I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 385: Lose weight and gain weight

When Dabai saw this scene, he began to walk up and walked over.

"Rabbit, stay here, you must follow the principle of coming first and then, you can only rank fifth. I am the second child, you usually call my white brother, do not understand? Wang!" Looking at the moon rabbit, evil charm A smile.

The ruby-like eyes of the moon rabbit radiated chill, and the jade of the peony appeared in the hand, squatting on the shoulder, and chuckled: "Oh, it depends on you, also in front of me?"

"Newly, there is no cover for you here. It seems that you are not convinced of the training. Now let you see and see the greatness of the white brother! Wang!" Dabai is also not willing to show weakness, wearing the smashing claws on his hands, in the The air is swaying against the moon rabbit, and the cold and cold mans tear the air, bringing a sharp burst of sound.

"You are amazing? I will make you a waste dog!" The jade rabbit waved the jade and turned to the white.

"The rabbit is not arrogant, I will teach you to be a rabbit! Wang Wang!" The white screamed and rushed to the moon rabbit.

Anlin stood by and watched, and he was too lazy to intervene.

So, a fierce battle began.



The battle ended.

The white nose and green face swollen on the ground, the moon rabbit smugly sat on the white belly, waving the jade, haha ​​laughed: "Abandoned dog, just because of you, but also want to put a big word in front of the rabbit? Not self-reliant !"

Dabai never thought that one day he would be riding on a rabbit, and he couldn’t help but feel humiliated. But when he saw the tiger’s wind and the temper, he immediately lost his temper: “Oh, rabbit sister, I admit that you can It’s in front of me, it’s Ang’s number one beast, and that’s all right...”

"Account for your knowledge." The rabbit nodded with satisfaction and let go of the white.

But after a few seconds, the moon rabbit erected a furry big ear and blinked: "No! When did I become a fool of the beast, my God, what am I happy about?"

"Oh, it is your blessing to be my beast." An Lin grabbed the ears of the moon rabbit and picked it up.

Then he found that the moon rabbit is really so heavy, no wonder that he was too disgusted, even holding it.

"Don't dare to be rude to the rabbit!" The rabbit was so angry that he yelled.

She was going to use the jade to knock on An Lin's head. Then she saw that An Lin took out the letterhead and shook it in front of her. A mysterious wave spread and she suddenly fell.

Anlin smiled and put down the moon rabbit, and said: "Now I am your supervisor, you have to listen to me. You are late than the red, white, clown, so you can only rank fifth. Also, here You must understand humility, reunion, and obey the rules. Don't be bullied. Do you know?!"

The moon rabbit shook his long ears, and his face was incomprehensible: "Know it..."

She can't listen to anyone's words, but she must listen if she is embarrassed. Otherwise, she wants to eat delicious things in the moon palace in the future. It is simply delusional!

"Five sisters, no need to be depressed, Bai Ge will take good care of you. Wang!" Dabai saw the situation reversal at ninety degrees, immediately opened the flowers, a face of majesty.

The moon rabbit raised the jade in his hand again, and Dabai immediately became a dog.

"Okay, let's talk about business, how much weight do you have in the small month?" Anlin said.

The moon rabbit licked his mouth and whispered: "You don't know how to ask the girl's weight, is it a rude thing?"

An Lin’s mouth is slightly pumped: “But you are a rabbit, and I have to supervise you to lose weight!”

The moon rabbit took his jade to the ring, then took out a white disc-like thing, placed it on the ground, and then jumped up.

The disc is shining, showing the value: 54.758

"You have to lose more than four pounds a month. Can you use liposuction?"

Anlin suddenly felt the hard road ahead and tried to ask.

The moon rabbit smiled, and the face appeared a look of disdain: "I am the beast of the moon, the liposuction? You can't move it, this can't even be done by the palace!"

Anlin did not care, and asked: "What plan do you have?"

"No plan, this is a super big problem... I can only wait for the palace owner to change my mind, not to abandon my weight, let me return to her arms." The face of the moon rabbit suddenly had a melancholy look, looking out the window The darker the sky, the more inexhaustible.

Anlin saw this scene and felt a little funny.

The rabbit that was disgusted because of its weight is really known to outsiders, and it is a big news.

"Like this, I will give you a weight loss plan. Well, I only eat one carrot a day, exercise for three hours, how about this plan?" An Lin said with a smile.

Moon rabbit heard the words like an idiot looking at An Lin: "According to your plan to exercise, you can successfully reduce the weight of one or two, I count you to win."

Anlin took a deep breath: "I don't eat anything in that month, and I practice twelve hours every day for one month?"

Moon rabbit angered: "An Da stupid! You are in the rabbit! And even if I do this, I can't lose half a catty!!"

"So difficult to reduce, it is worthy of the moon's beast..." Anlin's face looks strange, it seems that the conventional method of weight loss is completely useless to the moon rabbit, I have to think of some other methods.

After thinking about it for a while, he proposed several weight loss programs, but they were all rejected by the rabbit.

In the end, he had to empty himself and do something meaningful. The meaningful thing is...

Eat moon cakes!

Anlin took out a moon cake like the moon plate from Nayong. It was only so big in the mouth of the bowl, but in the light of the moon in the first month, there was a kind of warmth and all things.

"A beautiful moon cake..." Xiaohong became a red girl, and she stood on the side with a delicate and pretty appearance. The first time she had a bright future, she had a strong interest in things other than the sun for the first time.

The moon rabbit also unconsciously licked his tongue: "This moon cake contains the power of the moon, and it is made of various spirits and laurel flowers. It not only tastes the best, but also extends life for a thousand years. It can also enhance the strength of the meridians of the meridians and bones, and add the meaning of the moon to the sea. You Lin has just promoted to the gods, and can completely consolidate the realm after eating!"

When Anlin heard so many effects and his eyes were straight, he couldn’t help but feel his emotions: "It’s really a fake, this moon cake is even more precious than the ordinary fairy!"

The moon rabbit is proud of a smile, a pair of honorable appearance: "That is natural!"

Anlin looked excitedly to cut the moon cake into five equal parts, revealing the stuffing inside. The filling looks like gold jade, exquisite and translucent, and the fragrance of Laurel carries a kind of strange fragrance, which instantly fills the entire attic and is refreshing.

"Good fragrance... This smell alone makes people so intoxicated..." An Lin blinked happily.

The white slobber has already flowed to the ground, and even the clown does not stop to swallow.

"Come on, I have cut it, you each have one!" An Lin said with a smile to the beast.

"Ange is the best, I love you, Wang!" Dabai first fluttered like a hungry wolf, a dog's claw, a small piece of moon cake, immediately sent to the entrance.

It just chewed the moon cake, suddenly trembled, soft on the ground, picked up: "cool ... Ange, so cool, delicious, Wang!"

An Lin looked at the black line and opened the dead dog.

The clown also took a piece and ate it with relish, and the light of his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"The master finally did a good thing!" Xiaohong's jade finger picked up a moon cake, put it into the delicate mouth of the cherry red, and filled his eyes and smiled happily.

Anlin saw that the rabbit did not move, and immediately said: "Small moon, you also take a piece!"

There is hesitation on the face of the moon rabbit: "Oh... this is what the palace owner gave you, can I eat it?"

Anlin didn't expect the lawless moon rabbit~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, he would be so polite, and couldn't help but smile lightly: "If you are now in charge of me, it is naturally blessed to share, otherwise you think I have to Is this moon cake cut into five equal parts?"

The moon rabbit heard a slight glimpse, and it was rare to have a bickering. Instead, he picked up a moon cake with white claws and whispered, "I will be welcome."

Seeing that the moon rabbit also ate, An Lin smiled and picked up the last piece of moon cake and sent it to the entrance.

The wonderful taste blasted in an instant, making him tremble.

The power of Yuehua has turned into a warm stream to nourish the whole body and consolidate its own cultivation. Part of the power into the sea, so that the sea has a faint light of the moonlight; and some of the brilliance shrouded the soul, so that the soul is more solid!

At that moment, Anlin felt that he had swam over the moon, squatting between the sweet-scented osmanthus, laughing at him, and the moon rabbit jumping around him...

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