I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2073: 49 beliefs

Inside the Starfire battleship, the core controls the cabin.

The door of the crystal spirit connection space opens, and a magical girl dresses up. Liu Qian, who has long waist and long legs, walks out from the inside and looks at the man in front of me. The complex looks: "I didn't expect it, I have a star fireship mother, there are also Give way to the day..."

Xuanyuan Cheng warmly smiled: "Reassured, I only use it once, there is probably no chance in the future."

Liu Qian phantom bites his thin lips and whispers: "What is this? I am very generous. If you want to open it later, I will let you open it... So, give me a good weight, thousand Don't be reluctant, just put a few shots on the line, and I will stand outside!"

Xuanyuan Cheng walked into the hatch: "If I can't really come back, I will be red..."

"Okay, I will make Shuhong a happy one." Liu Qianxuan nodded and interjected.

Xuanyuan Cheng: "???"

"So, you don't want to let the red scorpion follow me, just give me a good life!" Liu Qian illusion changed the usual playful appearance, look serious.

Xuanyuan sincerely warmed up and nodded gently.

The hatch began to close and the spirit began to connect...

On the Starship battleship, a peerless sword fairy descended from the sky.

A black-haired snow ghost beast immediately swooped at the sword fairy.

The black-haired snow beasts are so powerful that they are responsible for hunting and returning to the virtual power. After all, if the virtual power is left unchecked, the killing power caused by the large-scale technique they release is terrible.

The claws of the black-snow beasts burn the green flames. These flames have unimaginable poison. Once they penetrate the other's body, the other party will be smashed by the poisonous flame and will eventually burn completely. ash.

It used to pass this trick, and joined forces with another black-haired snow ghost beast to successfully kill one of the four ninth sects. This extremely beautiful woman in front of her eyes, watching her screaming and screaming in the poisonous flame, is also a beautiful thing.

Thinking so, the smile of the black-haired ghost beast has become awkward.

The black-haired snow beast is very fast. However, after approaching the woman's ten-mile range, it suddenly feels that its movements have slowed down, and it is getting slower and slower.

what happened?

The black-haired snow beast looked at the woman approaching it, and the woman was holding the ice sword, and the speed did not slow down. At this moment, it inexplicably surged into infinite fear, and the poisonous flame that has always been proud of is also frozen in the strange field, frozen into ice that will not burn.

Do not……! !

Hey! !

The blade flashed.

The body of the black-haired snow beast was smashed into two halves, and the life was cut off.

It was actually impossible to make even an attack, and it was killed by a sword! !

This female sword fairy is Liu Qian's illusion. In the mid-return period, she will have the strength to kill the early stage of the joint. Nowadays, it’s easy to deal with a black-haired ghost.

After she smashed a black-haired snow ghost, she did not stop at all. The lotus feet slammed into the void, and in a very light and elegant posture, the sword continued to rush toward another black-haired snow monster.

At this moment, she is the peerless female swordsman who is the **** of the gods, and brings the nightmare to the enemy's top fighting power!

The strong man of the snow ghost beg will be handed over to her, and she will kill all the enemies who want to threaten the safety of the Spark ship! As for the dense army of snow ghosts, give it to Xuanyuancheng!

In addition to Liu Qianxuan, Ye Ling, Cocosti, Taber, Long Aotian and others are also the nightmare of black-haired snow beasts. These existences are completely different from the power of returning to the Sparks. There is no snow ghost beast strong at all, able to break through their defense.

The black-haired snow ghosts who return to the virtual level can't break through. Only the hope of the 50 million snow ghost beast army, the other party is even stronger and tired.

It is also a good choice to kill them with an invincible amount.

The intensity of the artillery bombardment of the Starfire battleship is getting smaller and smaller, and the speed of the snow ghost beast is much faster. The white shadows are surging, like the waves like the waves, quickly approaching the main peaks.

"Fast, take a bang and attack it!"

"Their warships have no ammunition!!"

"Hey!! Shred them, tear the battleship!!"

This group of snow ghosts have long been fed up with the gunships of the warships. They have been bombarded and bombarded, and they have been shelled and shelled, making them unable to reach the peak of Wanlingxian. Now that the artillery suppression has weakened, how can they give up this rare opportunity, and for a moment, the charge of the snow ghost beast becomes more brave and more violent and bloodthirsty.

Soon, nearly a thousand disciples of Wanling Xianzong died in Zongmen.

The forty-nine sects of the sacred ancestors were elite and sacrificed more than a dozen. All of them were unable to withstand the horror of the other party and were besieged to death.

But this scene did not scare away the rest of the members, they still fight blood on the front line.

"Kill! Revenge for the brothers!!"

"Ha ha ha... I have killed a thousand animals, enough, and I can fight with my brothers, I die without regrets!"

Bang! !

An earth-shattering explosion sounded.

When it was about to be swallowed by the animal tide, the man chose to burn out the energy in his body, and the explosion blew the hundreds of snow ghosts around him.

"Wang Hao brother!"


The disciples of the Forty-nine Emperors are biting their teeth and killing ~www.readwn.com~ All of them are wounds of large and small size, facing the desperate snow ghost army, but actively against the animal tide, and die Fighting is like a pillar standing in the waves, standing on the ground.

"We are behind countless civilians, stand up! Be sure to withstand!!"

"I haven't touched the food that Anlin's lord has done, I must insist!"

"I have no regrets in this life, I have no regrets..."

"I am honored to be able to fight side by side with you. I will take another step..."

"Do not!!"


Once and for all, self-destruction, repeated battles to the last moment.

In this amazing battle, anyone can be the next victim.

Xiao Ze, the eastern sturdy and other super powers, were suppressed by three god-level opponents, the number of black-haired snow beasts is many, and the ordinary snow ghosts are endless. Both in terms of quantity and quality of top-level combat, they are at a great disadvantage.

In fact, members of the Forty-nine Xianzong, I know in my heart that this battle is probably the last battle in their lives. Even so, they still hold swords and fight to the last moment.

The swords are bent, they can use their fists, the body is dry, they can sacrifice blood, it is not good, they can burn themselves to be self-destructive...

Avenue 50, Tian Yan forty-nine, one of them is one.

As long as you are in the forty-nine sects, every disciple will remember this sentence. No matter what kind of desperation, no matter what despair is in front of them, they all have hope. They know that as long as they persist in fighting, there will always be miracles, and there will always be opportunities for change!

This is the belief of every member of the Forty-nine Xianzong! !


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