I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 73 Come On, Hurt Each Other!

"Who are you?"

Deidara's eyes moved, a little dignified, this outfit directly broke through a few blocks from them, looking very elegant and elegant.

Even Scorpion looked up and felt a danger.

"I, Li Bai!"

Naruto smiled and said a name faintly.

"Li Bai!?"

A few people were silent, what a ghost name, it sounds weird.

"No matter who you are, you'd better not interfere in the affairs between us!"

Deidara's faint warning,


Naruto's appearance is very cool, but they are all powerful ninjas, so they will not be overwhelmed by this cool appearance.

At most, I just feel a little handsome.

"No, I'm covering them, you just hit me in the face, otherwise, you retreat!"

Naruto looked at Deidara and Scorpion indifferently.

He doesn't like fighting very much, but he is definitely not afraid of getting into trouble. He will fight if he wants to, but it is best to retreat.


There is a better way.

That is... to take them for their own use.

But thinking about it carefully, Naruto still shook his head regretfully. These two people know art even though they don't have much integrity, but if they don't impress them, it is impossible to go with him.


How powerful the Akatsuki organization is, only the people inside them know a thing or two,

Will people who have seen the strength of the Xiao organization easily join other forces?

Even thinking about it is unlikely.

"what a shame!"

Naruto shook his head slightly, otherwise, these two people are actually pretty good.

itt: "...



The two looked at Naruto speechlessly, are you stupid? Why did we leave when we were doing well, the dragon sword is still in our hands.

"Tsk, you say you are covered, so it means that you are the current daimyo of this country, just right, I will kill you too, and we will take over the country of Waves!"

He got a cold smile, and what he said made Naruto startled, he turned his head and looked at Zabuzhan with a questioning look in his eyes.


I just asked you to take over the country of waves, but I didn't ask you to make me a daimyo.

Wouldn't it be better for you to do this thing yourself?

No more laughing: "Well, daimyo is just a name, you can come anytime, you don't need to make a decision, you can do it if you want!"

Naruto: "..."

so random?

"Okay, let's stop gossip, since you want to cover and not kill, then let me see what you are capable of!"

Deidara got impatient,

Raising his hand is a birdie, going straight to Naruto.

"Who do you look down on?"

Naruto's expression sank, and he glanced at Deidara strangely,


so small.

Feel free to take it out.

Naruto carried the long sword behind his back, took a sip of wine, pulled it casually, spread out the scroll, and with a swipe of a pen, a big white bird bigger than Deidara's bird appeared in the sky,

The big bird swooped down and swallowed Deidara's little bird in one gulp,


Go straight to Deidara.

"Nimma? What's going on!"

Deidara's eyes were straight, and it didn't explode when it touched something? This is unscientific.

Scorpion: "Run fast!"

Deidara woke up like a dream, turned around and ran, and at the moment of running, flicked his fingers, and a dirt bomb hit the big bird with a bang.


The big bird paused in the air and exploded instantly,

Flames billowed and smoke filled the air.

The gusts of wind nearly knocked Deidara into the air.

But at the moment, he didn't care about his image at all, but looked at Naruto blankly.

The eyes are constantly shining, very excited: "This is called art, I finally met Zhiyin, come again!"

Deidara rubbed her hands, and there were mud balls in her hands,

The mud balls were quickly turned into spiders by Deidara, crawling on the ground at an extremely fast speed, along the ground, and went straight to Naruto.

Naruto doesn't care,

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, his clothes are fluttering.

The picture scroll in his hand was always spread out, the rich fragrance of ink wafted away, and the brush fell like a breeze.

"Defeat you in the field you are best at, and you will not be wronged if you lose!"


What is consumed is Chakra, and the scroll painting also needs to consume Chakra, but for this kind of bomb with average power, he can almost have as much as he wants.

because it is an imitation,

It's not that kind of grenade, so it consumes less.

It can be said,

As much as you want, no matter how bad it is, let Nine Tails contribute a little bit.

Therefore, when fighting with Naruto, basically no one has a good result.

But seeing that Naruto's hands seemed to have turned into afterimages, black and slick spiders also appeared one after another, densely packed, and the eyelids of the people who looked at them jumped.

People with trypophobia will kneel directly when they see this scene.


The spiders on both sides collided, and there were constant explosions.

Deidara is getting more and more excited, and keeps kneading the soil. There are all kinds of animals, and the power is endless.

Or a sneak attack, or a frontal attack, do whatever it takes.

Sea, land and air, all used.

Naruto sees the tricks, and the position does not move during the whole process, very indifferent.....Drawing!


There's no after that.

Not long after,

Deidara turned to look at Xie in embarrassment: "..." Well, there is no soil, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Xie almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

You ask me what to do, how do I know what to do?

Looking at Naruto, well, Deidara has encountered a nemesis, and was restrained to death.

Seeing how relaxed he was, and looking at Deidara's embarrassed face, Xie didn't know what to say.

This unlucky boy.

"Hey, why didn't you move, keep going, I haven't played enough (better)!"

at this time


Naruto said something cheap, adding fuel to the fire.

Deidara is grinding her teeth, it's too hateful, if I didn't pinch the soil, I would definitely fight you for 300 rounds.

no solution anymore!

On the side, some hunchbacked scorpions slowly stood up and looked at Naruto: "I admire that you can imitate Deidara, but I am different from him!"

"It's noon!"

Naruto looked at the scorpion covered by Akatsuki's clothes: "I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being, evildoer, show yourself quickly!"


Naruto: "Ahem, it's nothing, anyway, you must not be a normal person now!"

Scorpion is silent.

A strong fear rose in my heart.

this person,

He could tell it at a glance, and with the performance just now, he felt for the first time that, maybe, this operation would end in failure. .

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