I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 18 Taking The Fairy Hostage

"People from the Demon Race?"

"Sure enough, you don't give up, and you still have the idea of ​​​​Tianyu Continent, but these people are going to Wuling Academy to participate in the competition for the list of immortals!"

"If you dare to move them, there will be another fierce battle between Tianyu Continent and the Demon Race, and the three of you are the fuse!"

Xie Hufa smiled wryly, and worked hard to practice the exercises, but his dantian was as solid as a rock, and he couldn't lift a trace of spiritual power at all!

"Don't bother, this is the elixir of our demons, Tianying Mahuasan!"

"For those who are poisoned, their dantian is closed, their spiritual power is gone, and their whole body is numb. So what if you are a Void King Realm cultivator? Haven't you become a prisoner?"

"Hei Lang, who has the tightest mouth? Tell him to shut up!"

The black panther chuckled, as if he had sentenced Hufa Xie to death!

"and many more!"

In the crowd, Su Chen stood up slowly and patted the dust on his buttocks. Just now, he fell to the ground just like everyone else, and his buttocks went numb for a while!

"Boy, if you want to die, I will send you on your way first!"

Hei Lang gave Su Chen a vicious look.


"Hehe, who wants to die if they can live?"

Su Chen laughed at himself.

"Thank you, Protector, a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, you go, we stay, and take good care of the three of them, after all, they don't want to make matters worse, we just take what we need from each other!"

What Su Chen said made everyone puzzled!

"Boy, you are very courageous, and everyone takes what they need?"

"That's right, these three fairies are going to bed tonight. As for you, what can you get from us?"

Hei Lang smiled, eyes full of contempt.

"Hei Lang, what he said is obvious, he just wants to watch a live broadcast. Let them do it!"

Black Panther smiled even more!

"Oh, it turns out that what you need is live broadcasting, I'll fulfill you!"

Hei Jiao laughed loudly, his eyes were shining brightly, and the green light was almost a foot long!

"Brother Su Chen, I...I'm afraid..."

Su Yan'er crawled to Su Chen's feet, her little hands firmly grasping Su Chen's trouser legs, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes!

At the scene, only Xie Hufa knew that Su Chen was the one most likely to flop!

Su Chen is everyone's hope!

Leng Cangyue's face was pale, and there was a trace of tension in her heart.

As for Murong Xue, no one knew what was going on in her mind, she was still calm and unaffected by favor or insult, half-sitting quietly on the dead branches and fallen leaves.

The rest of the group of men, their faces were ashen, their hearts felt tense!

"and many more!"

Seeing the black wolf stretch out his salty pig's hand towards Leng Cangyue, Su Chen shouted loudly.

"Boy, don't worry, the live broadcast is over, and you also give me a live broadcast, otherwise, I will put you to death."

Black Wolf laughed.

"Wait, I have something for you!"

Su Chen was not surprised, and took out 20 third-grade elixir with his hands, and the mist steamed up, surprising everyone!

"Just want to buy them for 20 third-grade panacea?"

"Okay, I'll accept it first, and let her go!"

The black wolf laughed, and came to Su Chen in a flash, his bronze palm grabbed the pill in Su Chen's hand!


A sword light burst out without warning!

Immediately afterwards, a large head flew flying, and the bright red blood sprayed three feet high!

The smell of blood is so strong that it makes people retch!

The void trembled, flames rose, and Hei Lang's headless corpse burned in the blink of an eye...

Momo black smoke, straight to the sky.

A little bit of golden light reflects the Baili Road!

Su Chen made it in one go, the fairy sword disappeared in a flash, so fast that no one could see it clearly, only saw the head flying and the flames burning the corpse!

"I wipe..."

"You... your spiritual power has not been sealed?"

The Black Panther and the Black Flood Dragon showed shocking expressions, their cultivations in the Realm of Return to Reality were soaring, they were enveloped in coercion, and pressed towards Su Chen!

"It's just rubbish medicine, it's useless to me!"

Su Chen chuckled, he practiced without relying on his dantian.

The fire spirit power gushes out from the heart and travels through the whole body. The poison scattered by Naying Twist is burned up in an instant!

"go to hell!"

The black panther roared furiously, palm prints clattered, like a Mount Tai mountain pressing down on the top, directly hitting Su Chen's Tianling Gai!

Hei Jiao waved his hand, and the sword energy gushed out, piercing Su Chen's lower abdomen!


At the critical moment, Su Chen suddenly detonated 20 third-grade elixirs!

In an instant, black clouds billowed to cover the sky, and the gray mist covered the ground!

Endless dust billowed, and under the drowsy evening, everyone could no longer see Su Chen's figure clearly!

Su Chen knew that no matter how many third-grade elixirs exploded, it would not help, and it would not hurt the return to true realm cultivator at all, and Qing Yunfei was an example!

That sword did not cut Qing Yunfei in half, which made Su Chen very puzzled and shocked.

Just now, he observed carefully, found the right moment, and struck Hei Lang's neck with a sword. The effect was so obvious!

Under the cover of darkness and dust, Su Chen successfully avoided the attack of the duo of black panthers!

With a big hand, I grabbed a handful of pine needles on the spot!

One turned around and rose from the ground.

"Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!"

In an instant, the pine needles that had been infused with pure spiritual power turned into a hidden weapon made of refined steel, piercing through the void with a swishing swish, piercing the two black panthers straight!

After all, the two are cultivators of the Realm of Returning to the True Realm, and a layer of body protection enchantment rose up, easily resisting the pine needles!

"Boy, you are so ruthless, 20 third-grade elixir, just exploded like this!"

Black Panther felt a pain in the flesh!

The two of them didn't have the same potassium clothes as Qing Yunfei, so the explosion spread, and they suffered more or less flesh injuries!

His face was painted, and his clothes became strips of cloth!


With a palm of Su Chen's hand, another pill appeared!

This time, there are a full 40 pieces!

"Fuck me, are you a pharmacist?"

"It's impossible for a pharmacist to be so wasteful!"

Black Panther and Hei Jiao were overwhelmed, and retreated decisively, away from Su Chen!

"That's why you're afraid?"

"Where's your guts?"

Su Chen sneered.

For a split second, Hei Bao and Hei Lang looked at each other, and they arrested Leng Cangyue and Murong Xue one by one!

"Su Chen, save me..."

Leng Cangyue shouted.

Murong Xue opened her mouth, but finally shut up decisively!

"Boy, hand over all the pills!"

"Otherwise, I don't mind the fairy dying!"

Black Panther threatened.

"Thank you, Guardian, can you still go?"

Su Chen asked.

"I can't break up!"

Xie Hufa smiled wryly!

"Take Su Yan'er and these men and leave! Leave this place to me!"

Su Chen is very serious, if Murong Xue is caught, he doesn't feel any guilt, it doesn't matter whether he saves her or not!

But Su Chen didn't know why he also had an inexplicable feeling towards Leng Cangyue, as if something attracted his mind!

"Blood python, it must be a blood python!"

Su Chen muttered in his heart!

He ate the meat of the blood python, drank the blood of the blood python, and even ate its inner alchemy.

And Leng Cangyue also ate the meat of the blood python!

Perhaps in the dark, the two of them had a sympathy, a sympathy!

"Boy, do you want to play Hero Save the Beauty?"

The black panther sneered, and pressed a dagger on Leng Cangyue's neck!

"Su Chen..."

Leng Cangyue's face turned pale with fright!

"Don't get excited, I'll give you the pill..."

Su Chen threw out 100 third-grade elixirs in one go!

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