !

In his hand, there is a "y"-type black slingshot-like object. At the two ends of the slingshot, they are connected by a thin line of energy, a white and a red egg-like ball.

The cause and effect double robbery weapon is this thing?

What is the light of the gods, the vision is great, the work is beautiful, nothing! I feel that this thing is a shoddy toy!

More fragile than pans and **** bricks! !

Anlin’s y-type slingshot smashed, and the two egg-shaped **** on both ends of the slingshot shook, which gave Anlin a strange feeling. He always felt like something like this...

When he placed the y-type slingshot horizontally, looked at the black slingshot, and then played two eggs under the slingshot, he finally knew what the gadget was like.

"Wo..." Anlin couldn't help but swear.

Lan Xiao Ni looked pretty and flushed, and said: "Anlin boss, you this... What is this in your end, it looks so strange..."

An Lin’s heart is a bit boring, look at the expression of this Nizi, afraid that it is also found that this weapon is special, but also pretend not to understand, your face has been betrayed you to feed! !

"This thing is called a cause and effect double robbery weapon!" An Lin looked awe.

"Is the name so high?" Lan Xiaoni looked at Anlin with some shock, and his eyes were not in the eyes of you.

Don't say that Lan Xiao Ni doesn't believe it, even Anlin doesn't believe it himself. This thing can have this name. It feels like Armstrong's maneuvering jet-type Armstrong cannon is also a bit more.

Produced by the system, it must be a boutique.

This is the unchanging belief of Anlin in this life.

He feels that although this thing looks ugly, but the practicality is not bad, after all, it is a reward of 16 celestial gods.

But how do you use it?

There are no instructions for use here.

Anlin thought for a moment, and his eyes flashed over the white mans, and he used the gods.

Causal double robbery weapon: the strong cause and effect weapon, the red egg is the left egg robbery, the white egg is the rogue egg robbery, first hit the enemy's body with a smashing egg, in one minute, then the left egg smashes the enemy's body, ie It can trigger the "completed egg" cause and death, giving the enemy a fatal blow.

An Lin: "..."

This is the same explanation as the game. What is going on?

Also smashing eggs, leftovers, don't think that Laozi has not spent the festival on Earth!

Anlin’s heart has 10,000 slots to vomit.

Is this stuff really useful?

Originally convinced of the system's production, he is now skeptical. He has to take a thing to try firepower, but now there are no enemies. Try it for a small partner. What if the small partner is "finished"? This can kill him.

Forget it, let it go first...

Anlin took this strange thing into the ring.

Lan Xiaomei looked at the man in front of her eyes and asked curiously: "Anlin boss, what's wrong, your expression looks very wrong..."

"My egg hurts..." Annlin said.

Ling Gu's screams weakened, and he finally slowed down, climbed up from the ground, solemnly thanked An Lin, and continued to eat eggs.

Soon, one billion eggs were all eaten by Linggu Mozun, and its stomach changed from six packs to an expansive abdominal muscle, as if it had been pregnant for many years, and it was round, which still compressed the eggs into The appearance of the extremely concentrated energy form, if not compressed, its body has to be exploded by the egg.

"Next, it's time to put an end to this action." An Lin vacated, the ring appeared behind him, and his fist began to scream at the fiery blazing fire, his arms blushing, and the horrible energy kept accumulating. With.

"Five lines of warfare flames eight times the Kirin arm!!"

boom! !

The flame fist is like a stunned stone falling from the sky, falling on the island of Ximing, the power of terror has divided the giant islands of two thousand miles, and then burned out by endless flames.

The sea began to rush to engulf the last trace of debris.

Since then, the West Sea has never lost an island.

An Lin took Lan Xiao Ni, Lan Xianyang, Ling Gu Mo Zun, Zhen Yuan Wu Zun, and went away.


East Tianmen.

In the middle of a sea of ​​light.

A small lake next to the light of tomorrow will quickly flash.

She walked to the small lake and smiled on her face: "Ocean, what happened, suddenly contact us."

The voice of the earth **** also came out: "The ocean, contact us at the same time, is there any good news? Is it true that the one billion people have broken the shell? Oh, the most desperate moment of the Terran, is it finally coming? ?"

Tomorrow, God also said: "Our people on the east line consume only 10 million, and wait for your one billion people to join the battlefield, so as to launch a big battle!"

"Bright...the earth..." The ocean **** suddenly choked ~www.readwn.com~ I am sorry for you... I am really sorry for you... everything is my fault..."

The bright future God and the earth gods have a bad feeling.

"What happened?" Shinto Shinto.

"Slowly." The earth **** also has a low voice.

The voice of the sea **** began to come: "One billion people eggs... no more!!"

Bang! !

The voice of the ocean **** is like a thunder, and it blasts in the ear of the **** of light and the **** of the earth, so that the two gods are silent at the same time.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Ocean!!" The words of light contain unimaginable anger, and the surrounding sea of ​​light has become extremely dazzling, as if it is possible to burst at any time.

"I am sorry for you, it is my fault. It was my carelessness. I was drilled by Anlin... Yes! That one billion people are destroyed by Anlin!!"

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