I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2247: Surprise harvest

"Awful... let her run away..."

An Lin looked at the disappearing two lights, and he was unwilling.

But he didn't chase because he really couldn't catch up.

And his power is now exhausted.

"It doesn't matter, Anlin Giant, we have at least killed her, and it can be slowed down for a while, and her plan to absorb all the books of the sky has also failed." Mina smiled softly and comforted.

Anlin deeply nodded.

Fortunately, tomorrow, God is only absorbing a book of heaven. If you have absorbed ten books, you don’t know what it is.

Dina and An Lin flew to the Holy Land.

At this time, the strong men who fought side by side have begun to cheer in excitement, shouting the name of the goddess of the goddess and the **** of Anlin.

They have already known the real name of Anlin under the introduction of several creation gods. Think about it too, how can such a strange name as Liu Dabao be a big battleless force, in contrast, the style of Anlin's name is very suitable.

Anlin and Dina have undoubtedly become the most dazzling existence of the Holy Land in the beginning.

Especially the Red Emperor of the Eighth District, Gu Qiu, Ying Bao and others, it was a feeling of emotion. They did not expect a trainee. In just one or two days, they became the invincible power to save the world...

Ying Bao thought of An Lin and her gamble, and could not help but blush on her cheeks. Must I agree with Anlin's condition? Anlin is so powerful. If she asks for a very excessive request, she will agree.

For example, what is it?

The Dragon Emperor was the last to be afraid. He never imagined that he had dared to provoke such existence before. At that time, An Lin didn’t slap it and it was really kind!

After returning home, let’s take the dragon’s night fork and let it go first!

"Congratulations to the goddess, God makes the adults come back!"

"The goddess of the goddess is unbeaten!"

A group of creation gods took the initiative to go to Anlin and Dina, cheering loudly.

"God makes the adults really powerful. What is your relationship with the goddess of the gods?"

When he spoke, he was kicked by the three creatures on the side.

"Noisy! What is the identity of the goddess, is this kind of thing you can ask?" The head in the middle roared.

The head on the left nodded non-stop: "The middle head is right."

The head on the right is excited: "Is it a lover?"

Left head and middle head: "→_→"

Ink: "Hey!"

"Okay, okay, don't ask these gossips. Let's talk about business." Dina smiled and waved her hand, and the white and tender face was slightly red, and quickly shifted the subject. "The book in your hands." Are you still there?"

"In the end!" Three souls.

"Fortunately, not to be insulted."

The smattering of the stone: "Hey."

Blackstone: "I'm sorry."

Tian Yi spit out a colorful bubble, inside is a group of darkness, said: "The book of heaven, just in the bubble, it has been integrated into the power of darkness."

"Mys too, I use the dark to absorb the information of the books. After the book appeared, the darkness took the information together to form a film to wrap the book." Liu Jin also took out a black ball-like thing, saying that the inside is hidden. Heavenly book.

This is also the case with the rest of the creation gods.

Anlin heard that he began to use his darkness to wrap those black balls.

Then, a huge amount of information exploded in my mind.

Numerous knowledge and countless road skills have slammed into Anlin’s mind at this moment. That is the vast knowledge of the sea, the almost infinite amount of knowledge, not just the recorded words, but also various skills, all kinds of insights, all kinds of realities...

When everything is at the same moment, the shock and excitement brought to Anlin is unimaginable.

The darkness is in place.

Knowledge is sublimated.

The realm of Anlin suddenly broke the embarrassment in the dark.

Bang! ! !

The darkness rose into the sky, covering the entire sky.

I can't see the huge amount of madness in the margins.

Several creation gods have been shocked.

"what happened?"

"Anlin God, you... what?"

Blackstone, Liujin and others have stepped back.

An Lin felt that the hearty feelings of the whole body were still transparent, and he was surprised to say: "I seem to... the realm has broken through..."

"Haha, I am finally in the middle of the road!!"

Anlin, who didn’t know how to cultivate the fairy, almost danced on the spot.

Liu Jin glanced at the darkness and covered the sky. The surging of the atmosphere almost spread to the scene of the entire star-deficient field. The corner of his mouth twitched gently: "This... you call this a breakthrough in the middle of the road?"

To tell the truth, even if it is a breakthrough to the creation of the gods, there is not such a big scene?

"The original Anlin God made it really a monk. I am such a god, this kind of strength is too exaggerated..." The three heads of the three souls are the same.

The ink nodded and expressed approval: "Hey."

Anlin stood in the center of the darkness, feeling the rising of power and the further increase of the dark Shinto. It felt really wonderful.

He never imagined that his own mid-term ~www.readwn.com~ actually broke through in such a way... Knowledge can make him stronger!

To be precise, it should be the fusion of the vast amount of the ancient realm of the ancient times, and the quantitative change has triggered an unprecedented qualitative change, which makes his realm sublimate again!

Anlin completed a gorgeous transformation under the eyes of the public.

Dina is very sensible to collect a bouquet of flowers from the mirror world to An Lin, sweet smile: "An Lin Giant, congratulations on your breakthrough success!"

Anlin received the flowers in tears: "Xiao Na grew up... I thought that I could only mix in the early days of the road. I really didn't expect a breakthrough day. I am really happy. !!"

The rest of the creation of the world heard this, and the heart seemed to be smashed with a sword.

God special mixed in the early days of the road, they are all creation gods, not yet Anlin is so arrogant, Anlin is mixing, then what are they doing?

Play mud? !

This blow is also widening.

Anlin successfully broke through to the middle of the road.

Dina also collected the four books that appeared from the darkness into the world of mirrors.

Everything went very smoothly. In this battle, they can say that they won a little. They did not completely destroy the plan of the God of Light, but they did not lose.

Anlin has become stronger and has more confidence in the future.

He thought that he was a reincarnation of the dark, and that he had a ceiling, but now it seems that his cultivation has not yet reached the end, he can continue to become stronger and create new miracles! It is also promising to reach the peak of the future, or create the world!

Dina saw Anlin’s confident and happy smile, and she couldn’t help but smile with a happy smile. She sat very well on Anlin’s shoulder, shaking the well-balanced calf and moving in the direction of the Holy Land.


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