I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 2274: Change the number to replay

Emperor Yi was once again crushed by An Lin’s fist.

He struggled to use the rounds of gossip, which forced Anlin to retreat.

Oh, oh! !

Emperor broke his right arm and neck.

Those parts are where the mirror particles multiply and are completely removed.

He is still very wronged, obviously has been cut a knife by the enemy, and he has to be forced to cut himself and then cut a knife...

"Fast! Life!!" The Emperor's neck and arms were madly ruined, shouting.

The power of Xeon's life erupted from the body, quickly repairing his arms and his head, from the bones to the flesh and blood meridians to the skin of the human body.

But at this moment, some particles falling in the sky suddenly flashed.

The elf's figure appeared in front of Emperor Yi.

When the emperor smashed, the reaction was extremely fast, and the left hand was instantaneously turned into a cracked palm, and the all-round fiercely fanned toward the elf.

If Dina doesn't want to get hurt, she must give up her offense and resist.

But what did Emperor Yi did not think of was that Dina resolutely made a sword, and the crystal-clear sword was like a flash of lightning, and it went to the head of the **** of life. Under the horror of the **** of life, he plunged into the heart of Emperor Yi without mercy.

Hey! ! !

Dina was flying by the cracked sky of the emperor, and the petite body was shot like this by the palm of the hand, but the chest of the emperor also splashed milky white blood.

Instead of chasing, Emperor looked at his heart.

In the heart, the crystal particles appeared in abruptly.

Can absorb his flesh and blood for unlimited proliferation of mirror particles! !

Emperor looked at the heart of the heart and the painful life of the gods, and fell into meditation.

"Emperor, what are you looking at, this opportunity is very good, go chase, the elf!" Sky God couldn't help but rush.

"I was thinking, would you like to cut it here too?" Emperor pointed to his heart.

Life God: "???"

The ocean and the sky couldn't help but **** a cold breath.

Sky God: "Is this man crazy?"

Ocean God: "Pig head?"

"Where there is a head, his head is gone." The **** of life looked at the emperor who had no head, and faintly said.

At this time, Emperor Yi did not listen to dissuasion, and reached out to grasp the head of life god.

Life God did not expect that he would suffer this kind of treatment, and was dug by the Emperor as a piece of rotten meat, which made her proud of this humiliation.

Just because Emperor Yi is a real life, this kind of problem will arise. This may be one of the drawbacks of the three-phase reincarnation.

"Self-explosive." A voice suddenly came.

It was a woman with a beautiful face with a sword mark on her face.

Yes, it is the **** of life.

The Emperor looked at the whole person: "Self-explosive? What blew?"

"I agree." Sky God shouted.

"Oh... no way, this kid is a little brain-destroyed." Ocean God is also helpless.

The emperor blinked and looked at the question mark: "What are you talking about?"

"Self-explosive procedures, start!" Life God suddenly opened.

At this time, Anlin had already rushed to the back of Emperor Yi. He wanted to make up the knife. He suddenly found that the body of Emperor Yi was quickly inflated and brightened, and the extremely terrifying energy broke out in the accumulation.

"Hold the grass!!" An Lin shouted.

"No...!!!" The emperor was in pain.

Bang! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion suddenly picked up.

Emperor suddenly burst into anger! !

The horrific explosion caused absolute hollowness in the miles.

An Lin was directly smashed by the vomiting blood.

It was a grand mushroom cloud, and it was a terrifying fire that destroyed the earth.

Dina, who was about to attack her backhand, turned back and was exploded and blown up.

Ann Lin was shocked.

Dina was also shocked.

What happened, how did it suddenly blow up?

Wait until the flames dissipate, and the three large to high and the infinite flower shape appear on the void, and the condensed into a sphere, releasing the essence of the heavenly power of infinite horror.

The three big to the fast and fast, the infinite flowers burst out of the demon light, and kept beating.

After a dazzling brilliance flashed.

A handsome man with ten white wings on his body, once again appeared in front of An Lin and Dina, the shoulders are the ocean and the sky, the heart is the face of the **** of life, it seems to have fully recovered.

"The blast is actually an instant recovery?" An Lin took a deep breath.

"Not only that, his cultivation and strength, it seems that there is not much weakening, not dead body? This is too unreasonable..." Dina also looked dignified.

At this moment, the perfect heavenly man shook his head, and his look was slightly confused.

When he looked at both An Lin and Lina, the eyes gradually recovered to the Qing Dynasty: "Dark God, and your elf, my enemy?"

"My name is Emperor II. Are you ready to die?!"

The celestial beings embraced their chests with their hands and their faces were proud.

"Emperor... You are not an emperor?" An Lin blinked.

The **** of life sneered and replied: "The emperor did not know how to lift, he had to change one."

An Lin: "..., 牛逼, this number can't, directly delete the number and replay?"

Sure enough, the three highest to be the master, although the physical initiative is not there, but they are unhappy, can make the proud emperor instantly violent.

"Let's talk nonsense, and quickly kill the man and the elf!" The ocean **** on the left shoulder shouted.

"You don't have to say that I will do it, you shut me up."

Ocean God: "???"

An Lin: "..."


This Emperor II has completely gone the way of Emperor Yi!

Dina suddenly cried and shouted: "Say well! The three heads have been relying on you, dominating your thoughts, do you want to castrate them?"

Three great gods: "???"

An Lin: "..."

Awesome, my little Na.

What kind of familiarity this wave of operation is.

It seems that the number has been changed, and the emperor is still the emperor~www.readwn.com~ how familiar the taste.

"Looking for death!" The emperor roared, and the ten wings broke out in the light, and instantly moved to the front of the elf, and the fist formed an endless ocean bursting open.

Bang! ! !

The ocean exploded in front of the eyes of the two.

Both Anlin and Dina were slammed and flew out.

However, the two are simple.

When Dina was slammed back, the golden mirror source had enveloped the whole body, overcoming the power of the power, and flashing rapidly, flashing to the side of the emperor.

"Be careful!" Sky God screamed.

The enchantment of heavy and heavy emptiness appears, blocking the sword of Dina!

On the other side, Anlin has torn the sea in an extremely rude way, and his fists fall like meteors and meteorites!

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