I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 938: The gift of the sacred beast

The golden light fell in the eyebrows of Anlin, and huge amounts of information began to flow in.

Vulcan mode: The body's inflammatory power is 100% stimulated and transformed into the body's kinetic energy and heat energy, becoming a veritable flame **** of war.

The true meaning of the move, the mind, the way, and the brain poured into the mind of An Lin.

When the light disappeared, Anlin’s eyes were bright and his face could not help but smile.

He expressed his gratitude to the statue of the White God.

This move is very powerful and practical, it can be said that the sun tree trip is a windfall!

Black Tengge looked at Anlin with a shocked look and his lips trembled: "Anlin Taoist, you, what heritage have you gained?"

"A move called the Vulcan model." An Lin does not matter to conceal these, anyway, their boss is still alive, in the end what sent the inheritance, Bai Yu Shen should know.

"It turned out to be Vulcan mode!" Black Tengge exclaimed.

The rest of the Suzaku creatures also looked at An Lin with a sullen and awkward look.

"The Vulcan pattern is a famous move of the **** of white gods!"

"God! This is the core inheritance, even a human being!"

"Oh, my God, I can't accept this fact."

"Why is Baiji's most powerful inheritance taken away by a human being, even if he speaks very well, it shouldn't be!"

There are Suzaku's chests, some of them are unwilling, and some are lost and burst into tears.

Anlin looked at their expressions and suddenly felt so good! !

"Oh! This Vulcan model seems to be OK? I hope I can use it later, thank you for your leadership, take care of me unselfishly, I am in mind!" An Lin smiled.

A Suzaku strong bite his teeth.

"Black Teng Gedao friends, let's go to the Pengpeng beast to see?" An Lin smiled.

"Okay, Lin Andao friends." Black Tengge looked at Anlin in a complicated look, did not say anything, and brought it to the statue of the Kunpeng beast.

A group of Suzaku strong people can not help but be sour.

"It’s just a matter of luck, what do you mean?"

"Oh, this time he will definitely fail, and the inheritance is not so good."

"Oh, if this human being is still inheriting, I immediately jump off the sun tree, which is impossible."

No way, they have been thinking about the inheritance of the thoughts, and they have learned for so long but not much gain. On the contrary, Anlin has won the core inheritance of Bailu Shen. This strong contrast makes the proud Suzaku family extremely unbalanced.

An Lin took a little song and came to the front of the beast, Peng Peng, and glanced at the Suzaku family who secretly looked around. Seeing that they were envious and hateful, he was so dark in his heart.

That's right, it's really cool to build happiness on the enemy's negative emotions!

Anlin continued to release the blood, and the blood was placed on the statue of the beast.

The red-golden blood was once again absorbed by the statue, and the statue trembled as if it were vivid.

A vast, vast voice came like it was on the top of nine days.

"The lost things, it is necessary to pursue?"

The voice of Kunpeng came, not far from it, but it seemed to be like a stream of water, immersed in the heart.

Anlin heard this question and fell into meditation.

This seems to be an open topic?

If you want to lose something, you should follow it. It seems to be related to your mentality. What are you missing after chasing and not chasing, and also scoring people! What is the point of asking this question?


In the mind of Anlin, there is a flash of light. This is a psychology. I have to vote for it. I stand in the perspective of Kuangpeng. I like to travel around the world and the whole world is a home. Its character must be free and easy, so...

He looked at Kun Peng and smiled: "The lost things have never really belonged to you, so you don't have to regret it, you don't have to go back and pursue."

Not long after the words fell, the voice of Peng Peng came again: "Good."


It was an extremely dazzling beam of light that fell toward Anlin's eyebrows.

"I am not dreaming?" Black Tengge looked at the man beside him with a look of dementia.

"There has appeared, and the light of the core inheritance has appeared again!" The creatures of the Suzaku family screamed again.

"What a dazzling light, Lin An has been highly recognized by the beast."

"No... Why can I do this, I don't accept it! Why is he a human being, can do this, he is just a personal class!" A Suzaku winged his head, kept shaking his head, and fell into deep self-doubt Among them.

At the time of the shock of the Suzaku strong, huge amounts of information began to flood into An Lin’s mind.

Kuang Pengxing: Dapeng is on the same day with the wind, and it has skyrocketed 90,000 miles. Qi Pengxing is the ultimate use of the power of the wind. After the refining, whether it is chasing or fleeing, you can increase the speed to the extreme...

The law of the law, the true meaning, the way, the various information, all poured into the mind of An Lin.

After a quarter of an hour, An Lin squinted his eyes with satisfaction, and the breath became a bit worse.

"Hey, the amount of information is a bit big, and the head is dead!"

"Yu Peng's predecessors are also true, so what kind of politeness, even taught so many things to me."

An Lin complained helplessly.

A group of Suzaku heard all the words.

"I can't stand it, I'm going to kill this outfit!" Suzaku, who had returned to the virtual world, screamed and wanted to rush to Anlin.

"Calm down, Meng Kun Xianque, here is the seventh floor, it is forbidden to fight privately!" There are Suzaku seeing words to stop the road.

"I am a ghostly beast. I have been enlightened for hundreds of years. I have never received the core inheritance of the beast. I am not convinced!"

"Why is this... Why does this human being continue to receive the appreciation of the great beasts? What is the look of the face, why can you?" Suzaku lamented.

An Lin heard the words but his face was slightly pumped. If he couldn’t hear it, he couldn’t hear it!

He couldn't help but turn his eyes to a Suzaku, his eyes narrow: "Who did it just say, if I get the inheritance, will it jump from the sun tree?"

"Oh... not me! Why do you all look at me? Hey!"

A Suzaku, holding a squirrel, ran away and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

As for calling it to jump the sun tree? What a joke! It’s forbidden here, one goes down, it’s not dead, it’s going to be killed by the power of the sun tree!

The suzuki saw a friend who was so embarrassed to escape, but also secretly felt.

When Anlin saw this scene, his face smiled with the smile of the winner. With a big hand, he said with a big hand: "Go! Black Tengge, let's go to the statue of the nine-colored **** bird."

Although I don't know if my blood is good, or my own eloquence is good, it seems that the beast here does not dislike him, which makes him full of confidence.

Black Tengge is back to God~www.readwn.com~ Looking at Anlin’s gaze, it seems to be watching a monster.

An Lin came to the front of the nine-color gods, and it was a drop of blood.


The blood drops on the statue of the nine-colored **** bird, and a drop of delicate blood flowers blooms.

The air has become quiet.

A group of Suzaku saw this scene, but also a slight stay.

Anlin indulged in a moment, and took another drop of blood, falling on the statue of the nine-colored **** bird, the air is still very quiet, without any change.

I was accustomed to the Suzaku who was shocked by Anlin. It was a normal sight to see this. It was inexplicably a little nervous. But after a while, I saw that the statue still did not respond, and finally I laughed.

"Ha ha ha... I will say, how can Lin An get the recognition of all the beasts!"

"This is the normal situation, and the nine-color gods are really clear!"

"Hey, look at what Lin An is still proud of, is it hit?"

An Lin heard the same sorrow: "It is really ugly for everyone, and the three heads of the gods, the result only got two core inheritance... I really have no face to face you, not worth standing on the sun tree!"

The sneer of the Suzaku, the smug, stopped short.

"Oh..." There are individual Suzaku who are directly vomiting blood.

Nima! You get two core inheritances, not worthy of standing on the sun tree, then what do we do with a soul that has not been acquired by a core inheritance?

Suzaku looked at Anlin with anger and hate, but did not know what to say.

They realized at this time that this human being is really not easy!


(Doom's successive figures of Shangguanyi's figures are coming out, and you want to see the WeChat public number: Maverick's big snail, click on historical news)

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