I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2256: Abandoned poor worm

The twins flashed through countless mirrors and continued to analyze the characteristics of the light cluster.

She continued: "Pseudo-Tiandao barriers that want to achieve perfect level of integrity and defensiveness, can not leave a channel, even the caster can not enter and exit at will, so it is extremely strong defense, but the degree of freedom is extremely low."

"Tomorrow God must be doing something, and this will use this to block the enemy and seal his defense."

"We want to break open, we have to have the power to almost destroy the entire heavenly road in the early days. It is theoretically impossible, and we can only wait for the automatic removal of the law..."

When Dina said, she sighed, obviously this is impossible.

When Anlin heard this, it was also the first two big. ??

"Xiaoxie, do you have a way to cut this turtle shell?" he asked to the sword in his hand.

"I am just a sword, not a god." Xiaoxie is not good.

"Can't you?" Annlin was a little disappointed.

"I really want to, we can now give the heavens of the early mainland to the sinister..." The little evil voice is helpless.

"Well, this tomorrow, I am afraid that I have long expected that we will do this, and we have done this kind of defense without any solution..." Anlin was helpless.

"No wonder that even if the East Gate was broken, the two gods were killed, she did not react, and she was trapped inside."

"We can't go in, she can't come out..."

An Lin pondered the words of Dina, suddenly his eyes lit up, looking at the gods and the Tianren army not far away, said: "So to say ... God has already abandoned them completely?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the gods and the celestial beings were shocked.

"No! Impossible! How can God God abandon us tomorrow!" Linghua Tianshen red eyes, loudly retorted.

"Brightness gods and tyrants gods think the same way." Anlin said.

Linghua Tenjin: "..."

This is a matter of heart.

Obviously, everything that Dina said is likely to be correct.

And tomorrow, God did not explain anything to the gods and the celestial beings. Obviously she is also desperate for these men...

The land of the gods of the land of the gods is dying, and the gods of the sea are betrayed. Even the gods of the gods are betrayed. When Anlin thinks about it, he will feel very desperate.

The key is that when the **** of tomorrow is fighting alone in the early days of the ancient times, An Lin has a lovely helper, there are several generations of help, and a group of strong people help... This group of creatures struggle for the scene, more Set off her loneliness and helplessness.

She can be said to have been defeated by the group.

All of this was caused by the betrayal of the subordinates.

How does this make her not desperate for these men?

Simply, a lone wolf goes to the black, and does not want to ignore and arrange those subordinates.

Anlin thought about the journey of God in the light of tomorrow, and suddenly felt very sympathy. But sympathy is sympathy. This is a war. It does not require any mercy. Since the God of Light decided to abandon those men, how could Anlin give up this opportunity...

Anlin looked at the people in front of him and showed a smile.

Tens of millions of Tianren army, and those gods, have felt the icy chill that has never been seen before...

In their hearts, there is a word: the end of the scorpion!

Bright tomorrow is shrinking in the light group, they have to face the dark to the high gods and a strong, unspeakable creation **** alone. How should this fight be played?

I can't fight at all!

But at this moment, suddenly there was a roar of the sky in the distance.

"For the sake of tomorrow, God is an adult! Fighting is not going back!"

"Death is not back!!"

"For the sake of light, for glory, for heaven!"

Not far from the tens of millions of Tianren army, suddenly began to form a sound, the sound gathered into a tsunami, the momentum began to skyrocket.

An Lin’s face changed slightly. I didn’t expect that those who were most afraid of death turned out to be these heavenly people.

Tens of thousands of days of Terran army formed a large array, the endless power of light gathered in the big array, consolidating into a bright male **** of war of up to eight thousand feet, wearing a white armor releasing the power of chaos, Mastering the Thunder in one hand and mastering the flame in one hand, it looks powerful and powerful.

This level of combat power, against the enemy of the peak of the road has no problem at all, and even a war god, dealing with nearly ten combined super power.


Anlin is a slight sigh.

"You are all shocked by my dark power, but I have forgotten my former identity..." He was shaking his head.

At this time, the God of War has roared and rushed to Anlin.

"Less nonsense, eat me a blow, Tianhai lightning strike!" Guangming male war **** roared, the thunder in his hand burst open and rise, forming a sinuous golden false thunder sea, falling toward Anlin, paving the world's bursting thunder The space that was torn and annihilated is showing the horror of this attack.

Anlin just pointed a little.

In an instant, everything was quiet, and the roaring thunder suddenly solidified.

Then, the roaring golden false thunder sea suddenly became thicker and bigger at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the power could increase madly and become several times more horrible than before...

At this time, these heavenly people finally came back to God and remembered the number of Anlin's once Megatron mainland ~www.readwn.com~ Not good! He is a Japanese lord! ! ”

"Withdrawal, we are about to withdraw the Thunder!"

"Well, our thunder is out of control!!"

In the scream of the horror of the Terran, the Jinxu Leihai began to infuse, drowning the bright male war gods in the golden sea of ​​Leihai. The figure of 80,000 feet tall is like a drowning child, constantly struggling. With.

Tens of millions of Tianren army, each of which madly releases the energy of the body, maintains the body of the light of the **** of war, and wants to resist this endless Leiwei.

But the Thunder is really terrifying, almost endless, and there is no sign of the end. Anlin borrowed the power of the Tianren army and then added his own strength to successfully bring despair to the Tianren army.

"No, you must stop him, or the Terran army will be completely annihilated!" Linghua Tianshen knew that he had no retreat, and only one battle, immediately opened the eight-fold **** ring, holding a giant pink folding fan, facing the distant thunder The sea slammed.

"God of God, chaos and wind!!"

An unimaginable pink hurricane, wrapped in the power of chaos, from the floods of the sky, can sweep away all the forces blocking the wind.

Lei Hai, which is drowning in the light of the **** of war, has been twisted by the pink hurricane, and it seems that there is a tendency to be completely swept away.

At this time, An Lin couldn't help but laugh out: "You are really forgetful."

He turned his eyes to the confused girl who was confused and said: "Linghua Tianshen, you are afraid to forget, who is the **** of the wind..."

Suddenly, under the stunned eyes of Linghua Tianshen, the extremely fierce pink hurricane suddenly turned the direction, and with a more horrible speed and power, raged in her direction!


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