I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 384: Sly moon cake

Is there any reason? Is there any Wang Fa? !

An Lin especially wants to call the police, and some people urinate in his sea!

Then he thought sadly that no one would believe this.

Even if someone can believe, no one can help him...

"Ah... I’m so tired, I want to change this **** life..."

The fighting spirit that Anlin finally ignited was finally wiped out by the majority, and she was lying in bed with no face in love.

At the same time, Anlin successfully broke through the news of the Chenghua Shen period and began to spread throughout the school, causing a huge shock! Especially when the students heard that the thunder in the sky was Jin Rui Lei Qilin, and An Lin could control the Jin Xu Lei unicorn, they were silent.

Later, I heard that Anlin’s robbery was successful, and I accidentally gave birth to a unicorn. This made all the students completely forced to go to the place, and the sky was thundering, like listening to the book.

"I didn't expect Ann Lin to really break through the sacred period."

"He is now the first of the school's students, and the promotion rate in this realm is terrible!"

"Is this the point? The key point is not that Anlin students have refreshed our Xiu Xianuan..."

"Diffuse the gold and thunder, use the golden swindle as a pet to play, and finally gave birth to a great life... This has indeed recast my view of cultivation!"

"I can't describe my feelings in words. I just want to offer my knees to Ang!"

"Ah, ah~~~ It’s so exciting, we live in the same school with a living legend!!"


In this way, "Anlin Ferry" became the hottest topic on campus during this time.

After two days of recuperation, Anlin began to go to school as usual. Then he walked on the campus of Anlin and found that his fame had reached a very terrible level. From time to time, he would encounter brain powder on the road and then scream and scare him.

This scream is certainly not intentional, just because they are too excited...

On the Taoist stickers, dating stickers, confession letters, flying like snowflakes. These things, An Lin naturally will not waste too much time to see, after all, too much, really can not finish! Well, at most, look at the confession letter...

The task of raising An Qilin's weight to one kilogram has been put on hold by Anlin.

He didn't even know how to communicate with An Qilin. How do you raise fat and unicorn?

Anlin recalled the feeling when he was holding An Qilin. The weight should be about one kilogram. That is to say, he wants to double the weight of An Qilin. This is a terrible and difficult task.

In the evening of a sunny day, an unexpected guest came to the small attic of Anlin.



A very rhythmic knock on the door sounded.

Anlin opened the door and found a pair of white velvet ears.

Looking down, it is a pair of big eyes and white rabbit teeth.

"Good evening, Amanda is stupid."

The sound of the pleasant sound sounded, this is a big rabbit with half a person high, and swayed into the door, not taking himself as a rabbit.

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped, and if she saw that she still had a bag of things in her hand, she would have already kicked her out.

"Moon Rabbit, I did not expect you to take time to come to see me, I really flattered!" Anlin smiled and took the initiative to give this white rabbit like a jade tea.

"The palace owner heard that you have broken through the period of the gods, and specially sent me to send some gifts." The rabbit is old-fashioned.

"Oh... how can this be! I am so embarrassed that I want to let the fairy go through the cost, things don't have to be sent, you can come and see me, I will be happy!" Anlin repeatedly waved.

The moon rabbit smiled softly, and the two big ears swayed happily in the air: "Look at your kid's acquaintance, then this moon cake will be mine. I haven't eaten enough at the moon palace. The palace owner is really stingy... but she is right You are so generous, I have been unhappy, hehe!"

Anlin heard that it was enough, but it was a moon cake!

Is he humbly making a few words, this rabbit is taken seriously?

As soon as he thought about this, he immediately took a shot and copied the bag in the hands of the moon rabbit in his hand, and then immediately received the money, and the whole process was flowing, making people look sigh!

"Since the rabbits have come here, naturally, you can't let you see it. So I think it's better to cooperate with your actions, so that you can successfully complete the task that you handed over to you." An Lin's face is righteous. And the moon rabbit gave out the gaze of Lei Feng.

The moon rabbit blinked: "I understand the truth, but what do you do with the carrots I eat on the road?"

Her fingers flashed in white, and a delicately wrapped yellow disc appeared on the table, opening: "This is the moon cake that I want to give you."

An Lin: "..."

The scene is very embarrassing.

In the end, An Lin blushes to take out the carrots of the moon rabbit, and is also spit out by the moon rabbit several times.

"There are a total of six moon cakes here. The moon cake contains a lot of energy. You can only eat one at a time, you can't eat it." The moon rabbit screamed.

Anlin nodded and couldn't wait to open the box.

I saw six golden round cakes in the box. Its outline is as perfect as the moon in the night sky. It is exuding a very lustful luster. The faint sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance began to fill the whole house, making people feel trembled.

Because of this scent, Xiaohong stopped photosynthesis, and Dabai woke up from the lazy sleep. The clown rushed in from the door and his eyes glowed golden.

Anlin secretly swallowed a sip, restrained his impulse to eat mooncakes immediately, and turned his eyes to a white stationery in the mooncake box.

He curiously opened the letterhead, and the font inside was so beautiful that it was particularly pleasing to the eye.

The content is: Congratulations on the successful promotion of the Anshen Dao. I have promised to send a mooncake to the mooncakes, which has not been forgotten. Nowadays, the Daoyou Double Happiness is coming, and the mooncakes are specially sent to congratulate them. In addition, Xiaoyue will be handed over to you to adjust, so that the weight of Xiaoyue will be reduced to 50 pounds in one month.

- Hey.

After Anlin finished reading the letter, he looked at the moon rabbit with a strange look: "What does this mean?"

The moon rabbit turned his eyes: "Double-happiness means the success of the joy of God and the joy of success!"

"I am not asking this." An Lin heard the words immediately shook his head, and then seemed to realize what ~www.readwn.com~ chest immediately became a stuffy, "No! This also asks, this double happiness is also poisonous!! ”

Moon rabbit shook his head helplessly, old-fashioned Qiuqiu said: "Hey, An Da stupid... I don't sell off the customs, the palace owner suspects that I am too fat to hold, I have already stopped me, she limited me to lose weight within 50 pounds within one month. And you are the supervisor. So, do you understand, eh?"

An Lin heard a twitch in his mouth and helped the rabbit to lose weight?

He suddenly remembered that in the laurel forest, he did mention that he wanted to help the rabbit to lose weight. I didn’t expect her to really take it seriously...

Responsibility is not reliant on Lu. In fact, the moon cake that he sent him is definitely worth a lot. He does something to help him, but he has no experience with this kind of thing!

Anlin is still thinking about how to make his golden light doll fat, now comes a fairy rabbit to lose weight?

In the days that followed, I was afraid that my brain was full of weight.

He couldn't help but sigh, what happened to the world? Is it really my cultivation? ! Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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