I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2006: Breaking the sky to help

Anlin officially joined the Broken Sky Gang, signed a broken contract, and made an oath.

It has been proved by experiments that a person can sign a contract with a sky and a contract for a day.

An Lin was a white robe with a black-faced robes. He stood proudly in the most conspicuous place in the glazed glazed hall. He began his speech incessantly, and all the members of the gangsters listened carefully.

He is complacent in the Forty-nine Immortals. He is more passionate and more inspiring about how to speak. He can be said to be very capable and hand-in-hand. In just a few words, he burst into the atmosphere of the audience and ushered in the audience. Cheers.

Then, with the deepening of the speech, the members of the gangsters cheered louder and louder, and the look of Anlin became more fanatical...

When Cyril and Chen Chen saw such a scene, they couldn’t help but take a breath.

It’s true that you need to fight, but this scene is too passionate? Shouting Anlin is unbeaten and the battle is invincible. What is going on? Shouting God, I love you, what is going on?

Looking at the maddening expressions of the members and the appearance of being brainwashed, Cyril suspected that it was a god, or recruited a MLM head to come in...

After half an hour, the inaugural speech was finally over.

Anlin stepped down in a long-awaited cheer, then went to a secret room and picked up an Elder Scrolls to continue to feel. He is now a person with dual identities. After knowing a lot of secrets, he finally turned from a little white who knows nothing to a knowledgeable predecessor. He has reached the most in-depth understanding of the sky and the sky. They are far more extraordinary.

The ancient scrolls that he realized before him are the secret treasures of the gangsters. The record of the destruction of the ancient domain in the early days records how the ancient domain was destroyed in the early days, how the heavens collapsed, and as long as they penetrated it, they could know how to break the sky.

This thing can be said to be extremely mysterious and extremely profound.

Only one point, Anlin did not understand.

Who wrote this ruthless destruction? He asked Cyril, but even the treasure holder of Cyril did not know. Cyril said that this thing was in his ruined altar in the early days of the ancient times, risking his life, even his own name.

This thing is very likely to be the existence of detachment from the heavens and the earth. After witnessing the destruction of the ancient times in the early days, the items left in the ancient times of the early ages.

Anlin looked at the strange runes and pictures on the scrolls. At first glance, he didn't understand anything, but if he was immersed in the scroll, he could immediately see the shocking and real picture in his mind.

That is a terrible sight of the destruction of heaven and earth, and hundreds of millions of souls die in vain.

The heavens are cracked, everything is dysfunctional, and one disaster that cannot be understood by the world's living creatures begins to appear. For example, some areas can move toward the east, move toward the west, and die immediately. For example, if you laugh, you will be able to ascend to heaven. Once you feel sad, your body will explode. For example, in some regions, genders begin to be interchanged, and the touch between the opposite **** will instantly die...

The deadly germs began to spread and the natural disasters began to appear.

The surviving souls are in complete despair, and the earth and the sky are broken apart and attributed to nothingness.

The monks can only escape and can only become stronger, but all their souls cannot break through the promotion and completely break the way. The only thing that can be done is to wait for death.

All the spirits can't live for a year, and they all die.

Countless beautiful homes are quickly shattered, and countless souls are crying and screaming.

Destroy and die the beings.

The more Anlin looked at it, the more he was shocked and completely immersed in the picture.

If the heavens in the early days of the mainland are completely broken, would you like to come to this picture?

The doctrine of the destruction of the heavens and the earth began to appear. The energy of the place was staggered, which is equivalent to the acupuncture points of the human body. After careful comparison, Anlin found that with the use of the broken sky, the ninth and ninety-nine days were broken. The nodes of the light column are very similar.

This is too early to see the news of the ancient domain is simply the guidelines for breaking the sky!

At the end of the picture, it was a singular singer who lost a light group with countless hopes in the distance and then fell into the darkness.

Anlin woke up, his face was a little tired, his eyes were bright and extreme.

Every time he looks at the ruins of the ancient times, he will have a new sentiment. This thing will enable him to constantly enhance his understanding of the sky, and he does not know whether it is a constitutional reason. He can see the origin behind it as if to reach out. It is heaven that touches.

"Break the sky is divided into three major stages, the first stage is the array of power, the second stage is the sky, the third stage is the day. If the broken sky is the first to enter the second stage, then it means the sky The help failed..." Anlin gently sighed.

He joined the gang of help, and also knows that at this moment is in the first stage of the array of power, when the end of the power, it is a real break, and the second phase begins, only less than half a year.

"Time is getting more and more urgent... If the helper does not have my help, how can they make up the sky? See what the son-in-law said, she does not seem to know why the darkness will be automatically repaired..." Lin face dew.

"An Lin, you seem to have something to worry about, what troubles have you encountered?"

A boy in plain-colored linen and handsome face came to Anlin's side and smiled at him. His eyes were clear and clear, and he seemed to be able to reflect everything in the world.

It is a happy event for Anlin to join the Broken Sky Gang. Even if it is a young boy who is usually expressionless, now he has a smile on his face.

"Chen Chen..."

Anlin looked at the boy next to him, and some of his words stopped.

"What else can you say to me?" Chen Chen laughed.

Anlin knew that the boy in front of him gave him a very special sense of security. The scene of fighting side by side emerged in my mind. He finally put down his heart and said: "I don't want to die, I want to be a heaven, so I won't die?"

Chen Chen nodded: "If the weather breaks, I will try my best to make you a heaven, you will not die, you will be reborn!"

"Do everything to help me become a heavenly way? You don't want to be a **** anymore?" Anlin looked at the boy in front of him, and his heart was a little more touched.

"No, becoming a day is just a means. My real thought is just to make this world a better place. You are more suitable than me, then I will help you ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Chen looks at An Lin, Seriously.

Make the world a better place? If other people say this to An Lin, Anlin may be a slap in the face, but this is said from Chen Chenkou, Anlin Thaksin.

"Thank you, Chen Chen..."

"What do you say? We are real comrades now."

"Yeah, still a very good friend!"

"Well, it is a good friend."

"Is Snow Yan your girlfriend?"


"Good brother, do you want to blame me?"


"Speak, Chen Chen, do you love her?!"

"Not talking is the default!"

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