I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 72 A Jug Of Wine, A Sword!

"That's troublesome!"

Deidara rubbed her temples, a little fidgety.

Things that I thought should be easy, but now I still have to do it.

"Then... let's do it!"

Deidara smiled charmingly, and slowly raised her hand: "Have you heard of the true meaning of explosion?"


Deidara: "Art is an explosion. With a bang, don't you think the picture of billowing smoke and dust is very beautiful and gorgeous?"

No more chopping: "Nervous, what's so good about an explosion? In my opinion, it's called art if you cut it down with a knife and splash blood everywhere!"

itt: "..."

It was a different way, the thought flashed, and he subconsciously glanced at the scorpion next to him,

So does this guy!

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore, since you don't agree, then I will kill you!"


Deidara rides a big bird soaring into the sky,

On the ground, at some point, white spiders appeared,

The crawling speed of these spiders was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, they came to Zai Buzhan's face, densely packed, extremely numerous.

Bu Zhan's expression froze, and he cast the Body Flicker Technique to leave instantly.

Rumble! 25

Shocking explosions resounded, smoke and dust billowed, and the ground shook.

Bai Hu, who was rushing to his place of residence, turned his head to look, with a slightly dignified expression.

Then he turned around and went home, quickly took out the Kunai engraved with the mark of Flying Thunder God, and injected Chakra as Naruto said.

Konoha Village,

Naruto, who was drawing a picture, suddenly changed his expression and sensed Kunai who was being urged.

This kunai is specially made by him, and it is a bit linked to his own system. Once it is urged by someone with Chakra, he can sense it.

And at this moment, he felt that Kun Wu was moved by Cui.

"What's going on, it's only been a long time, and Kunai has been stimulated, is there something wrong?"

Naruto put down the brush in his hand, and with a thought, he disappeared instantly,

Appearing again, he has already come to a certain room in the Kingdom of Waves.


As soon as he came here, Naruto felt some pain in his body, and the corner of his mouth twitched.


Even after so many years of exercising with the system, it is a bit overwhelming to use Flying Thunder God to travel so far.

"Sure enough, there is a long way to go, and we still need to work harder!"

Taking a deep breath, Naruto looked at Bai: "What's the matter? You look so anxious...boom!"


Before Naruto finished speaking, there was a roar in the distance.

Naruto's expression became serious instantly, and he walked out of the room and looked into the distance, where the smoke and dust billowed.

Looking around, many people walked out of the room, looking into the distance in surprise, and some even started to pack their things and prepare to leave.

"Sir, today Mr. Zabuza and I are building the Kingdom of Nami as usual, but we didn't expect two strange people to come!"


Bai nodded, described the appearance of the two, and then said to Naruto anxiously: "Let's go help, or I'm afraid it will be too late!"


Naruto nodded, from Bai's description, he already had a faint premonition in his heart,

I'm afraid not, it is very likely that I collided with the Xiao organization in advance.

"You go first, I'll transform!"

Bai was stunned.


Then nodded, and left in an instant.

Nine Tails: "What are you going to transform into?"

"My appearance is too obvious. I still want to develop in a low-key manner. I must transform!"

Nine Tails suspicious?

Transformation? You are talking about camouflage, but how to camouflage?

Naruto smiled at the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and drew a very elegant man in the scroll.

Three thousand hairs fluttering, a jug of wine at his waist, and a long sword in his hand.

The whole body gives people a feeling of being elegant and dusty.

broken scroll,

A little bit of light enveloped Naruto, and the next moment, when the light disappeared, where there was still Naruto's figure in place, it was completely replaced by this elegant and dusty person.

Nine Tails grew their mouths.


This also works.

"Raise a glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadows will form three people!"

Holding the jug in his hand, Naruto took a sip of the wine in a chic way, and with a long moan, his figure flashed, and he went straight to the battlefield.

on the battlefield.

No more chopping looks ugly, standing in front of no longer chopping in vain,

Both were disheartened.

This Deidara's explosion is really disgusting. With clay, you can squeeze out any animal at will, and then explode.

The two couldn't get close at all.

There is also a hunchback watching from the side.

How to fight this?

Make a yarn!

"It's boring, you agreed to cut off my head, I was waiting for you, but you withered first, it's boring!"

Seeing Zabuzhan and Bai, Deidara pouted: "I won't play with you anymore, I will kill you so I can go back and continue to study my art!"


Deidara grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a sneer, raised his hand, clenched his fist, and said softly, "Explosion!"

"not good!"

The moment he saw this movement, Zabuzhan felt a biting chill in his heart, and the shadow of death shrouded him.

In the nick of time, Zai Bu cut and pulled Guo Bai, and displayed the Body Replacement Technique.


There was another shocking explosion, and the smoke and dust filled 813 blocked some of the sight.

"Cough cough cough!"

Even if he didn't slash to avoid it, he was affected in time and coughed up a little blood.

very ugly face,

It exploded, so annoying.

No more chopping, I would rather slash with someone with a knife than encounter such a disgusting thing.


My own Mist Shinobi Technique is completely useless, and this thing is also used for investigation.

The mind was completely blown apart.

"It's quick to dodge, but can you dodge once, twice, or three times?"

He got a frenzied expression, as if he had seen his art explode on Zai Buzhan's body.

That touch of moving fireworks seems to be about to bloom.

How poignant and beautiful that is!

Deidara was trembling with excitement.


At this moment, a flash of sword light pierced through the air.

Followed by a long chant: "Ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles will not stay!


Deidara and the others saw Naruto walking leisurely with a jug in hand.

A jug of wine and a sword came slowly and unrestrainedly.

Wherever he went, it seemed that everyone centered on him, and no one could ignore his existence.

"Who is this person!?"

Seeing Naruto, a doubt emerged in everyone's mind. .

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