I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2074: Reversing the battleship of the war

The members of the Forty-nine Xianzong are very brave.

But all these efforts can't stop the endless stream of animals.

As night falls, the white-haired snow-capped beasts in front of them look even more dazzling, and their scarlet claws are even more dangerous and cruel.

Cocosti was besieged by six black-snow beasts, a snow-snow beast grabbed the flaws, and one of her arms fell directly, and another snow-caught beast drove straight into the cornice, piercing the scarlet claws into the cocosti The lower abdomen will divide her body into two.

At this moment, the blood she shed in the air suddenly released a bright red light.

Cocoa's glamorous face, bursting with a smile like a scarlet rose: "Blood sacrifice... Devil's Blade!"

Blood condenses a myriad of sharp edges, and in the case where the two black-snow beasts have no time to react, they will be split into two halves! !

Cocosty's broken arm turned into blood and merged into her fracture, and then condensed into a white and slender arm, but the sleeves were gone.

She licked her mouth and turned her eyes to the other four black-snow beasts. The eyes were full of danger and madness. The number of enemies was too much. She could only destroy the enemy quickly by this way of injury. Quantity!

In addition to her, Taber, Mellon is also the case, it can be said that it is very desperate.

The most dazzling of the blood family is Ada, Jinling, Golden Demon, and triplets. They use the special combination of blood and blood, and they have been able to play the combined level of combat power and become the invincible existence of all the battlefields. The only fly in the ointment is that they do not have any large-scale techniques. A large blockbuster of snow ghosts is coming in, they are still unable to eat.

Bang! !

It was also two explosions that shook the earth.

Accompanied by the mourning of the real dragon.

The two black dragons were smashed on the ground by a golden snowy beast, and the power of the majestic ice contained the highest law, as if they were to completely freeze their bodies.

The two black dragons are Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu.

They are taking advantage of their own blood and have always played the role of online beatings.

Jinmao Xuexue beast is extremely powerful, but for these two thick blood, it is really helpless, it is really abusive... It has been fighting for a long time, finally thought of a way, that is, frozen! It intends to completely freeze these two difficult dragons in this place!

Even the two major superpowers were subdued.

The night shrouded the entire Wanling Emperor, as if it was shrouded in the hearts of every member of the Forty-Six sects, the darkness came, the battle was completely over, everything was about to end, all of them will be buried in the dark, by the snow Covered here...

The offensive of the Snow Ghosts has become more and more fierce.

The bombing frequency of the Spark ship is getting slower and slower. It can only absorb the power of the stars and then shell it. Obviously, its internal energy has been consumed.

Even if it is a member of the Forty-nine Xianzong, it takes a long time to fight in high-intensity, and there is an unspeakable sense of exhaustion. It is only by faith.

Cheng Hero held a giant sword and crushed a dozen snow ghosts in front of him into fleshy foam. As a result, several snow monsters rushed. He wanted to swing his sword back, but found that his body had reached the limit and did not listen at all. Called, slowed down half a beat, the body was penetrated by several snow ghost beasts with claws, and suddenly blood splashed.

His vision has gradually blurred.

"It’s so dark..."

Cheng hero looked up at the sky and found that the night has covered the whole world. There are no stars, no moon, and heavy snow and dark clouds cover everything...

Suddenly, a glaring ray of light suddenly came into his eyes, and his ambiguous consciousness became instantly awake.

"What is this light?"

"Slot, I am going to brighten me!!"

Cheng Hero is a spirit, and he will cut off a few snow ghosts on his side and look up at the sky.

Originally, with a little bit of grievance on the face, it began to solidify, and the eyes were round and wide, and it looked like something that shocked him.

Above the sky, the Sparks of the Sparks made an extremely dazzling golden light, while the Taiji yin and yang squid slowly rotated at the bottom of the battleship, releasing the strong Taiji true meaning.

"This...the Spark ship became a Taiji battleship?"

Countless disciples were shocked by this scene.

"This breath... is the atmosphere of the Xuanyuange!!"

"Yes, this is the Xuanyuan male god!!"

Some of the fans have already exclaimed, and the strength of killing the enemy is a bit bigger.

"Is he manipulating this warship?"

"Is the warship not without shells? And, why is he?"

Everyone is in doubt.

But then, what really shocked people happened.

The density of the firing of the Starship battleship suddenly doubled, and the shells fell into the earth, suddenly rising up a sultry mushroom cloud.

Boom! !

The sky is shaking and the earth is cracking.

The energy of destruction hit the surrounding snow ghosts, and a large number of snow ghosts were killed alive.

"The warship suddenly became stronger?"

"Great! We can turn over now!"

"Long live the main Xuanyuan Pavilion!!"

Although the disciples of the Former Emperor Xianzong did not know why the Sparks could fire, but they knew that this matter could not be separated from Xuan Chengcheng, and they began to excite and shout.

The firepower of the Sparks became ferocious again, and the roar of the roaring sounds continued. In the land of the snow monsters, the devastating mushroom cloud exploded, forming a ruinous battle line, and a large number of snow ghosts rushing into the battle circle.

The disciples of the four forty-nine sects are finally able to breathe a breath~www.readwn.com~ This is the correct rhythm. The Sparks are suppressed by firepower, and they clean up the remnants!

The reason why they were able to withstand the snow ghost beast army for a long time, a very important part is the merits of the Spark ship. This point is that after the Sparks have no energy, the disciples of the Forty-nine Immortals face the desperate situation and can be clearly seen. Fortunately, the Sparks are now resurrected, and they see new hope again!

For them, the Sparks at the moment is the sun! !

The Sparks battled the sky, releasing the golden power of the Sun, and dispelling the chill of the entire battlefield.

Bombermen also have a warm way.

Not to mention the bomber who is so handsome.

The front line of the Forty-nine Xianzong was finally stabilized, and the battle continued.

In the Starfire battleship, Xuanyuan Cheng used his own comprehensible road to connect with the Sparks, and used the Sparks to spur the power of the whole world to strike the snow ghosts.

This kind of practice can maximize the power of Xuanyuancheng. At this moment, it is not so much that the Sparks are firing. It is better to say that Xuanyuan is firing.

However, this type of attack actually has a lot of side effects. In addition to overdrafting its own strength, it will also cause serious damage to his way. If it is not repaired in the future, it will be repaired as a loss, even life. Must be cut off.

Xuanyuan is very clear about this matter. In fact, this card was still researched by him, so when he went to the Sparks, he had already realized it.

"If I sacrifice one, I can win the battle. In the words of Anlin, this is blood earned..." In the control cabin, Xuanyuan’s beautiful face showed a smile.

"Let's let me play, a gorgeous explosion feast!"


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