I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 19 Immortal Artifacts Teng Teng Playing Prestige

"100 third-grade panacea?"

"Are you sure this is all your belongings?"

Black Panther was a little puzzled, he didn't think Su Chen was so generous, there would be nothing left!


Su Chen spread his hands and smiled nonchalantly, as if these 100 pieces of third-grade elixir were just gravel, throwing it away would be harmless!

"Where is the space treasure, throw it here!"

The black panther said with a gloomy expression. At the same time, the demon energy in his palm was rippling, and a poisonous needle was condensed.

"There is no space treasure!"

"Little Cloud Piercing City, a place where birds don't shit, where do you get space treasures?"

Su Chen refused, without changing his face.

"Are you sure?"

The black panther's arm squeezed hard, making Murong Xue's face pale and her whole body twitching!

Even though Murong Xue was about to suffocate, she didn't ask Su Chen for help, but her face was very calm, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth!

"Dont look at me!"

"I didn't even kill her!"

"Since you want to kill them, just kill them both. It won't affect me at all!"

Su Chen waved his hand, and took pictures from the air, and the third-grade panacea that was thrown on the ground was caught in his hands again!

"Black Panther, we..."

Hei Jiao was speechless, the hostage in his hand was a bargaining chip to threaten Su Chen, the hostage was useless, he really couldn't figure out how to take down Su Chen, how to take away the massive elixir!

Seeing Su Chen turn around and decide to leave, the two of them were stunned!

"Su Chen..."


Leng Cangyue shouted, feeling a sense of loss in her heart!

"Cang Yue, the flesh and blood of the blood python is extremely cloudy and cold, it has already had the chance to transform into a dragon and go west, but unfortunately, it was born at an untimely time, and died inexplicably!"

"Eating its meat will make it invulnerable to a certain extent!"

Leaving one word, Su Chen will walk away!

The two black panthers were confused.

Leng Cangyue was extremely shocked!

"How did Su Chen know that I ate the meat of the blood python?"

"Could it be that Su Xuan told him?"

Leng Cangyue murmured in her heart.

"Immune to all poisons?"

"So I'm not poisoned?"

Thinking in her heart, Leng Cangyue began to operate the exercises, and sure enough, the black mist that sealed her dantian had dissipated, and her spiritual power was also very smooth!

"Boy, do you think you can still go?"

"Keep the pill obediently, save your life!"

The black panther yelled loudly, threw Murong Xue aside, flew across the sky, and at the same time came up with a trick of the goddess scattering flowers!

A large handful of poisonous needles, mixed with black mist, stabbed towards Su Chen's back!

Su Chen rolled on the spot, avoiding the flying poisonous needle!

"I have never been threatened, let alone suffer!"

"If you force me to take action again, that ball of ashes will be the fate of both of you!"

Su Chen pointed to the black wolf that had been burned to ashes, and chuckled lightly!

As long as Black Panther wants to die, just give him a sword!

Su Chen now understands that Qing Yunfei is not afraid of the fairy sword, but has a defensive treasure!

The two black panthers in front of them were both ashamed and disgraced under the explosion of the panacea, which is enough to show that their equipment is not good!

"Boy, do you want to leave after killing someone?"

"Is there still room for reasoning in the world?"

Hei Jiao let go of Leng Cangyue, his eyes were full of murderous intent!

Su Chen must be taken down tonight!

However, Su Chen didn't play cards according to common sense, and would explode his own magic pill every now and then, which made the two of them dare not get close for a while!

"Cang Yue, do it!"

Suddenly, Su Chen shouted!

Leng Cangyue understood, an ordinary long sword suddenly shot out, unexpectedly, a sword pierced into the back of the black flood dragon!


Hei Jiao turned around, and the long sword broke!

A palm to Leng Cangyue!

Only then did Hei Jiao realize that his palm strength was vain and there was no fluctuation of spiritual power!


"You ruined my dantian?"

"I am going to kill you!"

Hei Jiao went crazy, he didn't care about the pain in his abdomen, he let the broken sword remain in his stomach, he was like a crazy gorilla, and rushed towards Leng Cangyue!

However, Leng Cangyue flew away and landed beside Murong!

"Xue'er, we are invulnerable to all poisons, come, let's kill the enemy together!"

How clever Murong Xue is, she instantly understood what Leng Cangyue meant!

After receiving the long sword handed over by Cang Yue, her aura rose instantly, as if nothing happened!

However, everyone didn't know that Murong Xue had already detoxified at this time, and when the sixth-grade detoxification elixir entered her belly, she had already surged with spiritual power!

She knows that it is better to ask for others than to ask for oneself.

On the day she stepped into Qing Yunzong, she prepared enough healing and detoxification pills for herself, and they were all sixth grade!

"You...you are not afraid of the poison of my demons?"

Black Panther suits up!

At this moment, he finally understood what it means to steal chickens without losing money!

"The dead are the strictest. Only when you are dead will there be no reinforcements!"

Su Chen sent back the original words and slapped her face hard!

"good very good!"

Panther is angry!

The cultivation base of Returning to the True Realm is soaring, and it explodes completely!


With a magical howl, the black panther seemed to transform!

In the blink of an eye, the black panther was like a gorilla, with a height of three feet and a waist like a bucket of millstone. He waved his palm as big as a millstone and slapped Su Chen!

At this moment, Su Chen didn't back down. Seeing the palm enlarge in his eyes, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth!


Suddenly, Su Chen moved, and a long sword shot out, bringing up a long sword light, the palm that was slapped broke in the blink of an eye, and the blood rained...


The panther is in pain, hysterical!

"Go to hell!"

With a loud shout, the immortal sword flew like a shuttle, and with a swipe of the sword, the black panther was split in half!

The blood was pouring into the sky, dyeing Yuyu red!

"Su Chen..."

Leng Cangyue was taken aback!

Murong Xue was also moved, when had she seen such a bloody scene!

"Su Chen, thank you!"

Murong Xue's rare utterance, her tone was indescribably cold!

"Cang Yue, there is another fish that slipped through the net!"

Ignoring Murong Xue, Su Chen pointed to the black dragon that was frozen in place!

"Haha, I'm coming!"

"I have long been displeased with the people of the Demon Race!"

With a loud shout, Xie Hufa walked past!

With a slap, his spiritual power surged, and he slapped the black flood dragon into mud!

"So fierce?"

Su Chen smiled wryly.

"You're good too!"

"Your sword seems unusual, lend me a look!"

Hufa Xie chuckled, revealing a look of longing and curiosity!

Under normal circumstances, with a single strike, it is impossible to break even the protective barrier of the return to the true realm practitioners, let alone kill them!

Of course, Leng Cangyue's sword, the most important thing is that it was unexpected, and the most important thing is that the black flood dragon didn't have the slightest defense!

"Don't show it!"

Su Chen smiled mysteriously, and walked towards the black pine forest. Su Xuan and the others haven't detoxified yet!

"I didn't guess wrong, it should be a fairy weapon! The last time it will be a top-grade spiritual weapon!"

Xie Hufa smiled.

"If you dare to make a mistake, I don't mind giving you a sword!"

Su Chen looked back and smiled, it was calm and calm, and he didn't mean to be joking at all!

"You think too much. Compared with fairy artifacts, your value is the most important. Let's go, let's light a bonfire and have a party!"

Xie Hufa smiled, and no longer entangled in the matter of immortal artifacts!

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