I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 17 Black Pine Forest In Distress

At this moment, all the major families in Cloud Piercer City are panicking and feel unprecedented pressure!

"Xue'er, don't hang yourself on a tree with a crooked neck!"

"Go to Wuling Academy and get on the list of immortals. As long as you enter the top 50 of the younger generation, you will be considered a disciple of Wuling Academy. With the protection of Wuling Academy, what can Qing Yunzong do to me?"

The head of the Murong family said with a sad face.

"Okay, dad, daughter will go fight!"

"Qing Yunfei, sooner or later I will make you regret it!"

Murong Xue showed her choice and a wry smile.

The Ye family and the Leng family also put their minds on the annual competition for the immortal list!

As long as the cultivation base breaks through the ninth stage of spiritual energy and enters the spirit transformation state, he is eligible to compete for the immortal list!

It's fair to be on the fairy list!

There are three teams in total!

In the group of cultivators of the spiritual realm, only 20 places were left for the selection.

In the group of Grandmaster Realm Cultivators, 20 places were left to be selected in the end!

A group of practitioners who return to the true realm, and finally 10 places will be selected!

It is expressly stipulated that for all contestants, the bone age of those cultivating in the spiritual realm shall not be older than 13 years old, and that of cultivating in the grandmaster realm shall not be older than 15 years old.

Therefore, some of the children of the four great families in Chuanyun City meet the requirements!

Originally, Chuanyun City was calm and peaceful, and there was no dispute with the world, but because of the dignity struggle between the Murong family and the Su family, everyone couldn't see the future, and felt anxious and uneasy!

As long as you go to the Five Spirits Academy to sign up for the immortal list, you will be temporarily protected by the Five Spirits Academy. Along the way, there will be the protection of the Five Spirits Academy's guardians!

Undoubtedly, Xie Hufa of the auction house in Cloud Piercer City has become the umbrella of this newcomer!

In this way, a group of disciples embarked on the journey of the frontier with arrogance and high spirits!

Qingyun Sect is located on the top of Canglong Mountain, where the celestial rosy clouds are curling up and the auspicious air is steaming.

"Fei'er, you said that a fairy artifact appeared in Cloud Piercer City?"

"There are still Void King Realm cultivators?"

The suzerain's face became gloomy, the influence of the fairy artifact is huge, if this happens, the other four sects will definitely send people!

"Look, this is the top-grade magic weapon, the soft armor. It was cut apart, and it even hurt my right waist. It cannot be done without a fairy weapon!"

Qing Yunfei was afraid for a while!

If Su Chen's cultivation base was higher and his strength was stronger, with one strike, he might be split into two!

"No hurry, I'll send someone to observe secretly!"

"Go and get busy on the list of immortals first! Remember, you must try your best to kill the disciples of the other four sects!"

"Five Spirits Academy has secrets, and that can only belong to our Qingyun Sect!"

The suzerain smiled wryly. He is a student who walked out of the Wuling Academy. It is impossible for him to do it himself and dig deep into the Wuling Academy!


Qing Yunfei chuckled, and went down to get ready!

At this time, under the leadership of Protector Xie, Su Chen and his party left Cloud Piercing City!

"Su Chen, is your injury healed?"

"Don't say you are an unbeatable Xiaoqiang!"

Leng Cangyue moved closer to Su Chen's side and joked.

For some reason, she has an inexplicable feeling towards Su Chen recently, as if there is something about Su Chen that attracts her heart!

"Fairy Leng, it doesn't matter if you get hurt or not. Who told me to have pills? Having pills is self-willed!"

Su Chen chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, 10 third-rank pills for restoring spiritual power fell into Leng Cangyue's hands!

"So generous?"

"You don't mean to love me, do you?"

Leng Cangyue chuckled, and looked at Su Chen with big watery eyes, with a little bit of anticipation!

"Cheap wife, you can't cuckold me!"

Ye Wushuang laughed loudly, and grabbed Leng Cangyue's arm!

"Let's go, we two are talking about business!"

"Cheap wife, he has a fiancée, you want to poach Fairy Murong's corner?"

"Unless you had a baby relative before you were born!"

Ye Wushuang laughed, he wanted to irritate Su Chen and Murong Xue, so that he could see the vital points and weaknesses of the two of them clearly.

However, Su Chen and Murong Xue were surprisingly quiet, and neither of them lost their temper!

For Su Chen, Murong Xue is not disgusted, but has a slight sense of admiration.

Facing the young master of Qingyun Sect, she can still be calm and calm, which really makes Murong Xue look at her with admiration!

"Cheer up and sleep here tonight!"

"Ahead is the black pine forest, where spirit beasts haunt. Tomorrow morning, we will march in a hurry and pass through quickly!"

Xie Hufa had a dignified look. In the black pine forest, the spirit beasts were not the object of his worries, but the remnants of the demon clan were his worries!

"Brother Su Chen, I'm hungry!"

At this moment, Su Yan'er smiled wryly, covered her belly, and looked at Su Chen!

"Thank you, Guardian, I'll look for it and see if there's any wild game!"

With a solemn expression, Su Chen searched for the grass and thorns all around!

In the dark pine forest, three men in black were quietly watching Xie Hufa and his group!

"Hei Lang, the boss told us to guard the direction of Chuanyun City, we are still depressed!"

"Now a herd of fat sheep has come!"

A man in black smiled, his eyes sparkled, and his heart was on fire!

"Of course it's a Void King Realm cultivator, it's a bit tricky, do you want to inform the boss?"

Hei Lang was a little hesitant. After all, the cultivation of the three of them was in the Guizhen Realm, and if they really started to fight, they would inevitably feel resentment!

"Hei Lang, you are so stupid, tell the boss, the fat in your mouth will fly away!" Hei Jiao sneered, "Three superb fairies, the three of us should also eat meat tonight!"

Hei Jiao laughed, black mist billowed, and the whole person looked extremely cold!

"Set it up!"

"As long as the cultivator of the Void King Realm is crippled, the rest of the shrimps will be at hand!"

Panther laughed!

Black Wolf, Black Panther, and Black Flood Dragon are the black-clothed trio in the black pine forest, and they are notoriously ruthless!


An arrow feather dragged a black streamer, piercing the lower abdomen of Guardian Xie!

The demonic energy curled up to cover the sky, and the black mist covered the ground!

"A member of the Demon Race!"

Xie Hufa yelled loudly, and with a flick of his handprint, the arrow feathers coming towards his face were slapped into fly ash!


Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, dust was flying, and the sky was filled with thick mist!

The pungent taste makes people retch!


Xie Hufa was shocked, his Void King Realm cultivation was soaring, and he wanted to force out the poisonous mist that had been sucked into his body!

In an instant, Protector Xie's face turned dark!

The kung fu is running, the spiritual power is surging, and the poisonous mist has merged into the eight extraordinary meridians in an instant, and finally merged into the dantian!

A layer of black viscous substance emerged spontaneously, completely sealing his dantian!

"Everyone retreat quickly, as long as you retreat behind the small river, the demons will not dare to take a step!"

Xie Hufa pointed to the small river not far away and urged!

However, as soon as he finished speaking, three men in black surrounded him!

"The protector of Wuling Academy?"

"You can go, they, all stay!"

The black panther smiled, with green lights in his eyes, as if he couldn't wait!

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