I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2273: ? Double pinch

Emperor Yi left the space to limit the space, the right hand became a scarlet claw, and grabbed the petite and delicate elf body, just like five bloodstains.

In the face of this sudden attack, Dina did not have the slightest panic on her face. The whole body suddenly surged like a small lens-like wall, which separated the body from the outside space, and then jumped quickly and quickly escaped. The attack of the scarlet claws.

Petite figure flips, the blade is like a water across the void, passing over the arm of Emperor Yi, and it is easy to tear the arm of Emperor Yi out of a horizontal blood port.

"Ah! Look for death!" The Emperor didn't expect the other party to break free from the sky and shackle, and successfully counterattacked. Under the shackles, the ocean liquid exploded from him, and it was extremely pure and powerful. Diffusion, will not return to the defense of the direct smash!

You are agile, single attack can not fight, I will use the full range of attacks!

This move is very good, but it is very effective.

Emperor I just flew to the ground, but found that the wound in his arm suddenly appeared a transparent granule, they swallowed the essence of flesh and blood, and then quickly multiply in their flesh and blood.

"What is this?!" Emperor was shocked.

At this time, a fist broke open the gushing water and fell directly on his face.

"Heavenly punch!"


The most powerful indiscriminate outbreak, the emperor felt that the whole body had to be crushed by this fist, and the handsome face was again distorted.

An Lin’s voice came with anger.

"The single attack can't be beaten, and I will bully me Xiaona with a full-screen attack."

"Is it impossible to play? Um? Can you afford it?!"

After Anlin hammered the emperor and broke his blood, he continued to punch.

"The sky is cut." Emperor suddenly yelled.

A blue ring suddenly spreads out from his neck, and even wherever he goes, even the space is cut into extremely smooth cracks.

Anlin’s heart jumped and hurriedly crossed his arms in front of him, focusing the five elements on his hands. But the cutting power of the blue ring was terrible, and his five elements were slowly cut.

The tearing sound is getting sharper and sharper, as if it is going to break the power of the five elements and split Anlin’s body in half.

Emperor Yi was trying to make a bang and put Anlin under his body. At this time, his injured arm, the transparent particles flashed, and the appearance of the elf appeared.

“Transfer with matter as a medium?” Emperor’s face changed.

At this time, Dina's translucent sword has passed through the void and smashed toward his neck!

Emperor Yi’s head was originally hammered, but he was also leaning back on the occasion of the millennium. The length of the sword was not long, and the distance could still be avoided!

But all of a sudden, the translucent blade actually stretched 100,000 meters.

Emperor 1: "???"

Can't afford to play?

Can you afford to play?

Oh! !

The blade edge is extremely horrible, and the neck of Emperor Yi is opened in a blink of an eye, and blood is shot out.

When Emperor Yi’s head flew into the sky, Dina gave it a kickback and kicked her head for hundreds of miles before she burst open in the air.

The headless emperor quickly retreated and screamed.

"Oh ah... my head, my head...!"

He hurt to use the soul of the soul to scream.

The three most high gods also can't hurt, but in order to let the emperor calm down, still comfort.

"You don't have a head, and we have three heads, are you afraid of it?" The ocean **** of the left shoulder of the emperor shouted comfortably.

Emperor 1: "???"

"I can also make up your head!" Sky God is loud.

"Rolling!!" The emperor was furious and felt even more uncomfortable.

At this time, the goddess of life is reliable, and the eagerly let the emperor calm down: "Nothing, the emperor, relying on the resilience of my life authority, can let you recover the perfect head at the fastest speed!"

Said, the green life energy has been rising from the body.

However, when the life energy is building the flesh and blood skeleton, the transparent particles attached to the wound release a strong suppressing force, which not only prevents the recovery of the flesh, but also absorbs the flesh and blood energy essence, and rapidly proliferates. .

"What is this?!" Emperor's face changed greatly, and the transparent particles on his arms and neck were thought to be brought by the strange long sword.

At this time, Dina had once again rushed toward him with a long sword.

"Ocean! Sky!" The emperor clenched his fists, and the power of the vast ocean was erupted in one hand, and the power of the vast blue sky broke out in one hand.

Dina can feel like the endless ocean and the endless sky in front of her, she dare not underestimate the enemy, running the body of the mirror to the front and mammoth.

The collision between the two sides once again set off a terrible wave in the world.

Emperor Yi can't completely tear away the source of the mirror of Dina, and Dina can no longer hurt the Emperor. After all, the Emperor I, who is fully fired, can not only use the three supreme powers perfectly, but also integrate the enormous endless power of heaven. The strength can be said to be extremely invincible.

The only potential advantage is that Dina injured her opponent twice with a translucent sword.

This sword is called the mirror world sword ~www.readwn.com~ can leave countless tiny mirror particles in the enemy's wounds when the enemy is injured.

These mirror particles are the incarnation of the mirror world. They are mirror-like mirrors, which can achieve unlimited reflections and multiply, as long as there is enemy flesh and blood energy.

They are like terrible parasites, they can absorb the energy of the enemy to self-proliferate, and they are extremely tenacious. They have the barrier hardness of the world of mirrors, and they do not use the power of extreme anti-sky. They can't eliminate them in a short time. .

When Emperor was in battle, he found that his power had flown fast.

"Damn, who helped me get rid of these things?!" The emperor was upset by the small particles, really disgusting, unable to go, but also crazy to absorb his energy.

The most disgusting thing is that, sucking his energy, he suddenly realized that the power of the elf in front of him has increased a little more and become even more fierce.

"Cut those flesh and blood!" The ocean **** suddenly said.

"Yes, the strong man broke his wrist!" Sky God also proposed.

Emperor Yi just used the air-blasting punch to make a difficult flight, and wanted the strong man to break his wrist. Anlin appeared again behind the emperor, his fist was like a violent meteor, and he was crazy.

Booming! !


"It has become a punishment, and it is a lot of bullying. What is dissatisfaction?" An Lin laughed, his fist fell ruthlessly, and a second of seconds!

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