I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 58 Naruto, Flying Thunder God, Hang! "Second Watch"

The dense fog rolled over, unable to hide the cold murderous intent in the dense fog.

Hearing Naruto's words, Kakashi was stunned, frowning and paused: "Naruto, do you really have that strength?"

Recalling some things since I met Naruto,

He found,

All along, Naruto was the one who didn't worry much.

Just like an adult, he knows a little about everything, he doesn't have to worry about the trivial things in life, and he will help with many things,

And it's doing pretty well.

Kakashi Mingwu,

Perhaps, it is a child who is not liked by others, has no support, no friends, and only endless loneliness can make another child grow so mature.

mature and heartrending,

Ripe is heart-wrenching.

Kakashi is silent, guilty, relieved, and determined.

that year,

He failed to save Obito's life,

that year,

He could only watch as Minato teacher and Kushina teacher's wife passed away, leaving Naruto alone.

the last few years,

He is even more indifferent, not looking at Naruto.

living decadently,

live depressed,

There is no meaning in life, no purpose in life,

It was as if the soul had been taken away by someone.

After so many years of ignorance, it's time to be serious, and it's time to get out of the decadence.

Kakashi looked serious,


Absolutely can't let him have an accident.

In the eyes, the three hook jades are spinning, faintly, there is a tendency to connect into one piece.

"Naruto, I'm here to save you~ What the hell!"

next moment,

Kakashi, who was full of emotions and decided not to be decadent, was stunned and stunned.

what did he see

When Kakashi was about to rush over, he didn't move without cutting.

Learn more about silent assassination,

What heart, head, liver, Bilibili, a lot of words, people can't tell where the person is, and then he chopped it with a knife.

Yes, no more chopping.

People talk a lot, killing people while talking and laughing, and leaving while talking and laughing.

This is Zabuju, this is the essence of Zabuza assassination.

This is the feast of assassins,

Kill in silence, leave in silence.

The visual feast at the pinnacle can't resist the terrible bad luck.

He... bumped into Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto.

One who is destined to stand on the pinnacle of the ninja world and look down on all living beings——bad!


He knelt down!

The moment Zabuzhan raised the Dragon Saber again, Naruto opened his eyes and said casually inexplicably: "Do you know the golden flash?"

Gold glitter!?

Don't be stunned, who doesn't know, the genius ninja who ended the third ninja world war by himself, Fourth Hokage---Namikaze Minato.

That is a visual feast.

When you see the golden light, then you can surrender.

This was also the first man who allowed the shadows of the rest of the village to admit defeat and retreat when they met the golden flash.

This is a new legend.

Unfortunately, he died young.

Then the problem comes,

What is this blond-haired brat saying?

Could it be that he has blond hair and can boast of a golden sparkle?

Don't be funny!

No more cutting and laughing, unabated, erratic straight to Naruto,

This arrogant brat, he had his head cut off.

"Flying Thunder God!"

Naruto has one eyelid, and with a movement in his heart, countless sufferings are sprinkled, and there are strange spells flickering,

next moment,

The moment Zabuzhan Tulong Dao slashed, Naruto disappeared in an instant, and appeared behind Zabuzhan as if traveling through space.

No more chopping, the back feels cold, and goose bumps pop up instantly.

"Not good!"

No matter how bad he was, he displayed the Body Replacement Technique at the critical moment, turned into a puddle of water and left.

far away,

No more cold sweat, carelessness.

He was almost KO'd by a brat, and if it got out, it would be a big embarrassment.

while wondering,

How did this kid disappear and how did he appear behind his back.

Naruto closed his eyes, held the pen holder, and smiled calmly: "Death is like the wind, always with you, if you don't cut it, let me see your size!"

Calligraphy and painting are beautiful,

But when it is endowed with the power to make the fake appear real, it will be terrifying.

"Magic, shine on me!"

Naruto coolly dropped a sentence and drew a Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique.

Then, Flying Thunder God activates.


Appearing behind Zai Bu Zhan again, the picture scroll shattered, and two huge Great Fireballs shot out with a bang.


If you don’t cut your head off and feel numb, how does this guy know that I’m here, and how did he appear?

The most important thing is...

Nima, you said this is Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique?

There is no mistake!

At this time, Bu Zhan felt cold inside, only felt that the Dragon Slaying Saber was in his hand... hiss, his life was almost gone.

# Water Style, Shuilongyin!"

Another stroke fell, quickly drawing and painting, and then Chakra in Naruto's body dropped abruptly for a small section, a water dragon roared up to the sky, turned the emptiness into reality, and went straight for no more cuts.

If you don't chop and wave your hand, it's just a knife.

"Wind Style, spiral combo!"

Write again, the wind rises!

Dozens of Rasengan bombarded out like shells,

Don't get tired of coping anymore.

This guy,

How can you know all kinds of ninjutsu, are you sure you are still a kid, not an old guy in a child's skin.

"Earth Style, heart decapitation!"

"Water Style, due to Waterfall Technique!"

Huge ninjutsu poured out one by one, submerging Zabuzhan in an instant.

Kakashi: "...

I'm afraid I saw a fake Naruto. Doesn't this Chakra cost money? Why so much.

Thinking back on his own blue bar, the dying Xinzhu Nuo has it well.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

The same problem, no matter how much you don't cut, the knife in his hand can hardly swing,

He only felt that there were Naruto everywhere, and there were extra-large ninjutsu everywhere, hiding, unable to dodge, smashing, and one or two other ninjutsu coming next moment.

That taste... sour and refreshing.


Naruto smiled meaningfully: "Have you heard of Zhang Liang?"

Do not cut again: "???"

"Shadow imitation!"

next moment,

If you don't cut it again, you will feel that your feet are being grabbed, and you can't move.


Bu Zhan's face changed wildly, and the crisis in his heart continued to impact his nerves.

"it's over!"

Naruto cast Flying Thunder God, appeared on a big tree trunk, and the pen in his hand swam rapidly, when the scroll was broken,

A very strange thing appeared in Naruto's hands. .

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