I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 11 Let's Make A Show, Anonymous

"Young Master Ye, let's go and see the so-called unknown guest!"

Leng Cangyue chuckled, and walked into the auction house first!

All of a sudden, everyone lined up in an orderly manner, and started the journey of collecting the third-grade panacea!

However, everyone was very sorry that they did not see the unknown guest, and only the people from the auction house served them during the whole process!

Everyone was thinking in their hearts, could the so-called unknown guest be a cover?

Everything is just the idea of ​​Wuling Academy?

However, everyone knows it well, they can only think about it, but they dare not show it in form!

"Young Master Ye, do you dare to leave a word and exchange for the pill you want?"

Leng Cangyue chuckled, lightly poked Ye Wushuang's chest, revealing a playful smile!

Leng Cangyue's move can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

If Ye Wushuang didn't say anything, it meant that the Ye family bowed like the Murong family!

Having said that, it means that the relationship between the Ye family and the Murong family has broken!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Wushuang was devastated, with black lines all over his door!

Everyone knows that the Murong family has been targeted. At this time, who dares to touch the Murong family's eyebrows?

In particular, the Murong family has the backing of the Qingyun sect. If they offend the Qingyun sect, maybe the family will become history.

Even though the elixir offered by Wumingke was very tempting, no one dared to do it.

"Ha ha……"

"Fairy Leng, what you mean is that you already have a elixir you are satisfied with? But I bet you dare not let an unknown guest refine it!"

"Hehe, since it's a bet, there must be a lottery!"

"I won, how about Fairy Leng being my wife?"

I have to say that Ye Wushuang has a high emotional intelligence, and with a few words, he turned the situation around and gained the upper hand!


"Why, are you going to be my wife?"

"But let me tell you, this is the cheap wife you lost to me, so there is no betrothal gift, no banquet."

"However, I will also cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade. How about I bring some gifts to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law?"

Ye Wushuang said thick-skinned!

"Go to hell!"

Leng Cangyue went berserk!

"Oh, you want to murder your husband?"

"Are you going to be a widow?"

Ye Wushuang's size, to put it lightly, escaped Leng Cangyue's attack.

"Okay, since everyone wants to see my true face like Rushan, then I will show my face!"

At this moment, Su Chen came slowly, the aura of transforming spirit realm filled the air, under the black clothes, there was fiery red spiritual power!

"Are you an anonymous guest?"

Leng Cangyue no longer paid attention to Ye Wushuang, but looked at Su Chen with great interest!

"Since the appearance is made, it is natural to show a superb level of refining medicine!"

"Fairy Leng, just take any herb, I will refine it on the spot, if it is lower than the third rank, I will kill myself immediately!"

Su Chen is very confident, he wants to let everyone know his strength!

"Ada, have you brought your medicine?"

Leng Cangyue was a little speechless, she came to fetch the elixir today, who can carry the herbs with her?

"Hey, cheap wife, I brought it, I'll go out for you first, turn around, you take good care of me, it will be offset!"

Ye Wushuang laughed loudly, and took out a hundred-year-old purple dragon ginseng from his interspatial ring.

"Unnamed guest, let's practice, as long as you don't use it, you don't need to pay for it!"

Ye Wushuang chuckled, he really doubted the level of the person in front of him!

Su Chen didn't say a word, the wild grass and trees were running, the essence of the purple dragon ginseng was slowly pulled away, and then dried up!

The next moment, the fire spirit power was rippling, and he was refining the medicine with bare hands like this, which opened everyone's eyes!

In a quarter of an hour, Purple Dragon Ginseng turned into three elixir, one of which had four enveloping veins, obviously stepping into the ranks of the fourth rank!

The other two are also third grade!

Danxiang is charming, and everyone feels like a dream!


Ye Wushuang was speechless.

"Young Master Ye, you want to get back the elixir, you know the rules!"

"Otherwise, I will have the three pills in my bag!"

Su Chen smiled.


Ye Wushuang was convinced, and after a long time, the blame that was thrown out came back to him!

You can't say it, you can't say it!

"Okay, don't make things difficult, it's just because of Qing Yunzong's face!"

"Fairy Leng, the pill is for you!"

Su Chen was not stingy, and stuffed the pill directly into Leng Cangyue's pocket!

"Is this all for me?"

Leng Cangyue felt like a dream!

"Fairy Leng, the breath of the blood python is extremely cold and overcast, it is better to eat less of its meat! This purple dragon ginseng is just a great tonic, it can neutralize the extremely cold air in your body!"

Su Chen stared at Leng Cangyue, Leng Cangyue's heart was trembling!

"Okay, that's the end of today's matter. The third-grade elixir can be eaten as jelly beans. If you want to refine the elixir at any time, the price of refining the medicine on the spot is just a few words!"

After saying that, Su Chen walked away slowly, leaving a group of people looking at each other in dismay!

Especially Leng Cangyue, she was extremely shocked.

"How did he know that I ate the meat of the blood python?"

Leng Cangyue was stunned on the spot!

He really wanted to rush up and ask for clarification, but he didn't have enough guts!

At this moment, in the Murong family, a group of people's faces are ashen, and the atmosphere is quite oppressive.

"Xue'er, you go to Qing Yunzong now, let the young master Feige pass on the letter, and try your best to get the five major sects to join forces to suppress that unknown guest!"

Patriarch Murong's face turned purple with anger!

"Father, I found one of the biggest doubts!"

Murong Xue is very smart, after reviewing the matter, she discovered doubts!

"Oh? Tell me!" Patriarch Murong showed a rare smile.

"The entire process on the square did not involve anyone from the Su family!"

"At the auction house, people from the Su family came out with elixir in their hands!"

"You said, we hit the face with the front foot, trampled on the dignity of the Su family, and were targeted at the back foot. Could it be the revenge of the Su family?"

"Especially the Su family, how could they go to the auction house to get the medicine so quickly?"

Murong Xue was full of doubts, and said.


"The Su family doesn't have that much energy!"

"A large number of third-grade spirit pills are given away, and they are treated as Chinese cabbage. How could the Su family spend such a large amount of money?"

"What's more, no one in the Su family has the talent for refining medicine!"

Patriarch Murong had a gloomy face, and analyzed!

At the same time, Aoki and Huoyan curled up in a dilapidated thatched hut, their faces were ashes, and they almost had nothing to love!

"How to do?"

"Back to Qing Yunzong, we will become a laughingstock."

"It is impossible for Qing Yunzong to offend Wuling Academy for us!"

"Now, there is only one place to go!" Huo Yan smiled wryly!


Aoki's empty pupils were filled with a gleam of spirit.

"Bianhuang Demon Race, based on our understanding of Qingyun Sect, it is enough for us to make a living in the Demon Race!"

Flame sigh!

"Xiaoxiao, is that why you want to join my demon clan?"

As soon as Huo Yan's words fell, the black mist evaporated and floated in. A figure was like a dream, exuding a sinister and vicious aura of corruption!

"The demon... the people of the demon clan..."

Aoki's face turned pale with fright!

"Go, go to the Desolate Demon Clan and fulfill your wishes!"

Black clouds billowed, mist billowed, rolled up the sky full of dust, and took the two of them away!

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