I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2007: Xu Xiaolan's choice

After that, no matter how Anlin grinds, Chen Chen does not speak.

Xue Yan likes Chen Chen, and this point has been seen by An Lin.

To be precise, the entire team of broken gangs can see it.

But Chen Chen likes Snow Yan in the end, which is super curiosity!

"Chen Chen brothers, hey, Chen Chen brothers, don't go!"

An Lin yelled at the back of the unbearable departure, but the thin back slid very quickly, and the blink of an eye disappeared. I wanted to see Anlin, who didn’t want to see gossip.

Anlin had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​seeking.

He and Xiaolan studied for a while in the days of the break, and they began to return to the moon.

The core of the key to helping the sky, they have mastered, and then they practice and feel on their own, and they are not useful in the eternal light. An Lin found that he had entered the unbreakable method of breaking the sky, and he got a lot of progress. Now it is time to go to a wave of heavenly people and try the firepower.

The big ray is shining.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan's figure appeared in Yuetong Shencheng.

"Ah... so sweet..."

A breeze came, and An Lin smelled sweet-scented osmanthus from the wind.

In front of the big array, there is a boulevard. The osmanthus trees are in full bloom on both sides of the avenue. They sway with the wind under the moonlight, and the quiet fragrance lingers around, giving a feeling of tranquility and sweetness.

Xu Xiaolan is also enjoying the face: "Before the brain is full of broken days... Now I can finally empty my brain..."

She became the celestial servant, and also enjoyed a wave of broken days to help the top welfare, breaking through the heavens and feelings and leaps and bounds, the simulation world is still successful, and has the talent of the candidate.

Even if she wants to be the day, Cyril and Chen Chen are blunt. Whether she understands the situation or cultivates her strength, she has achieved the standard. But she did not want to, she only wanted to be the son of Anlin.

The candidate Tianzi learned that the incident was shocked and emotional, the position of the emperor, they tried their lives, and Xu Xiaolan did not care at all, this really makes people want to vomit blood!

"Let's go, Xiaolan, let's go home." Anlin took the initiative to hold Xu Xiaolan's hand.

Xu Xiaolan nodded with a smile and walked along the Anhua Avenue on the osmanthus avenue. The white moonlight pulled the shadows of the two men long.

Go back to the courtyard.

Xu Xiaolan returned to the room and lay down as usual.

She has enjoyed sleeping since she has had an abnormality in her body.

Everything seems to be the same.

She quickly fell asleep.

In the darkness, suddenly white light appeared in the distance. The glare is tempting, as if it is hope, that is the future, that is the meaning of living.

Xu Xiaolan began to pursue the light, and kept running, running nonstop...

I don't know how long it took, she finally held the light in her arms.

At that moment, she seemed to have everything.

Xu Xiaolan felt an inexplicable big relief, big and comfortable, and then as the birds flew higher and higher, everything that looked into the world was observed from the perspective of overlooking.

Very comfortable feeling...

Is this probably the true meaning of life?

Xu Xiaolan felt that she was taking off. She looked at the ground, saw the familiar courtyard pavilion, saw her own dry body, and saw Anlin meditating quietly.

Really true.

Look at it all, how is it so real?

No, no!

Xu Xiaolan suddenly reacted and felt more seriously, and then found a very shocking thing, that is, all this is true.

Yes, this is real, this is reality! !

Xu Xiaolan’s eyes widened. If all this is true, Xiaolan in the room is also true. So what is her body now?

She stared at herself and found herself in this body. It turned out to be a small, Suzaku-like body, slowly flew to the sky, as if to pursue the truth of life, more and more detached.

"I remembered... I finally know what this feeling is..."

"This is the feeling of being detached from the heavens and the earth... The transformation of life, the ultimate form of life, is actually the detachment of the world, the only existence that will never die, the eternal existence of the ancients..."

"From the newborn baby to the white hair, I have experienced it. My life is over. My life and cause and effect have ended. It is time to pursue my true self..."

Xu Xiaolan had a clear understanding in her heart. She understood her life in an instant and understood her own way.

The small Suzaku slowly lifted off and the courtyard was getting smaller and smaller in her eyes.

Xu Xiaolan is eager to detach from the body. This is the ultimate pursuit of life. This kind of temptation and desire cannot be resisted by simple will and ideas.

What the former Suzaku female emperor could not do, it is very likely that Xu Xiaolan will do it.

Xu Xiaolan did not understand until now, what is she based on, and why can she be detached?

The former Suzaku Sect, the Suzaku female emperor, also has ...... Is it because she is an unprecedented double-headed road? Or to say, she is extremely understanding of the broken sky, God is afraid of her, so hurriedly sent her away?

This speculation is very likely. After all, she just got back from the days of help, and she was detached that night...

Xu Xiaolan’s head is very messy and he thinks a lot.

The only constant is that she knows that the road to detachment is absolutely correct and correct, and it is the path of the entire Taiyuan continent, the creation gods of the entire star field.

Ok? wrong! I have never succeeded in creating a world. How can I be detached? !

Xu Xiaolan’s heart was again shocked.

At this time, her figure gradually became illusory.

Her eyes began to flash through the stars.

Then all the doubts were solved.

Xu Xiaolan seems to have become omnipotent and general.

"The realm? Hehe... this thing doesn't matter."

"Strength? This is not important."

She looked up and saw a glimpse of Tsing Yi, and she was proud of the shackles of the world.

That is what her future looks like.

Flying outside the sky.

Real... fairy! !

"Emotions? Not heavy..."

Xu Xiaolan’s throat suddenly clicked.

A figure appeared in her mind.

A lot of obsessions have been abandoned by her, and she is about to become a real big happy, very comfortable. Only the figure ~www.readwn.com~ was a bit fuzzy, and it suddenly appeared. Just when she thought that the figure would become more and more blurred until it disappeared, the figure began to become clear.

The two men fight side by side, the two sit on the rock and look at the sea of ​​clouds. The two encourage each other to practice. The two discuss the way they cook.

I can’t forget it, I can’t forget it...

"If you miss this time, you will never have a chance again..." That touch of Tsing Yi, slowly opening the way, the voice is fascinating.

"Emotions, not important... important... important!" Xu Xiaolan's tone became more and more firm. The picture in her mind stayed in the scene of the two people watching at dusk, and then stayed in the morning. Anlin smiled and kissed her. It is a scene of wrinkles on the forehead.

Xu Xiaolan smiled stunnedly, and with one hand, the Tsing Yi in the sky disappeared.

There is only one voice, which is superb and straight for nine days.

"What is good in the flying fairy?"

"My big pig hoof is more important!!"

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