I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2255: And 1 walled debut

Anlin suddenly split a space between the two boundaries.

An elf with a burst of light appeared beside Anlin.

The ensuing momentum of the mountains and the sea, the gods around it are shaking their hearts, as if facing the terrible existence.

Dina knows that she wants to fight, so the momentum must first be brought up.

"Isn't this the elf of the Forty-nine Immortals?"

"God! How did she become so strong?"

"Is there any mistake, does the intelligence mean that she is the peak of the return? But now...create the world? How could it be a world?!"

The gods were shocked by the appearance of Dina.

Dina did not panic and glanced at the battlefield.

"Dongtianmen has been broken, only a few small beggars, where is the **** of tomorrow?"

The gods, known as Otaru, are furious.

At this time, Anlin pointed to the light group and said: "Where."

"Oh..." Dina nodded, revealing the look of a sudden realization, "Is it a shrinking turtle?"

"Hugh to insult the **** of tomorrow!" A sigh came.

Suddenly, the knife is full of anger.

A road of blue and blue knives rushed through the clouds.

The tyrant, the **** of the gods, holds the knife and desperately rushes to the singer.

He has been hit hard by Anlin, but now he is still fearlessly rushing to Dina and opening the Nine Gods Ring! !

Nine powers are attached to the blade.

"The **** of heaven, the knife of heaven and earth, the beginning of the source!"

His knife began to shine like never before.

The ultimate knife, the ultimate light, is the perfect blend at this moment.

The blue sky is so horrible that it is open to the world, and it falls to Anlin and Dina. The arrogant swordsmanship, no life can match it, even if it is the super power of the peak of the road, it will fall directly here. Shocked.

This blow is not only powerful but also arrogant, and it can make hundreds of millions of souls surrender to the top domineering under the broadsword.

But there was no change in her face, and there was no idea to avoid it. She just stretched out a small hand like a jade and held it toward the knife that came.

The crystal mirror appeared in her small hand and she held it to the sky.

"I want to empty the hand to pick up the white blade? Look for death!!" The tyrants gods saw Dina's move, screamed, and the knife fell more decisively.

Even the creation of the gods, do not dare to despise his full blow, the elf actually wants to pick up his strongest blow without any effort, then let her die simply and neatly!

The knife has completely fallen.

But there was no such shocking collision in the imagination of the tyrants, and no screams of Dina. What he saw was his own sword of heaven and earth. He even fell into the mirror of Dina’s little hand, just like the stone did not enter the water, and it burst into ripples.

"This..." He widened his eyes.

Until the mirror swallowed all his big tricks, his big move couldn't even make a big move.

The next moment, the knife is blue and blue, and the light is full of the sky.

A slashing knives rushed toward the tyrants.

The tyrant is shocked.

Isn't this his move?

Perceive its energy fluctuations, even stronger than his own! !

No, can't resist! To escape! !

The first thought of the tyrants is to run.

But when he moved to other places, he would return to his place in a strange way without a hundred meters, just like a ghost hitting a wall.

This makes the tyrants gods fall into despair.


But even more weird things have happened.

His second world-made knife was cut on the knives of the attack, and it was exactly the same as the scene that touched the mirror in the hand of Dina. It was directly like falling into the water, or it was turned into the illusory thing in the mirror. .

When the tyrant's **** was shocked, the knives of the heavens and the knives that appeared to him appeared again.

"Fake... how is this possible..."

The tyrant's **** suddenly felt that even if he committed suicide, he couldn't hurt the female elf. The gap is too big...

The body of the tyrant's **** is crushed by two knives of heaven and earth, and the body is smashed into pieces of light, which is directly on the spot.

At this time, the sword of victory and evil spirits rises to the sky, releasing countless black lines, and absorbing the light particles that are to be spilled.

Anlin heard a comfortable low-pitched voice, and the breath rose again!

The surviving gods are all stunned.

That man is getting stronger again! !

The corpse can become stronger, this Nima...

The arrogant Linghua god, the calf has already shivered.

Wusong Tianshen had a bright eye, completely forgot his situation, just wanted to shout, the boss! !

The tyrant, the **** of the nine-heavy **** ring, was killed.

Coupled with the tragic death of the **** of the light of the power of the light of tomorrow, the two gods have fallen successively, giving the surviving gods present an unparalleled spiritual impact.

The Gina Elf is hanging on the wall, and the Dark God is also hanging on the wall. How should they deal with it? Even if you take it to fight, it has no effect...

Those who have already fought and want to fight ~www.readwn.com~ at this moment also stopped the idea of ​​wanting to attack, and turned their attention to the gods.

However, the gods of the gods have no time to pay attention to them.

They can only stand stupidly.

How terrible the enemy is, they have witnessed it.

At this level of fighting, they seem to be ineligible to intervene...

God did not call them to send, they naturally would not be stupid to send. Not that they are afraid of death, but that they are afraid that they will die without value.

Solving the gods who blocked the road, Anlin and Lina continued to turn their eyes to the front of the group, completely ignoring the existence of the remaining gods.

The gods have no dissatisfaction with this.

They are not stupid enough to challenge Anlin. This move is tantamount to a pig shouting at a big demon: Come over, come over and kill me! Come over and eat me!

The big devil is not happy, he may eat the pig in one bite.

"Xiao Na, I saw nothing." An Lin was curious.

Dina released the creation of the gods, multi-dimensional mirror analysis.

In less than a minute, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and cast a helpless look at Anlin: "It’s seen, but it’s tricky..."

"What happened?" asked Anlin.

"Bright God combines light and broken swords of heaven, and fills the heavens with light, creating false barriers..."

"Pseudo-Tiandao barriers?"

"Well, this is a new type of power. The essence of power is even higher than the power of heaven. It can be said that it is the power of the pseudo-all-power, the great unity of the power of heaven, and completely abandons the offense, focusing on Absolute defense, creating barriers, the enemy can't get in, she can't get out, so it's called a false barrier!"


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