I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 12 Everyone Gathered In Sujiazhuang

In the auction house, Unknown Guest has undoubtedly become a man of influence in the entire Cloud Piercer City, especially his unarmed alchemy in the air, which has been rumored to be miraculous.

"Father, go to the Su family, there must be ghosts in the Su family!"

Murong Xue was very selective.

"Okay, it's best to meet Su Chen today, and ruin that page of engagement by the way!"

Patriarch Murong sneered, that page of marriage contract was his heart disease, if the young master of Qingyun Sect found out, it would be a serious matter.

This time, the Murong family is upright and not deceiving others.

After all, the Murong family has become the laughing stock of Chuanyun City.

He wants to shift everyone's attention to the Su family, and his marriage regret is definitely the number one news, so as to cover up the scandal of "Murong's people are not allowed to enter"!

In the Leng family, Leng Cangyue was at a loss, especially what the nameless guest said, which shocked her very much.

As soon as a third-grade elixir entered her stomach, she really felt steaming all over her body, and there were streams of warm currents flowing through the lily of her limbs, and a trace of femininity was forcefully forced out!

In an instant, Leng Cangyue felt physically strong, and her cultivation level even showed signs of improvement!

"Cang Yue, the Murong family has gone to the Su family in a mighty way, and it seems that they are going to regret their marriage. Let's go and have a look."

Master Leng said.

"Well, there are many doubts about the Su family. This time, the Su family is the biggest winner in opening a warehouse to release the pills. He took three quarters of the pills!"

Leng Cangyue was equally intelligent, and saw the clues!

The Ye family also got the news that the Murong family went to the Su family to regret their marriage. Immediately, Ye Wushuang also brought a group of younger brothers to the Su family to watch a joke!


"Chen'er, the Murong family is being targeted, will they suspect us?"

Patriarch Su is a bit worried, after all, not everyone can provoke a backer like Qing Yunzong!

"Don't worry, no one will doubt my Su family!"

"Breakthrough, the level of consummate medicine refining, no one can think of my Su family's head!"

"Let the nameless guest become a legend!"

"I want to ruin the Murong family!"

"Father, after this incident, all the medicinal herb resources will definitely flow to the auction house, and my Su family is the biggest winner. From then on, the elixir will be eaten as jelly beans!"

"Father, you can ask people outside to prepare. The herb business is slowly turning into the panacea business. We don't lack panacea. What we lack are spirit stones, which are important resources for cultivation."

Su Chen chuckled, he still wanted to find a way to monopolize the medicinal herb market and let the Su family dominate!

"Patriarch, it's not good, it's not good, the Murong family, the Leng family, and the Ye family, it seems that the three families have agreed to come together."

At this moment, the housekeeper came in a panic, full of black lines.

"Father, don't worry, now that Su Xuan and I have entered the Spirit Transformation Realm, let me bring Su Xuan to resolve this crisis!"

After the words fell, Su Chen took Su Xuan and followed the Patriarch!

The Su family compound is overcrowded!

"Today is really an auspicious day! There are more people than in previous grand events!"

"Come on, my Su family has just obtained a large amount of elixir from the auction house. It is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Let's hold a elixir meeting now!"

"Eat the panacea casually, it's not too much to treat it as a jelly bean, don't take it away!"

Patriarch Su laughed loudly, and was about to order the housekeeper to prepare.

Anyway, the third-rank elixir is just refined from herbs, and it only has the name of third-rank, but the effect is not great!

Besides, the spirit energy of the third-grade elixir is also very sufficient, not to mention the danger of mixing different medicines, but the surging spirit energy alone will cause people to explode and die if they eat too much!

"Patriarch Su, there is no need to hold the panacea meeting!"

"My Murong family came here, of course because of that page of marriage contract, it was ruined, and from then on, the well water will never violate the river water!"

Patriarch Murong's expression was gloomy, and he cut straight to the point!

"Okay, regret the marriage, right?"

"What qualifications do you, Patriarch Murong, have to regret your marriage? Didn't you marry my Su family?"

"How about this, we elders will not participate, let them decide for themselves, if it is suitable, we will wish the new couple a happy marriage for a hundred years, if it is not suitable, let them burn incense and pray, and pay homage to the spirit of their ancestors in heaven!"

"In this way, the ancestors under the nine springs can also smile, why not do it?"

The Patriarch of the Su family chuckled lightly, without any timidity or flinching!

"Su Uncle is right. You can't blindly obey your ancestors' arrangements. It's really inappropriate. Burning incense and praying is also good!"

Leng Cangyue chuckled lightly.

"Cheap wife, are we suitable? If not, what should we do? We don't have any ancestors to testify, otherwise, let's go find the unknown guest."

Ye Wushuang laughed, at this time, he still didn't forget to tease Leng Cangyue!


Leng Cangyue was speechless, and stomped her feet angrily, but she couldn't do it face to face!

"Su Chen, you are finally willing to show up!"

Murong Xue's face was gloomy, and she stared at Su Chen firmly, as if she wanted to eat him. It was the man in front of her that made her terrified every day.

If Su Chen is not a man, the two of them will be married to Jinlan, which will save a lot of trouble!

"I'm sorry, I didn't see Fairy Murong's true face on Mount Lu during the last retreat!"

"See you today, sure enough..."

Su Chen didn't finish his sentence, but instead looked at Leng Cangyue with burning eyes!

"Look at Fairy Leng, the hibiscus comes out of the water, it's spotless, it's floating, it doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, this has the temperament of a fairy!"

"Murong Xue, what about you? In my eyes, you are just a pink skull, not as good as a dog beside me!"

"A dog knows how to be grateful. How about you?"

"Abolish Su Xuan, trample on the dignity of my Su family, and even humiliate my father!"

"Now, are you still ashamed to regret the marriage?"

"Don't worry, in this life, I, Su Chen, will never divorce my wife. You are my Su Chen's person in life, and my Su Chen's ghost in death!"

"You want to marry the young master of Qingyun Sect?"

"It depends on whether the young master of Qingyun sect dares to ask you?"

Su Chen is majestic, not surprised by favor or insult.


"I am going to kill you!"

Murong Xue was going to die of anger!

She is the number one beauty in Cloud Piercer City, but was insulted by Su Chen in this way, how could she swallow it?

"go to hell!"

There is no trick at all, but endless anger and solid palms!

However, Su Chen didn't dodge. He reached out with his white palm and punched Murong Xue back three steps with one punch!

"Spirit Transformation Realm? Or Fire Spirit Power?"

Patriarch Murong was a little shocked.

"Why, you want to bully the small with the big?"

Seeing the cultivation base of the master of Murong's family pervading, Su Chen showed a dignified look!

"Son, if you don't break the engagement today, this old man will ruin your life!"

Patriarch Murong's eyes widened with anger, he gritted his teeth, and was about to step forward!

"Wait, since you want to fight, then go to Chuanyun City Square, be fair and honest!"

Su Chen roared, and he would not back down at all!

"Okay, then see you at Chuanyun City Square, this is your decision, don't say I bully you!"

Patriarch Murong is so angry.

"People from the four great families are here, have you bullied me, everyone's eyes are discerning!"

"Of course, I, Su Chen, will never suffer!"

With a big wave of Su Chen's hand, he led several members of the Su family towards Chuanyun City Square in strides!

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