I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2246: The Lord of the Book of Heaven

The ban actually turned to the light of tomorrow's god! ?

All the creatures are amazed.

Then, they all turned their eyes to the beautiful elf, recalling what the elf had said before, and they all took a breath.

The master of this world?

Is the elf the master of this heaven and earth? !

You know, here is the center of the former universe, the early ancient domain! !

The ban will not lie.

Tomorrow God is forbidden to cut off the waist and cut off, is the best proof.

All the books that flew to the light of tomorrow, all of them turned in the same direction, flew to the side of Dina, and were all recovered by the holes in the two circles.

Who is the true master of these books, at a glance!

"No...!" Bright God saw this scene, and could no longer keep the indifference and high on the face, his face full of shock and incredible.

At this moment, suddenly there was a dazzling sword on the ground that also tore the nine-color field. It included all the martial arts, and contained a smashing meaning to annihilate the peak of the heavens and the earth.

God of War six swords, Excalibur!

Breaking the sky, the sky is a sword!

The two peaks of swordsmanship are perfectly integrated at this moment.

Bright God at this moment actually felt a death threat approaching.

She struggled to twist her body into two pieces, wielding the broken sword of Heaven, and using all the power of her body to fall to the endless sword of the sky!

boom! !

The two big blades collided.

The world is suddenly dark.

Then there is the unimaginable Jianwei aftermath, which instantly stirs hundreds of thousands of miles!

The unspeakable energy that bursts into the collision center is the energy that has done all the colors in the world. It has done all the energy in the world. At the same time, it seems that there is a world where the collision is destroyed and born, born and destroyed, and the cycle is endless!

The ordinary strong is just a glance, and I feel that my headache is cracking and I cannot bear it. Hundreds of people who have been repaired as top-ranking powers have been bombarded by the aftermath of the explosion.

The space of the heavens and the earth was smashed into a piece of lattice by the sword. The earth was torn without a flat land. The mountains and rivers were broken into gravel, the river was cut off, the sea was torn open, and there were countless different levels of water. ......

It’s just the aftermath of the collision, it’s like destroying the heavens and the earth.

If it weren't for the five creations of the squatting squatting, the source of the protection would protect the sacred shattered sacred place, and the fragile holy land would be razed to the ground by the waves.

This level of engagement is not something that these creatures can afford.

"It's terrible. I actually felt the birth and death of the world from the collision." The three souls were shocked.

"The sword of the broken heaven is the world, and the sword of the **** of Anlin is the destruction of the world."

"An Lin God has destroyed the world again and again, and the sword of the broken Heaven has been creating the world again and again. Now I can see who can't support it first..." Blackstone looked at the battle scene in front of him and finally realized why the goddess of grace It will be said that God of Light is the biggest enemy. The power of this level is indeed stronger than imagination.

I am afraid that only the goddess of the gods in the peak state can win.

Anlin clenched the sword of victory, and the woman in front of her was forced to fall, but the endless world was crushed towards him, and it was so powerful that it was desperate.

If the ordinary big world is okay, he can still open his sword, but the world in front of him is the world's top world, and it also incorporates the most powerful power of God of Light...

This made him use the strongest trick, or felt the unimaginable pressure, the world is leaning toward him, the sword handle is the earth, the light and dark double front, the sword tip is the sky, the ocean life is the giant of the sword body. The sword is still slowly pressing down towards him.

It is clear that Anlin took the initiative.

Now he has become a party to the recipient.

The light of the sky that is broken by the hand of the sword is too strong!

Even if you are seriously injured, even if the power is nearly exhausted, there is only one outer shell.

But as long as she has the sword in her hand, she can be invincible!

The dark eyes of the woman in front of her eyes are filled with a strong sense of killing, and the power of the body is madly mobilized. There is only one purpose, that is, An Lin is on the spot.

Anlin thinks this is an opportunity to deal with the God of Light. Just tomorrow, God just thinks this way.

The two men’s engagement at this moment is still at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Anlin is not alone in the fight.

An elf suddenly crossed the energy of the Sword Storm, appearing behind the God of Light, and lost a transparent mirror lotus to the other side.

"Go, Tiandao Jinglian."

The lotus blooms in the light.

The result is that all the light **** and swallows!

Tomorrow God feels that his power is being swallowed up quickly.

She really wants to swear at the moment, you and he attacked me again!

But at this time, Anlin’s victory sword has opened the sword of heaven, and then she fell to her with a thunder! !

The black sword marks appeared on the beautiful face of Bright God, all the way down, spreading to the waist where she was cut off.

In the end, her entire body was split in two.

Powerful to the ultimate darkness, began to spread quickly, and swallowed her body into nothingness, and made a perfect patch.

Anlin will kill the **** of tomorrow! !

All the creatures, including the creation gods, couldn't help but get excited, and some even started cheering to celebrate this great moment of victory.

However, Anlin did not take it lightly. www.readwn.com~ Instead, he turned his head and said to him: "Xiao Na, the light of tomorrow is not dead, she should be resurrected, don't let her run."

"I know." Mina nodded, her slender arms, and the emptiness of a thousand miles of mirrors appeared, forming an absolute mirror cage.

Anlin also released the rich darkness, staring at the surrounding environment, and reached out to the broken sword of the heavenly sword.

This weapon is too dangerous to be made available to God of Light tomorrow.

But when Anlin reached out, the sword of the broken heaven suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"It is already mine, you can't take it away..." The voice of God of Light suddenly came from the sky.

Anlin and Dina look at one direction at the same time.

The radiance of light has once again formed the complete look of the light tomorrow.

"The light is there, then I am." Bright God picks his chin and whispers.


A crisp sound rang from her body.

As if something was broken, it became incomplete.

Her face pulled down in an instant.

He did not hesitate to flee in the distance.

Anlin and Dina’s obstruction attacks also broke out at this moment.

The dark sky curtains that cover the sky, the mirror cages that are getting closer and closer, are gradually rolling closer to the light...

"Two circles of light!" Bright God shouted, and turned into a purple gold light, super light speed running through the two worlds, the broken sword in the hands of the sword, but also slammed toward the darkness and mirror mammoth, broke out Unimaginable energy.

Bang! !

The energy collides between the bursts.

With the final eruption, God of Light tomorrow tore the defense of Anlin and Dina, and disappeared into the vision of all beings.


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