I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 57 Naruto, I'm Getting Serious! "One More"

Just when Kisame's hand was about to grab the dragon sword, the dragon sword who had been quietly acting as a "beautiful man" suddenly turned around and flew away.

The target.....don't cut it again!

a moment later,

Zai Buzhan stared blankly at the Dragon Slaying Saber in his hand, a little dazed.

You didn't move a bit before you were killed, but now it's fine... You came directly into my hands?

what the hell!

Kisame: 11


thet: "...'

The three of them were also stupefied. You must know why they fought just now when this kind of thing happened.

This Dragon Slaying Knife shouldn’t be intelligent, right? They play here? Is it interesting?

I didn’t kill Orochimaru and the others anymore, but waved the dragon sword in my hand, and found that it was unexpectedly easy to use, and it unexpectedly fit with me.

This feeling, like blood dissolving in water, is better than a beheading knife.

"Wahhahaha, the time has come for me to rise again!"

As he said, he raised the Dragon Slaying Saber high and poured Chakra,

With the injection of Chakra, the Dragon Slaying Knife seems to become more and more Haki, and if there is 25 Ruowu's knife energy, it will be more majestic.


With a soft shout, the dragon-slaying knife was swung down brazenly, and it went straight to the ghost shark.

Ghost Shark's forehead twitched, and he was pinched like a persimmon, which is tolerable or unbearable,


Kisame raised the Samehada in his hand, and said lightly: "Dumpling Bomb Technique!"


The confrontation between sword energy and sharks.

The shark was easily torn apart by the dragon-slaying knife, and the dragon-slaying knife continued to slash at the ghost shark.

Kisame: "..."

This Dragon Slaying Knife is so strong and sharp.


The dragon-slaying knife was slashed, and the ghost shark turned into a stream of water and dissipated, and the real body appeared beside Itachi.

"Mr. Itachi, strike together!"

Itachi shook his head: "Forget it, I had an accident just now, and Orochimaru was at the side, the snipe and the clam fought, and in the end, both sides suffered!"

Kisame was silent.

"Let's go back and inform first. There are many strong people in the organization. This knife is just left on Zai Buzhan for a while!"

"It makes sense!"


Kisame's tone changed, and he asked suspiciously: "We're leaving, this knife must still be snatched by Orochimaru?"

"If you can't take it away, if you don't kill it, you won't be stupid. With the Mist Shinobi Technique, and this is the sea, if he wants to escape the big snake, he may not be able to catch up with him!"

"Well, you have a point!"

Ghost shark is a little reconciled,

That sword actually improved Zabuzhan's strength by a lot, and barely squeezed into the Kage-level. Perhaps, Zabuzhan can now be called a half-Kage-level ninja.

This leap in strength is quite exaggerated!


Itachi and Kisame took a deep look, then turned and left.

Orochimaru looked at Zabuzhan gloomyly, and finally turned and left.

This dragon-slaying knife seems to have a spirituality, and it will choose to follow it on its own, so it is natural, even if it is snatched, it is useless.


Itachi is here, and he can't let go.

It is better to take risks later than to take risks today.

In the final analysis, a Dragon Slaying Knife is not as attractive as his long-lived one.


Isn't there a Yitian sword? It's okay to check the literature and find it when the time comes.


Seeing a few people leaving, those who originally thought they were going to flee in embarrassment let out a sigh of relief.

fair enough,

Afterwards, Zai Buzhan carefully touched the Dragon Slaying Saber in his hand, laughing wildly in his heart.

With this,

I have finally made great progress, and my strength is no longer what it used to be.



Under Bai's puzzled eyes, he said in high spirits: "Go, go to Kakashi to settle the score!"

"Okay, don't cut it again!"

finished speaking,

The two spread their bodies and went straight to Kakashi and the others.

And at this moment,

Kakashi is saying goodbye to Dazna and preparing to leave.

Not long after saying goodbye, he happened to come to the coast and was thinking about boarding a boat, when Zabu Zhan had already caught up to him.

"Kakashi, we meet again!"

Zai Bu Zhan held the dragon-slaying knife, looked at Kakashi solemnly: "Let's fight again, let's decide the winner!"

Kakashi's eyelids twitched.

This person is really shameless.

I got the dragon sword, and said that the winner will be decided, so shameless.

"It seems that today is a bit bad!"

Kakashi smiled wryly, pulled down his mask, and looked serious,

The self-confidence of Zabuzhan is not pretending, he really thinks that he can defeat him, or even kill him.

Kakashi didn't expect this ending when he came out in Konoha Village, it's bullshit.

but no way,

The reality is such bullshit.

It's even more ridiculous than TV dramas, so he has nowhere to reason.

“Mist Shinobi Technique!”

The thick fog is coming up again, and you won’t underestimate Kakashi if you don’t chop again, but before that, let’s charge some interest first,

Cut off the blond-haired kid first.

If he remembered correctly, it was this guy who caused him to fail the mission and not get the due silver. This grudge, this grievance, cannot be revealed with just one or two sentences.


Zai Bu Zhan quietly appeared behind Naruto, with the Dragon Slaying Saber in his hand, I have the world.

Get the Naruto sacrificial knife first!


The dragon-slaying knife sang clearly, and its sharpness suddenly appeared.

Naruto sighed softly: "Oh, if you don't die, you won't die!"

He reached into the ninja tool bag, pulled out the kunai, and blocked the attack for a moment.


The melodious voice resounds,


Take a few steps back without chopping, looking at Kunai, who is unharmed, and looking at his Dragon Slaying Saber,

At this moment, no longer doubt life.

The Dragon Slaying Knife, that is a divine tool, how can you keep chopping a kunai, this joke...is a bit big!

"Nothing is impossible, the world of 773 is huge!"

In the dense fog, Naruto said something leisurely, then spread out the scroll, holding the pen holder,

When the pen falls, the wind rises.

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat and let you see my real strength!"

Naruto sneered.

Just because you don't like fighting doesn't mean you're weak.

Five years is enough to push Naruto's strength to the height it should be. The previous fight with Kakashi was simply not serious.

In addition to the contents of the sealed book that I saw last time,

The strength...gets exploded again.

"Today, I will take you to try my real experience




As he spoke, the pen in Naruto's hand shook at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the strange kunai were presented on the scroll, in perfect order.

Kakashi: "Naruto, be careful!"

Saying that, Kakashi cast Body Flicker Technique straight to where Naruto was standing,

"Mr. Kakashi, just look at this, my strength is not weak!"

Naruto slowly spread out the scroll in his hand,

next moment,

The scroll is broken.

A handful of bitterness fell from the sky,


Zabuzhan, who originally wanted to rush over again, frowned slightly, dodged a little, and then dodged.

but he didn't understand,

Does this kind of thing also try to stop him?

That was so naive. .

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