I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 937: How to answer a question is a skill

If you kissed the Sun Guardian, is it a trifle, or a big event?

This is a very critical issue!

Anlin felt that the pressure was getting bigger again.

Black Tengger pointed to a statue and continued to introduce: "This predecessor is the oldest beast of my family. It is called the undead god, but it is unfortunately fallen under the burst of the purple star, hehe..."

An Lin resisted the urge to vomit, forcing regret and sadness.

Undead bird is killed, can this title still be used? Don't feel ashamed...

Black Tengge cherished a moment and began to point to the last statue: "It is a very powerful mythical beast of my family, a phoenix that inherits the blood of the Suzaku, named the blood phoenix. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, this The predecessors also unfortunately fell to somewhere."

Anlin looked at the last statue and took a swig of cold.

This beast, he is familiar with it!

The fate is sometimes so wonderful.

An Lin looked at the blood-changing phoenix in front of him, and he felt affectionate and couldn’t help but feel a thousand emotions.

Black Tengger saw the look of Anlin next to him, and followed with a feeling: "Oh, even if it is a powerful beast, there will be danger of degeneration. I don't know who was killed by this predecessor, and whether it was properly buried. ......"

An Lin knows something about the **** phoenix. He comforts: "Reassure, the phoenix predecessors are so powerful and excellent, although they are immortal."

That's right, because he will inherit the power of the blood-changing phoenix and continue to carry forward!

As for the burial problem, it is not necessary to worry about it. The flesh and blood has been burned by Anlin and Xu Xiaolan. The bones have been cut by Anlin, preserved in the Nayong, and played its final light and heat...

"Lin'an brother, you are very good! Its spirit, its power, we will inherit, the **** phoenix predecessor died, but it is still alive!" Black Tengge said with enthusiasm.

An Lin’s mouth is slightly pumped. If Black Tengge knows that he has done something wrong with the blood-changing phoenix, will it explode in place...

"Five great sun tree beasts have been introduced. Now you have the opportunity to gain the recognition of the power left behind here. This is the privilege of the Champion League champion. Which one is Lin An Taoist friend going to start with?" Asked with a smile.

Anlin thought about it and decided to follow the order introduced by Heitenger.

The two came to the front of the white god, and there were three strong Suzaku people standing beside them to understand the power left by the white god, looking at Anlin with a look of disappointment.

"Hey, the souls of the lower bounds, want to get the recognition of our white gods, it is really delusional!"

"That is, the guy with poor blood, who wants to get the favor of our sun tree beasts, is really ridiculous, but every time there are souls to break the head to take this opportunity..."

“The last time there was a creature that won the favor of the beast, it seems to be two years ago?”

"Yes, huh, huh, or a poor light of the inheritance."

"I heard that Lin An is a bit of a skill, will it be more powerful?"

"Oh, how can it be better? Can it be robbed of the legacy of the beast?"

"Moreover, this inheritance is not about looking at strength, but about seeing the blood and chance. We have been in the statue for so long, and the inheritance is not very few."

The surrounding Suzaku powers talked unscrupulously at the side, completely ignoring the feelings of the foreign guest Anlin.

An Lin smiled, but her heart was crazy.

Now these birds are so crazy?

He really wants to rub these big-mouthed birds directly on the ground and rub them together. In the field of twelve Suzaku, only two of them are returning to the imaginary fairy, and the rest are the gods of the gods. Based on his strength, he can turn this rookie by himself.

Oh... a pity, here is the sun **** tree.

"Black Teng Gedao, what should I do?" asked Anlin.

"You just need to release your blood on the statue of the beast, and then answer a random question of the beast. After that, everything is determined by the beast. If you are extremely lucky, you will be able to get the beast if you are favored by the beast. Some inheritance!" Black Tengge explained.

He used luck to describe Anlin, and he proved that he did not think that Anlin could be recognized by other animals under other conditions. He hoped to be very embarrassed.

You must know that he is a **** of the gods, and he has a relatively pure blood of the Suzaku. Even so, there is no inheritance here.

Anlin sighed and nodded. He walked calmly to the statue and released a drop of blood. The red-golden blood shines in the sun, and the powerful and terrible fluctuations are spreading.

I don't know why, a kind of Suzaku saw the blood at the moment, and the heart was a bit more swaying.

"This feeling, what happened?"

"I don't know, this human is not easy."

"Oh, but there is a little bit of strength. What is the use of scary atmosphere?"

"That is, we have the blood of Suzaku, even if he is stronger than ours, but we are still nobler than him!"

That's right, this is the sweet juice of the Suzaku family.

Even if you are stronger than me, I am nobler than you.

After hearing these discussions, Ann Lin really wanted to eat the Suzaku brand New Orleans grilled wings.

The blood dripped into the statue of the white god, and was quickly sucked in.

A group of Suzaku faces a big change.

"It was actually sucked in."

"Does the white gods not discard this human blood?"


Just when the public was eating hot birds and birds, ~www.readwn.com~The statue of Baishen God suddenly heard a voice.

"Excuse me, is there a bird in the world, or is there an egg first?"

An Lin stunned.

The creatures of the Suzaku people were even more shocked.

“It turned out to be one of the most profound questions of my family!”

"Well, this question can't be answered even if the most outstanding wise man of my family can answer it. How can this human being answer it?"

An Lin slowed down for a few seconds. I feel that the focus of this philosophical question is not really about whether to have a bird or an egg first, but...

He smiled and said loudly: "There is a day after the Suzaku, and everything in the bird family is derived from the gift of Suzaku, and the source of all is the great sacred Suzaku!"

The air suddenly calmed down.

Black Tengge opened his mouth and a group of Suzaku stunned.

This human... really can talk!

Bang! The stone statue trembled fiercely.


A long and majestic voice came.

Then, the eyes of the white gods, two golden rays of spurting out, fell on the eyebrows of Anlin!

"Appeared, this is the light of inheritance!" Suzaku screamed.

"My God! This kind of inheritance brightness, how can it be so strong?" Another Suzaku was shocked.

It is necessary to know that even if there is a tradition, it is also a small glimpse of gold awns, it is impossible to appear like a light beam.

"This is... this is the core inheritance of the White God!" There is a Suzaku fairy who returns to the virtual world, muttering.

When the Suzaku Fairy behaved, the Suzaku was in a shock, staring at the man who was shocked by Jinguang.

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